
Your Word
AP and Windy meet.


DDS scientist kidnapped by Tarbotians?

UNP news agencies are reporting that Professor Collins, the noted transphasic expert and an associate of DDS Research has been kidnapped while on a space liner cruise. His cruise ship was attacked by unidentified assailants near Saeou while on a trip from Proxima Centauri to Starbot.

This is not a random kidnapping as it is rumoured the attackers teleported Collins off the ship having gained access to his DNA code in order to identify him remotely. Unconfirmed reports state the attackers ship was seen heading to Tarbotian space which indicates they could be behind the kidnap.
  • The Tarbotians have connected 3 former ABBO planets to their information grid, these being ABBO planets with atmospheres. The Tarbotians have also provided a public access node so outsiders can pick up Tarbotian information broadcasts. The DDS, DTA and HCS are likely to quickly set up links to this node to enable soft intelligence gathering.


More Than He Actually Is
What are the Tarbotians up to now?


DTA agree to Artic

The DTA have said they agree in principal to the Articans joining them and a team of DTA negotiators will arrive on the planet next week to begin formal talks. Meanwhile the UNP have said that a planet cannot be in the UNP and DTA and Artic will have to give up its UNP membership.

There is speculation that Artic could be the home of a transplanted Dino base from Loeuss. The DDS are pressurising the Remedians to terminate the Dinos' lease on the base they have on Loeuss since the Utrek War. One DTA source says that the Dinos will transplant the base to Artic if that happens. Another source says the Dinos might give up on the Loeuss base anyway as its strategic importance has lessened over the last few years.


Tethys Ocean begins trials

The lead ship of the new Tethys Ocean 65A support carrier has begun final space trials ahead of an expected entry into service next month. The ship, which is based on the SUP, will be the final piece in the amphibious operations jigsaw according to DDS sources. Able to carry a large number of shuttles and drones the two Tethys Ocean ships will act as hubs for amphibious operations and also be command ships for major landing deployments.

The Tethys Oceans will have the most extensive communications and info-war capabilities yet in the DDS fleet which has caused some to speculate if the ships will take over from the Missileers as the fleet flagships.

A secondary use for the ships will be as primary casualty receiving ships with extensive triage and emergency medical facilities.


DTA mount amphibious landing exercise

The DTA has begun its first major military exercise since being formed though most of the military being used is Dino. The exercise, known as "X Landing 1", includes some 35 Dino ships, 5 of them SX-98 landing ships, and 3 Sirikwanese escorts. In the first landing of the exercise 2 Dino and 1 Aritan brigades were landed on a secured site on Sirikwan. SS-D forces securing the site with help from Sirikwanese and Aritan special forces.

Language problems are understood to have been encountered with insufficient translation devices being available though a source close to the Dinos says that the Dinos are not unhappy about this as it is in adversity that important problems are found and can be dealt with.

Wayne King-Meiouf : Interview with DDS Commander AP

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

WKM : Commander AP, thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule. You are coming to the end of your first month in charge as commander proper, how do you think it has gone?

AP : Well of course i was in acting charge so i didn't need to find out where the toilets were or where to hang my pumps but there have been challenges. As acting commander i had to maintain existing policies, now i have to formulate my own policies and take the DDS forward according to my strategic vision.

WKM : Which is?

AP : The DDS must integrate much tighter with the UNP, it must absorb the other militaries of the UNP (though these can and should remain separate) but we must all work together in the interest of the UNP.

WKM : What about external alliances? You have lost the Aritans and now the Articans too it seems, though have gained the Porquatians.

AP : Yes we are very glad to have the Porquatians on board. They will prove very useful allies. It is a shame some of our weaker allies have left but i wish them well but they should be warned that the DDS will not come to their aid anymore. They, by aligning with the DTA, are now potential enemies.

WKM : You see the DTA as enemies now?

AP : It would be foolish to stand by and let the Dinos build this ersatz DDS without being mindful that they may one day become an enemy. They are already a competitor and some of their strategic aims may conflict with our own. We are watching the DTA closely.

WKM : What about the Dino base on Loeuss? It is rumoured that the DDS want the Dinos to leave the planet though the Remedians are keen to keep it.

AP : Yes i want that base closed. We won't be played for schmucks, that base is in a strategic position for potential DTA operations in future against the DDS. I have told the Remedians that the DDS will replace the Dinos on that planet when the former leave.

