
Gibson victim of data error

Dino Liaison Officer Gibson has unfortunately been the victim of a data error where his private and sensitive medical details were accidentally e-mailed to everyone in the DDS. Thus everyone could read the lurid details of the anal reconstruction surgery Gibson has received recently after what the doctor describes as "Violent, brutal and sustained anal sex." Images of his small genitalia were also included with the e-mail. Everyone in the DDS was also able to read of his erectile dysfunction problems.

A DDS spokesman said how these details were broadcast is a mystery, it must have been a pure one in a million fluke he went on to say and it was purely bad luck that Gibson's records were sent out of everyone.

DDS and Dinos to discuss defence partnership

With both Sirikwan and Voth benefiting from defence equipment and assistance from the DDS and Dinos the two Central Powers are to discuss co-ordinating their efforts in the region to avoid duplication and damaging competition. "Obviously we both want influence, strategic advantages and, lets face it, military sales in the area. Now we could compete against each other aggressively but that might mean we end up alienating our partners." a DDS spokeswoman said.

There are signs the HCS are eying the region too, it is understood they have offered the Voth some refurbished ex-HCSAF aircraft and ex-HCS AFVs in return for establishing a liaison base on the planet. However both the Dinos and DDS would rather the Clones stayed out of it. 

So instead the DDS and Dinos seem to be planning setting up a duopoly to keep out the Clones and anyone else. To sweeten the deals both Sirikwan and Voth can probably expect more free or cut-price equipment though once they are locked into the DDS and Dino military systems they will find it too expensive and difficult to go elsewhere.


Tarbotians encountered by DDS

A DDS ship commanded by Knobhead has detected a Tarbotian array of listening stations on a planet in the Rim Worlds and engaged in battle with a Tarbotian destroyer. F142 Arabian Sea arrived at the planet Perigrin 803 following a tip-off that the Tarbotians had established a listening station on the planet to snoop on DDS communications and operations based around Rathun's World.

A series of automated stations were found when a Tarbotian Samara class destroyer turned up to service them. The DDS managed to force the Tarbotians to surrender and reveal the location of the stations which were then destroyed. The Aritans have been asked to keep an eye on any other Tarbotian activity in ther area.


DDS set up satellite network over Voth

A basic communications, weather and early warning satellite network has been set up by a DDS team on Voth. Further satellites will be set up later in the year. All satellites are of a standard DDS type and have come from DDS stores. Voth now has a stable encrypted military communications network and early warning able to detect uncloaked ships from 2 light years away. Further enhancement to the network will increase this to 5 light years.

A permanent lasernet node connecting Voth to the Dino Intergalactic Network (and thus into the DDS network) will also be set up by the end of the year. A lasernet link to Sirikwan is now working and messages can be relayed via there. The full lasernet link however will allow Voth to enter the DDS internet system. Full access may wait though until a direct lasernet link to the DDS network can be set up next year.

A Dino team is working with the DDS personnel to set up a GPS system to work with guided weapons operated by the K-16 attack aircraft, some refurbished examples will be provided to Voth next year. The teams are working to integrate DDS weapons into the GPS system to allow weapons carried by F-10A fighters to also use the data, some of these fighters will also be transferred at a later date.
Pure Sex!
Knobhead investigates possible Tarbotian activity on a remote world in the Rim Worlds.


DDS begin testing air launched TPM-2

With the TPM-2 now entering service after a long development the next version of the missile, an air-launched missile to attack targets in LEO. The missile, currently known as TPM-A-2X will replace the TPM-A in service with DDS Air Force regiments at GHQ and on Solaris. These aircraft form the final layer of defence.

TPM-A-2X is smaller than TPM-A and 2 will be carried by F-10S Shark 2100 fighters which can at the moment only carry 1 TPM-A. TPM-A-2X also has a better rocket booster and enhanced datalinking for course correction and an improved terminal guidance mode.

