
Ronald gives details of future direction of Dino Army

Earlier in the year Ronald conducted a full review of the Dino Army and today presented a summary of his findings and recommendations which he will put through the senate before he steps down as Consul at the end of the year. Ronald has said the Army should consist of 35 legions, 4 of which are SS (the current strength is 27 + 3 SS so they are not far off) with a total strength of troops of around half a million.

Each legion should consist of at least 1 panzer brigade, infantry brigades and an artillery battery. Space Squadrons (i.e. Dinomarks) will continue to be attached to legions though each legion will have a dedicated aviation brigade consisting of fixed wing aircraft and Dinomarks - though not all legions will have Dinomarks.

Each legion will also have a rapid deployment battalion which will consist of the best troops of the legion. These will man the legion's Dinomarks and be used for special operations. Many of these things are already implemented on an ad hoc basis across the Army but these changes will standardise all legions.

Existing elite forces, the 6th Legion, SS-D and CSS will remain as they are for the time being.