WKM : The readers will be surprised to hear your strong and combative language against the DTA. We assume the Tarbotians are number 1 concern for the DDS, but is it actually the DTA?

AP : We have "concerns" in a number of areas. Naturally strategically the Tarbotians are the biggest threat but the DDS will not be slack under my watch pal and let other enemies get stronger while we are totally occupied elsewhere.


Artic apply to join DTA

Artic has contacted the Dinos and has said it wishes to enter formal talks about an entry into the Dino Trade Association. Although Artic isn't a rich planet or very powerful (indeed their only warship has just been sold to the Aritans) this is huge news as Artic is a human colony. "Humans in the DTA could be a game changer." said a UNP source, "Quite a few planets on the UNP fringe are known to be unhappy at DDS concentration on the core worlds. Maybe they will also look to the DTA as well?"

Artic has always been different however and DDS sources say such a move is not totally surprising. Artic was formed by a breakaway group of colonists from Proxima Centauri some 45 years ago and though they joined the UNP they have always kept the organisation at arms length. Their only reasonably close ally is New Arit and when the Aritans joined the DTA it was thought a possibility Artic would follow suit. The Dinos have yet to reply to the Articans request.
  • The Crusader has returned to the DDS. The former ship commander is understood to have left his former Christian organisation and wishes to resume DDS duties. AP welcomed The Crusader back and said once he had undertaken a refresher course he would be given a command.


DDS begin trials of anti-matter weapons

Some years ago the DDS got their hands on Vosun-Voth anti-matter weapon technology. Although the explosive yields are not any higher than existing DDS transplasic warheads (and indeed a bit less) anti-matter weapons (which actually use a pseudo-anti-matter compound known as kelerium) have a much higher spread of impact which can overload an area of a ship's shields and also cause sensor overloads.

Two Panther 35A destroyers have been fitted out with an experimental anti-matter cannon, known as the AA Spray. It is hoped that if the trial is successful then the cannons will be rolled out to the rest of the fleet over the next couple of years. An anti-matter warhead for the TPM-2 and MRM is also in development.
  • The HCS are beefing up their military presence on the border world of Paragon (which up until now has been mostly known as a stopping point for ships travelling between the two halves of the empire). Its not known why the Clones are building a new army base and upgrading the orbital facilities. The nearest non-empire planet to Paragon is Vega but no one sane would want to invade the Vegans.


Ringtone Of Doom
The Aritan mystery deepens.

Remedians to buy Corkscrew

The Remedians have placed an order for the first 5 Corkscrew sloops to be built from 2113 to replace their Perimpaz 39A (KT2) fleet. These ships were due to last until 2120 but recent surveys have reported that the ships are ageing faster than previously thought and would require an extensive rebuilding around 2113-4 in order to keep operating. The Remedians have thus decided instead to replace the ships with the new DDS escort type by the end of 2114. A planned fleet normalisation upgrade (half of the fleet are KT2Ns) has also been cancelled.

Original plans were for Corkscrew to begin construction in 2114 though the Remedians say they need at least 2 by 2113. This should not be a problem according to DDS Engineering who say the design work is mostly done and the 2114 target was mostly for cost reasons. The Remedians will buy the first 5 Corkscrews to be produced in 2113 and 2114. The Starbotians' 6 Corkscrews will be the ships produced in 2115 and 2116. It thus will not be until 2117 when the DDS will have to start buying the sloops unless they can persuade other allies to buy some too, which is a possibility.
  • The HCS have disbanded 3 transport regiments as part of efforts to save 120 million zarks. The HCS Army budget is flat this year though cost savings are going to facilitate a "virtual increase" according to a HCS spokesclone mysteriously.
  • 2 Coril 86B shuttles have joined the DDS fleet after being loaned to the Remedians for undisclosed purposes since construction last year. A582 Horsehead and A583 Truman have now been officially commissioned.


Starbot to expand their fleet

Starbot has announced a 6.4 billion zark fleet expansion and improvement programme. Starbotian leader S101 said the fleet improvement would help the Starbotians better play their "role as one of the core members of the DDS alliance". The most notable part of their order is for 6 of the forthcoming Corkscrew sloops. It is thought this will further help the DDS save money by offsetting their own Corkscrew procurements until well into batch 2. The Starbotians have ruled out buying their own amphibious warfare ships saying their land forces will be deployed using the AWS.