Sirikwan agree to Dino base

Sirikwan, who today received the first part of their batch of Dino weapons after their 1.9 billion zark deal earlier in the year, have agreed a 20 year lease with the Dinos for land near to the Sirikwan capital which will be used to create a base for Dino operations. Construction of the base will begin and next year and will be able to host up to 20 Dinomarks with refuelling, maintenance and R&R facilities. The SS will also establish a military intelligence office at the base. Military advisors who will be training the Sirikwan Army will also be based here. The Dinos are considering having a rapid-reaction brigade permanently based on Sirikwan, which Sirikwan have agreed to, but this will be at a separate location.

Meanwhile 10 K-16M attack aircraft and 4000 SM-26L guns, plus 1000 TSM-26Y training guns, have been delivered. Two Dinomark XTs have also been loaned to the Sirikwanese for training until their new XTs are delivered next year.

Dinos destroy Bolitic ships in Voth space

The Dinos have engaged and destroyed a small number of Bolitic ships in Voth space near the outlying planet of Apassara. The Bolitic ships were the last remnants of the force that stormed towards Voth a few weeks ago but changed their minds when the Dinos and DDS moved into Voth space to protect it. Its thought these ships were from a minor House.

The Bolitic have angrily denounced the Dino actions using many swear words but it is thought the Emperor is not shedding too many tears as the Bolitic House had ignored his orders to withdraw from Voth space.


A-19s given reprieve by HCSN

The small fleet of HCSAF A-19B strike aircraft was due to be gradually withdrawn over the next couple of years but now they will leave HCSAF service almost immediately... to instead serve with the HCSN. The Navy have been looking for a good long-ranged anti-shipping aircraft but the fairly small number needed has meant a new type was uneconomic. However instead the HCSN have bought the 60 A-19Bs off the HCSAF and will refurbish and update the craft.

The A-19B Borehole actually did serve in the anti-shipping role before and is a good if basic aircraft that has been neglected by a cash-strapped HCSAF over the years. The HCSN will aim to maintain a fleet of 50 aircraft, 5 of the remainder going into storage for attrition replacements (though the A-19B has a remarkably safe flying record and none have yet been lost despite some rather demanding service) and the remaining 5 being cannibalised for spares.

The aircraft will receive a full refurbishment which should keep them going until around 2120. Their systems will also be updated with new radar, ECM suite, glass cockpit, improved communications and compatibility with the latest and upcoming anti-ship missiles. The HCSN aims to complete the transfer by the end of the year and begin limited operations by the end of next year. Some pilots will transfer with the aircraft.
Punishment Ride
The Dinos are sent to punish a Bolitic force in Voth space.


Clones working on interstellar missile

HCS sources have confirmed the Clones are working on an interstellar missile similar in concept to the DDS' LRM. The Clone missile would not use transphasic technologies but would have a range of warheads including nuclear and be able to travel a number of light years. The actual range is unknown but it is thought the design brief calls for a missile that can be launched on Cloneworld and be able to hit targets in the Proximan and Terran systems.

The Clone missile will be a two-stage device, the first launcher stage will be the same as the forthcoming Gale-III/SeaGale ballistic missiles. This will mean the missile is launchable from Gale silos and the future HCSN SSBNs however most will be deployed on road-mobile launchers. The booster stage will get the combat stage into orbit. This will then detach and begin it's journey to the target. The combat stage will be an unmanned space craft and will be use some components from the HCS Nybble space UCV.

The missile will use stellar guidance to get to it's target planet. Hitting a meaningful target on the planet is more problematical. A fairly good degree of accuracy can be gained from calculating the target planet's spin over time and thus guessing where the targets (such as DDS GHQ) will be however it is thought the HCS will use ships in the target planet's system to update the targeting information in the terminal phase.

