
DDS needs to save money

The Chief Financial Officer of the DDS, The Shiner, has said that the DDS needs to bring its finances back into order after the massive expenditure of the last few years including the war. The Shiner has identified some 7 billion zarks in savings that can and must be made over the next five years and a start has been made with the Departmental Fleet cutbacks which will save around 215 million zarks.

Sales of surplus ships (i.e. the Kalahati Tuuls) will bring in around 200 million, withdrawing the Pulsars in 2111 instead of 2112 as originally planned will save over a 100 million in maintenance and running costs. However these are small figures and the DDS are going to have to make some tough decisions over the next couple of years. It is likely that the Chrysalis future cruiser project is finished (AP is not a fan of it anyway) and the Corkscrew future frigate programme may be delayed for a year or the DDS may try and persuade the Remedians to buy the first 6 Corkscrew sloops from 2114 to replace their RCPP fleet.

Finance is also likely to drive the New DDS Army review with it being likely the army will not expand beyond its current size. The DDS Air Force is also likely to cut back on some programmes though NDAA is safe.

The Shiner said that major projects like the DDS Communications upgrade still need to go ahead and will cost billions in the years to come, this meant that extra savings would have to be made elsewhere. New income streams would also be needed to developed in order to "broaden" the financial base of the DDS away from UNP sources. It is expected that the DDS will renew its exports drive in the Summer and seek to capitalise on a more insecure galaxy.

  • The HCS have declined an invitation to take part in the Atomic Fist exercise with the DDS. Instead they are planning their own exercise near Teriatri 7 which is the CSE planet nearest Tarbotian space.
  • The UNP have revised their Star Map to reflect recent massive geopolitical changes. The ABBOs are considered to no longer exist in any coherent political form and much of their territory has been switched to the Tarbot Empire. Until the UNP knows that the Tarbotians have renamed former ABBO worlds they have annexed the UNP is continuing to use the old ABBO names.