  • A second Independence 35B destroyer has been ordered on top of the one already due for 2112.
  • 2 more Freedom 41B frigates have been ordered
  • 6 Corkscrew sloops have been ordered
  • The Ferret-G fleet will be increased to 450
  • All ships will receive IWC, TPM-2 updates and other improvements

Operation Atomic Fist 2111

The DDS have announced this year's strategic strike exercise, Atomic Fist 2111, which will take place in unclaimed territory near to the new Tarbot border and the planet of Oratai which has allowed the DDS to use a planetoid in their space for one of the "attacks". A team of Oratai Military officers will attend as observers on the DDS flagship. The exercise, which will begin at the end of next week, is expected to be the Pulsar 12A's "last hurrah".

The ships to be deployed are provisionally given below. Three Porquatian ships will also join as escorts.

R108 Yeoman (flagship)
C103 South America
C108 Europa
C109 Antarctic
C128 Baryon
D153 Progress
F101 Cambrian
K104 Pompey
K113 Sulla
A157 Methane


Spiral Down
The plot thickens for Malanson.


Bolitic Confederacy splitting up?

There is a possibility the Bolitic Confederacy could be moving towards splitting up following a meeting held by Baron Erinthorn and 7 other House heads who are based away from Castarian, mostly on Relia Magnus. Erinthorn and his fellow Barons said they were not interested in the civil war raging on the capital planet. More importantly they signed a treaty known as the Treaty Of Smolask (as that is where the summit was held) which states the 8 Houses plus 27 smaller satellite Houses will no longer be bound by Castarian law but instead will form their own law which "better suits our location on the edge of the empire".

Erinthorn and the others stopped short of saying they were leaving the Bolitic however as this would be difficult at present, for one virtually no ship-building or major armaments production facilities are on their worlds though Erinthorn said a new Meltinan production line would be established soon.

Our Dino correspondent Dralson says "This is an unprecendented move and really indicative of the major changes that have taken place in the Bolitic Confederacy over the last few years. Depending on how the civil war pans out and who comes out on top (and that seems to be a long way from being resolved) then i think we could genuinely see a breakaway region by the end of the year."


Prowlers conduct space combat exercise

Four Prowler units are understood to have undertaken a 3 day exercise in Remedian space with the help of a RCPP ship which acted as an "enemy vessel". In the exercise the Prowlers entered the Remedian ship via its exterior following a space walk from a special forces transport. Secured the ship's teleport system and then beamed in reinforcements. The Prowlers then completed their take-over of the RCPP ship (fellow Prowlers acted as the "enemy").

AP is keen to up-skill the Prowler special forces which proved their worth in the ABBO War though there were gaps found in their training which this and recent marine training will help to fill. The number of Prowler units will also be increased. The actual number is kept a secret by the DDS but is thought to be currently around 12. It is thought AP wants 16 units though some will be given a greater specialisation and will be dedicated to various theatres (such as space exterior and marine).
  • Zeppelin has announced a number of changes to the New DDS Army. The 3rd and Reserve Divisions have been merged to form the army's reserve. Some brigades have also been reassigned to the 1st and 2nd Divisions to strengthen them. The new order of battle can be seen here. Zeppelin said that the 1st Division would be used on amphibious and expeditionary operations with the 2nd Division dedicated to defending GHQ and other core facilities. No more new units will be formed for the time being though a number of units are still be declared operational.
  • The Dinos have never used (or indeed needed) fleet resupply ships until now as they tended to not operate far from home bases. However changes in strategy and the rise of the DTA is changing that. The Dinos have begun work on a resupply/oiler version of its Dinomark MX transport. The Dinos are understood to have also looked into purchasing Extender-Es from the DDS as they are already a Provider-E user though in the end decided using the MX was a better option.


iP Services
From the ashes of Windy Massive...


HCS View : All aboard the Kelsan KS

General Garendin, former commander of the HCS 140th Infantry Brigade and current adviser to the HCS Future Strategy Committee

Last week i was fortunate enough to be part of a group of HCS advisers invited aboard CSS Korlaya, a Kelsan KS bomber. This is the newest type of warship to enter service with the HCS Space Navy and was designed and built in an amazingly short space of time as an answer to the DDS' space bombers.

