
Firefly remembered by DDS

Acting Commander AP led the DDS in a ceremony of remembrance for Firefly at DDS GHQ. He said that Firefly had embodied all the best aspects of professionalism such as self-reliance, discipline and courage and should be seen as a role model by all current and future young professionals.

Windscorpion himself has now commented on his brother's loss. Firefly will be buried when Windy's ship SS Carboniferous returns from its current mission.
  • The New Aritan Army will be fully integrated into the DTA by the end of the year the Aritans have said. The DTA will begin mixed-unit training and exercises later in the year too.
  • Zanus has taken up his new role as Consul in the Dino Republic replacing Cruggson who has performed a job swop with Zanus in effect as he becomes the new Interior Minister in place of Zanus. There are no other Senate changes.