
A-19s given reprieve by HCSN

The small fleet of HCSAF A-19B strike aircraft was due to be gradually withdrawn over the next couple of years but now they will leave HCSAF service almost immediately... to instead serve with the HCSN. The Navy have been looking for a good long-ranged anti-shipping aircraft but the fairly small number needed has meant a new type was uneconomic. However instead the HCSN have bought the 60 A-19Bs off the HCSAF and will refurbish and update the craft.

The A-19B Borehole actually did serve in the anti-shipping role before and is a good if basic aircraft that has been neglected by a cash-strapped HCSAF over the years. The HCSN will aim to maintain a fleet of 50 aircraft, 5 of the remainder going into storage for attrition replacements (though the A-19B has a remarkably safe flying record and none have yet been lost despite some rather demanding service) and the remaining 5 being cannibalised for spares.

The aircraft will receive a full refurbishment which should keep them going until around 2120. Their systems will also be updated with new radar, ECM suite, glass cockpit, improved communications and compatibility with the latest and upcoming anti-ship missiles. The HCSN aims to complete the transfer by the end of the year and begin limited operations by the end of next year. Some pilots will transfer with the aircraft.