The Kelsan is a fairly simple design in essence. Indeed the HCS designers used an abandoned cargo ship design as their starting point. The Kelsan was intended to be quick to design, build and deploy. It is basically a flying tube with weapons at one end and an engine at the other. Despite all of this the Kelsan is a remarkably good ship.

Although an army man i have spent some time on space on a mixture of ships ranging from the sturdy and reliable Cosmos to the downright scary Kalahati Tuul B. The Kelsan just feels right, its not designed for space combat of course which means that rapid accelerations and evasive manouvers did not have to be factored into the design. Thus the designers could concentrate on refining the simple basics and thus the Kelsan is a ship where the toilets work and ceilings do not randomly collapse on your head (KT crews will know what i mean!)

We are just the start of the Kelsan story of course, the weapon it was designed for the CSM-S has yet to be even tested but already the basic solidity of the platform has seen the Kelsan used on missions beyond those originally intended. I am sure that the Kelsan will go down in the annals of the HCS as one of the best weapons we have ever had.

Aritans order Dinomarks

The Aritans have placed an order for 10 new Dinomark XTs and 4 Dinomark MX transports. These new ships, funded by the loan from the Dinos, will be added to the 4 ex-Dino XTs already on order for the Aritan fleet. The Aritans said that over the next 5 years their fleet would be restored and would be far stronger than ever before. "We will pull our weight in the DTA."

It was also reported the Aritans are in final talks with the DDS for the purchase of 7 Kalahati Tuuls. The Aritans also want 4 River class transports though the DDS have yet to define an export version of this type.

The Aritans also confirmed the Extender-E would be outfitted for command operations and become the "hub" of Aritan space operations. The Aritan's Pentekonter-E would also receive a tactical upgrade (unspecified) and would be the dedicated escort for the Extender when operating as the flagship.
  • The DDS' 3 Pelican 47W special forces transports have been used for the first time in a joint-operation between the DDS and the Proxima 7 Navy. The underwater capable XTs supported a submarine exercise and deployed one of the Prowler units trained in marine operations.

Fleet News (15/03/11)

  • D118 Royal Tiger has entered service, the final Panther 35A destroyer to be built. Attention will now switch totally to the follow-on Type 35B.
  • F178 Faithful is the latest Freedom 41B frigate to be completed. This and the Panther complete the 2110/11 Ship Building Plan (Modified).
  • T106 Mira has left service, it is one of the two Starsystem 91X training ships to leave service. It will remain in a reserve status for at least 6 months, being able to return to service within 2 weeks.


Dino View : Interview with MBH

Senator MBH, one of the key architects of the DTA, was kind enough to grant our Dino correspondent Dralson the following interview.

Dralson : Senator, thank you for taking the time to speak to me. With the breakneck speed with which the DTA is evolving finding time on your schedule must be a very difficult activity.

MBH : Indeed though it is a project that will be ongoing for decades to come. Actually Ronald and I think it will be at least 5 years before the DTA is operating as anything other than the Dinos and their friends.

DR : What exactly are your plans for the DTA? Some have said this is Ronald's DDS 2.0.

MB : That is quite misleading. Ronald started the DDS to combat the Clones and that was the DDS' prime purpose. He even planned to disband the DDS once the Clones were defeated. of course after Ronald was usurped then the DDS have evolved into something else. The DTA is an alliance of the Dinos and like-minded nations for mutual defence and commercial benefit.

DR : Apart from Sirikwan the DTA members you have bought in have been so-far rather weak. Is this a problem?

MB : The DTA should be seen as a medium-term investment. OK we have to prop up the Aritans, Voth and Yengites for now but with our investment and help they will become much stronger and will pull their weight in the DTA before too long.

DR : Part of that investment is the 1 billion zarks to the Aritans. Consul Jimmy has said the Dinos are frittering away whats left of its cash stockpile on unreliable allies.

MB : Well Jimmy is a critic of the DTA but he is wrong about us frittering away our money. The DDS always kept the Aritans on a drip feed, we have decided to trust them with a proper investment instead of the occaisional cast off. In any case at least half of that money will be to buy Dinomark XTs and MXs so it will be recycled in our own economy.

DR : Jimmy's comments were the first real opposition to the DTA, and rather mild in any case. Are you surprised that the formation of the DTA has gone through so smoothly?

