
DDSAF outlines 1.1 billion in cuts

The DDS Air Force has outlined how it will cut 1.1 billion zarks from their budget over the next 5 years as part of the DDS' efforts to save money. Much of the money will be saved through reduced aircraft procurement though 290 million zarks will be saved by rationalisation of some base facilities.

Only one programme the New Attack Helicopter has been cancelled outright, in most other cases numbers to be procured have been reduced or delayed (though in one case numbers actually rise).
  • F-10S - outstanding order reduced to 44, leaving eventual fleet of 108. An update planned for 2114 has been put back a year.
  • A-85 and K-18D procurements unchanged (in the latter case almost complete anyway). NDAA is also unaffected.
  • LLAD - number to be procured cut to 120 from 220 (7 are in service at present)
  • MQ-18 - stealth attack drone likely to be put back 2 years
  • Halogen - order of these ex-HCSAF helicopters reduced to 153 of which 93 are currently in service.
  • C-440 - order reduced to 38, 26 in service currently
  • C-485 - order increased to 25
AP said that saving money was not the only motivation for these cuts, changes to DDS military policy including having a smaller army than originally planned meant that the air force would also not need to be as large.