
HCS unveil space fleet "5 year plan"

The HCS have unveiled a vision for their space fleet for the next 5 years which will see a large number of Cosmos, Kelsans and Sharks added.

Under the plans by 2116 the HCS aim to have a first-line combat fleet consisting of 30 Soulaki, 120 Cosmos, 21 Molentic Tuul and 40 Kelsan. Existing orders for Cosmos CG and Kelsan KS will have to be greatly increased to reach these numbers though no extra orders have been unveiled yet until the plan is ratified by the Clone government. (At least half of the Cosmos fleet are allocated to second-line duties but are included in this total for clarity).

The second-line fleet will consist of 30 Kalahati Tuul S, 80 Sharks and 30 Nybble UCVs. The Thresher ST is now seen as a dead project which will be replaced by an uprated Shark known as the SKS model. The plan is expected to be debated early next month.
  • The ABBOs have deliberatly blown open the top of a civilian nuclear power station on Delta 9 releasing vast quantities of radiation into the atmosphere. As they pulled back they blew further holes in the reactor casing causing a total meltdown. Radiological waste is also being sprayed at DDS Engineering teams trying to get to the scene. The DDS are calling the situation very serious.