MB : No because Ronald and I want it and are driving it. I don't wish to sound conceited as you know i am very modest usually but Ronny and I call the shots in the Dino Republic in reality.

DR : To me the biggest surprise of the DTA has been the alliance between yourself and Ronald, a very short time ago you were at each other's throats and now seem best friends. What has happened?

MB : We still hate each other but we also respect each other. Ronald knows that only I can be considered his equal in the Dino Republic. Lets face it, much of the rest of the governing class consists of mediocre journeymen like Jimmy or yes-men like Gibson (who often says yes i understand). Apart from maybe Cruggson there isn't a lot else in the Senate who could lead the Dinos with vision and courage as myself and Ronald can. The DTA will strengthen the Dinos over the longer run and maybe enable a new generation to one day take over but for now we call the shots and we want the DTA. So it will happen.


Aritans to turn Extender into flagship

The Aritans have outlined plans to turn their sole Extender-E oiler into the flagship of their fleet. The ship will be outfitted with a full command and control suite as part of their fleet upgrade plan as facilitated by the Dino loan of 1 billion zarks. The Extender will be used at the centre of their operations providing C3 for Aritan operations.

The Extender will also be fitted with a full TPM-1 launcher and other upgraded particle weapons though this will be intended for self-defence. Docking and crew facilities will also be upgraded.


DDS finalise 2111/12 shipbuilding plan

At a meeting of the DDS CENFAC AP confirmed the shipbuilding plan for the next financial year. The plan was much as had been mooted earlier though there are a couple of notable omissions indicating both a change of policy and a desire to save money.

The Triumph 66A is likely to never enter service, the order for 2 Tiamon II carriers from the HCS is not to be proceeded with according to DDS sources. The 6th Marconi 81A EW ship has also been cancelled. The DDS think 5 will be enough.

Although not affecting the plan a couple of ship orders have been reduced as the plans for the Amphibious Warfare Squadron have been cut back. AP gave the reason for this being that the army was not going to be as big thus the AWS didn't need to be as big either. The Oceania 63A order has been cut to 5 and the forthcoming Tethys Ocean 65A support carrier will be a class of 2 not 3.

  • The Aritans have been given a loan of 1 billion zarks by the Dinos for rebuilding their space fleet. Top on the list will be the procurement of around 12 to 14 Kalahati Tuuls from the DDS and HCS. The Aritans could thus end up with a fleet of up to 22 of the ships. They are also likely to buy new XTs to supplement their donated older ships and some transport ships. The Aritans have not ruled out buying DDS.


DDSAF outlines 1.1 billion in cuts

The DDS Air Force has outlined how it will cut 1.1 billion zarks from their budget over the next 5 years as part of the DDS' efforts to save money. Much of the money will be saved through reduced aircraft procurement though 290 million zarks will be saved by rationalisation of some base facilities.

Only one programme the New Attack Helicopter has been cancelled outright, in most other cases numbers to be procured have been reduced or delayed (though in one case numbers actually rise).
  • F-10S - outstanding order reduced to 44, leaving eventual fleet of 108. An update planned for 2114 has been put back a year.
  • A-85 and K-18D procurements unchanged (in the latter case almost complete anyway). NDAA is also unaffected.
  • LLAD - number to be procured cut to 120 from 220 (7 are in service at present)
  • MQ-18 - stealth attack drone likely to be put back 2 years
  • Halogen - order of these ex-HCSAF helicopters reduced to 153 of which 93 are currently in service.
  • C-440 - order reduced to 38, 26 in service currently
  • C-485 - order increased to 25
AP said that saving money was not the only motivation for these cuts, changes to DDS military policy including having a smaller army than originally planned meant that the air force would also not need to be as large.


DDS needs to save money

The Chief Financial Officer of the DDS, The Shiner, has said that the DDS needs to bring its finances back into order after the massive expenditure of the last few years including the war. The Shiner has identified some 7 billion zarks in savings that can and must be made over the next five years and a start has been made with the Departmental Fleet cutbacks which will save around 215 million zarks.

Sales of surplus ships (i.e. the Kalahati Tuuls) will bring in around 200 million, withdrawing the Pulsars in 2111 instead of 2112 as originally planned will save over a 100 million in maintenance and running costs. However these are small figures and the DDS are going to have to make some tough decisions over the next couple of years. It is likely that the Chrysalis future cruiser project is finished (AP is not a fan of it anyway) and the Corkscrew future frigate programme may be delayed for a year or the DDS may try and persuade the Remedians to buy the first 6 Corkscrew sloops from 2114 to replace their RCPP fleet.

Finance is also likely to drive the New DDS Army review with it being likely the army will not expand beyond its current size. The DDS Air Force is also likely to cut back on some programmes though NDAA is safe.

The Shiner said that major projects like the DDS Communications upgrade still need to go ahead and will cost billions in the years to come, this meant that extra savings would have to be made elsewhere. New income streams would also be needed to developed in order to "broaden" the financial base of the DDS away from UNP sources. It is expected that the DDS will renew its exports drive in the Summer and seek to capitalise on a more insecure galaxy.

  • The HCS have declined an invitation to take part in the Atomic Fist exercise with the DDS. Instead they are planning their own exercise near Teriatri 7 which is the CSE planet nearest Tarbotian space.
  • The UNP have revised their Star Map to reflect recent massive geopolitical changes. The ABBOs are considered to no longer exist in any coherent political form and much of their territory has been switched to the Tarbot Empire. Until the UNP knows that the Tarbotians have renamed former ABBO worlds they have annexed the UNP is continuing to use the old ABBO names.


Departmental Fleet to face cuts

AP has announced that the Departmental Fleet is to be reduced in order to save costs and reflecting a changing need for the Department Fleet which handles ship training, research and development duties. The service's 2 Kalahati Tuuls (Experiment 96X) will be sold off along with the rest of the DDS' KTs once a deal has been agreed with the Aritans.

It is thought the Starsystem 91X fleet will also be reduced to 6 as more training is now being carried on on service ships and in simulators nowadays. The 2 withdrawn ships are likely to be cannibalised for spares and maybe the hulls sold to museums. The DDS is committed to keep the Starsystems, which after the withdrawal of the Pulsars soon will become the last remaining pre-Generation 3 major warships in DDS service, to "at least" 2120.

After these withdrawals the Departmental Fleet will consist of 6 Starsystems, the Isometric Prototype and the Alpha Centauri (Helwin). The 2 ex-Departmental Pentekonters, loaned to the main fleet for patrol work, are likely to be made full mine sweepers.


Dino View : What is the XA?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

What exactly is the Dinomark XA? Thats the question that has been on many people's minds since the first rumours of this "new kind" of warship emerged a few weeks ago. Well it is nothing more than the biggest revolution in warfare for a generation.

An extreme view? Maybe but the XA is the culmination of a couple of decades worth of spaceship technology trends. Ships have been getting smaller for a while now. The likes of the DDS often looked at the Dinomarks with bemusement but their latest generations of warships are not much bigger. Now we Dinos ourselves are shrinking our ships again.

Advances in technology and aurtomation means you no longer need vast engine rooms, teams of engineers and other crew to operate a ship. Indeed the typical active crew on a Dinomark is usually 4 at any one time, even on a ship like a DDS Isometric the active watch is 8-10. Now here is the secret. Many of these crewmen are not really needed. Indeed most Dino and DDS warships have been quite happily operated by a single person in normal non-combat operations for some time now.

So the XA will have a crew of 2 or 3 and maybe only 1 of those needs to be there. In a small package the size of a shuttle in most fleets will be packed a worm drive, shields, hyperspace drive, cloak, passive sensors and enough firepower to win a small war. This is where warship design is going. In the future all warships will be this size or smaller with large vessels being troop ships and transports.

The first tests of the XA will be eagerly awaited but its future should be assured. It is the future we have all been working toward and waiting for.

F-45K unveiled

Milestone 3 of the F-45C/K project, now the largest current procurement project in the HCS, has been reached with the unveiling of a modified prototype. It still does not have the mission adaptive wing as the final plane is supposed to have though bench tests are proceeding well according to HCS sources. M3 does have a fuller set of avionics and some aerodynamic changes to bring it closer to the final specification. The F-45C Milestone 4 is due next year with an entry into service planned for 2114.

More interestingly the first prototype of the carrier version of the fighter, the F-45K, has been rolled out as part of M3. This will be the primary equipment of the HCSNAS carrier wing from 2115 onwards (and not a moment too soon considering the small number of old F-40Ns currently filling that role). F-45K M3 is due to make its first flight "before Summer" though a carrier landing will not be made until later in the year.
  • Extender 73A and Provider 71A production will be switching to the SUP-C platform following its successful employment on the Missileer 21B. SUP-C will allow a speed increase up to 700c thanks to a stronger structure, refined hyperspace field and an uprated HS-740-100A engine. The backlog of older SUPs has now been used up and the next completed examples of each ship will be to this new standard.
  • The Onion, the Head of DDS Security, has been put on indefinite medical leave after sustaining serious injuries. How he was injured has not been disclosed but it is rumoured to be the lower part of his anatomy. Redjec has taken up his duties for the meantime.
  • A HCS Kelsan KS bomber was intercepted by a Helinox Pentekonter-E patrol ship near to the planet's outer solar system. It is thought the Kelsan was on a spying mission as it was observed with a large dorsal pod attached which analysts later said was likely to be a Sigint module.
  • The Freighter TYA is set to remain in production for at least 30 years (its currently in it's 21st year of continuous production). An extra 20 have been ordered to replace older ships which will come to the end of their lives over the next 5 years and more ships are likely to be ordered after that. From 2115 production is likely to switch to the Mark 8. The status of the DDS project to rebuild and upgrade some 25 Mark 3 and 4 TYAs is unknown. Any work on the project was delayed by the war and it now seems the HCS may prefer to simply buy new ships. The specialised Type H weapons transport is understood to have been cancelled. It may be the Mark 8 will include some specialised handling equipment for hazardous materials.


UV164 : DTA

  • 18:17 And Waiting - So what did happen to the ABBOs?
  • Compelled To Be Ruthless - SS Isometric delves deeper into ABBO space.
  • Access All Areas - Has the Isometric been discovered?
  • Line Of Death - Can the Isometric get away?
  • The Lots Going Off! - What were the Aritans up to?
  • To The Winner : The Spoils - The fightback begins
From UV165 there will be a number of changes to the format.  Instead of the old 5x8 page stories plus a 4 page mini-story format the books are changing to 7x6 page stories.

DDS, Dino and other faction stories will also be separated apart from where there is natural overlap.

New DDS structure confirmed

Commander AP has confirmed his earlier published provisional command structure with roles for former rivals like Sea Urchin and Knobhead. Underneath AP directly is Redjec the City Commander and The Shiner who is the official Deputy Commander (though in reality Redjec is the true deputy). The Shiner will also continue as Finance Officer and will head the DDS' relations with allies and other powers. Redjec will be in charge of all facilities including security. Redjec is also the operational head of the Hoods though AP is rumoured to be the Grand Wizard.

Sea Urchin is in charge of "Technology" which is a large brief including DDS Engineering, DDS Research and Procurement Services. Knobhead will be in charge of operations and thus is the overall head of the space fleet, army and air force. Finally Hibiscus is in charge of all communications including DDS Communications itself and Media Services.


Isometric returns to DDS space

SS Isometric has returned to DDS space. The commander Caratore has reported that ABBO space is no more and instead the Tarbotians are in the process of annexing it. The Isometric ran into Tarbotian ships a number of times and sustained some damage in the encounters but there were no serious injuries.

The DDS' fear that the Tarbotians are now on the DDS' doorstep (so the speak) has thus been confirmed. Commander AP is understood to have contained both the Dinos and the Clones to arrange a summit to discuss the Tarbotian situation though it is unknown if such a summit will go ahead at the moment.
  • The second HCS Navy carrier CNS Clone Empire has entered service.


To The Winner : The Spoils
The fightback begins.


The Lots Going Off!
What were the Aritans up to?

HCS Fleet News (04/03/11)

  • The Thresher ST has been cancelled as expected following a review. Instead of 30 of these larger cousins to the Shark the HCS will build a further 35 Sharks which will be a mixture of the current SKH and a new SKB standard which will have improvements to weapons and performance and will enter production next year.
  • 2 Kelsan KS bombers have been added to the fleet. The HCS have decided to extend the order to 30 ships.
  • 2 Kalahati Tuul Bs have been withdrawn from service. They may be sold. The Aritans have expressed an interest.
  • A Freighter TYA7 transport has joined the fleet.

Windscorpion poster


Atomic Fist to give warning to Tarbotians

The DDS have announced their first exercise since the end of the war. Atomic Fist 2111 will take place in April and is expected to be a full demonstration of the DDS' ground attack and strike capabilities. Observers say it will give a clear warning to the Tarbotians.

The DDS are currently negotiating with neutral planet Orratai which lies between DDS and the former ABBO territory (which the Tarbotians are expected to annex) to use a planetoid under their ownership for the "live" attacks which will involve the Pulsar 12A strike squadron and the use of MRMs. Rome 46As and Quasar 15As equipped with ground attack weapons are also expected to be employed.
  • TPM-G batteries at DDS GHQ and 5 other strategic positions across the DDS are to be upgraded with new radar multiplexes, improved data filtering and automated security systems.

Other Fleet News (03/03/11)

  • The Dinos are keeping up maximum production rate and have added 3 Dinomark PTs and 4 Dinomark XTs to their fleet, 1 old XT has been returned to it's civilian owners though. The Dinos are also preparing to commence testing of a new type of ship called the Dinomark XA which is described as a "special transport".
  • DDS exports are continuing. Sirikwan has received a Pentekonter E-120 and Molab an Extender-E.
  • New Arit are selling their remaining 5 Ferret UCVs back to the DDS. The price is unknown but is not expected to be high and is thought to form part of the fee for the ex-DDS Kalahati Tuuls which will be sold to the Aritans later in the year.


Ronald poster

AP crowned the new DDS Commander

Not that it was in any doubt but AP has romped home in a field of one to be crowned the DDS Commander, a role he had been performing with great success in an acting role since the death of The Orchid. Under AP's inspired leadership the DDS have won the war against the ABBOs and is now uniquely placed to be at the heart of the DDS and UNP regeneration.

There was a great spontaneous celebration by DDS personnel at GHQ, though a few needed to be encouraged by the Hoods to celebrate the crowning of the DDS' new leader.

"The hard work starts here!" AP told a delirious crowd, "I am going to redefine the New DDS Project! I am going to provide a steer away from the unprofessional hell of friendship, beer and girls to the wholesome joy of endless hard toil, self-denial and holistic self-actualisation!"


Dino View : Ronald is returning

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

Ronald is returning to the front-line of Dino politics. It has been so secret for a while now that Ronald was planning a run in the next Consul election (and he will win, lets face it) but yesterday his party Imperial Order confirmed that they were not thinking about any other candidates.

So Ronald will be Consul for 2112 to 2113. What does this actually mean? Many people will assume it is just a cosmetic posting as he effectively runs the Dino Republic behind the scenes anyway, along with MBH. However that is not totally true, the Consuls have the power of veto and latitude in directing policy.

With the DTA now up and running Ronald now wants to really cement the organisation as the future of Dino political and military power and Dino geopolitical policy. Let us not forget that the DTA is only a few months old and will require a lot of hard work over the next couple of years to build the infrastructure required. Ronald wants to personally direct this work.

The DTA is Ronald's ultimate project, that is becoming clear now. For over a decade he has worried about his legacy and how the Dinos will develop after he finally stands down for good. He has tried various political systems and seems happy enough with the dual Consul system though he wants to change the old isolationist view of the Dinos and put them at the heart of a powerful intergalactic alliance. The DTA is Ronald's final gift to the Dino people and thus he wants to make sure it is right.

We can expect a lot of changes over the next couple of years with Ronald in charge. Expect MBH to also take his turn at the top too. They both share this vision, the ultimate irony after decades of opposition. A vision for the Dinos, with the DTA, to dominate local space.

Quasar 2111 Update A

The DDS is starting to get back to normal with its maintenence and update cycles and has announced an update for its Quasar 15A fleet which will be carried out during the next couple of months. Quasar 2111 Update A will be a fairly modest update though compared to some yearly updates as the DDS is yet to fully analyse how its equipment performed in the war.

The update will include :
  • IWC 2.0 with early offensive info-weapon capability and other updates
  • FIDO VR projectors in 6 key areas of the ship allowing for holographical representation of remotely located crew members.
  • DAC 1.0 - last year's update bought some early DAC capabilies, this is a fuller implementation. Distributed Adaptive Computing allows for the functionality of damaged systems to be moved to other systems automatically.
  • Various other updates to weapon systems and sensors