What will shock the DDS is the advanced nature of the project. A Gale test earlier in the year was at first thought, by DDS observers, to have been a failure as the missile had gone straight upwards and had been destroyed in LEO. Now it appears this was the first test of the booster stage. Tests of the combat stage are thought due to begin in 2110 with the missile perhaps becoming active by 2114. This is earlier than the planned arrival into service of the LRM which has a vague arrival date of "2115 to 2120". The Clone system may now prompt the DDS to speed up development.

Pircasa kicked out of SS, exiled

Former Deputy SS Commander Pircasa has been kicked out of the SS and sent into exile on chilly Melankar, a bleak remote planet in the Dino Republic. MBH was merciful in not demanding a death sentence or even gaol time (though some might consider death to be preferable to Melankar).

However as everyone knows MBH does not know the meaning of mercy so this is an indication he knows Pircasa was framed by his enemies and this punishment is to keep Pircasa on ice (literally) until he can be bought back into the fold one day.


Ronald gives details of future direction of Dino Army

Earlier in the year Ronald conducted a full review of the Dino Army and today presented a summary of his findings and recommendations which he will put through the senate before he steps down as Consul at the end of the year. Ronald has said the Army should consist of 35 legions, 4 of which are SS (the current strength is 27 + 3 SS so they are not far off) with a total strength of troops of around half a million.

Each legion should consist of at least 1 panzer brigade, infantry brigades and an artillery battery. Space Squadrons (i.e. Dinomarks) will continue to be attached to legions though each legion will have a dedicated aviation brigade consisting of fixed wing aircraft and Dinomarks - though not all legions will have Dinomarks.

Each legion will also have a rapid deployment battalion which will consist of the best troops of the legion. These will man the legion's Dinomarks and be used for special operations. Many of these things are already implemented on an ad hoc basis across the Army but these changes will standardise all legions.

Existing elite forces, the 6th Legion, SS-D and CSS will remain as they are for the time being.


Firefly pledges to punish Bolitic aggression

Firefly has arrived on Dino-Land for talks with Consul Ronald on the future of Voth. Representatives from Sirikwan and New Arit will also be present and the Voth government will take part via laser-video link. It is thought plans will be formalised for Voth's entry into the DDS and also a formal defence partnership between the DDS and Dinos in this region of space.

Firefly told reporters that the DDS would not tolerate Bolitic aggression and would punish any future attacks on UNP, DDS or allied shipping. The Dinos have also said the Bolitic must stop trying to intimidate the Voth and withdraw their forces from Voth territory. A small Bolitic fleet is currently at the edge of Voth space.

Go-ahead given for Rome Block 3

The DDS have given the go-ahead to develop the next evolution of the Rome corvette design though as yet there has not been a firm order made, the DDS say however an order for the type will be announced later in the year.

Rome Block 3 (which is likely to have a new class name) has a 2m fuselage plug, an enhanced docking bay, improved systems including passive sensors and also an expendable chassis which would allow the ship to use the current combat modules as well as a new generation which will be larger. The ship will literally be able to be extended to fit the larger module with software adjusting the hyperspace field to leave performance unchanged. A new engine will also be fitted, this is to be announced later on. Its likely to be a new core for the existing powerplant.


Captain Clone tightens grip on power

Following the shower gay sex story that exploded across the tabloids on Cloneworld this week Captain Clone has taken steps to tighten his grip on power and increase the pressure on The Friar. It is widely thought the story was a set-up job by The Friar to weaken CC's position but CC has gone on the offensive.

He has further reduced The Friar's powers by restricting The Friar to Ailier City and the central Ailier district (an exception has been made for the Friar's dacha in southern Micom) as a "security measure". However HCS forces in the capital, which were under the command of The Friar, have been rotated and now CC controlled forces have been tasked with protection of the capital.

The Friar has called these moves a coup by CC to remove him from power, thats probably true but unfortunatelty for the Friar he is almost universally disliked on Cloneworld and few would mourn him if CC did get rid of him. Despite the sex scandal CC's approval rating is still above 90%.


HCS begin large exercise

The HCS have begun a large exercise called Operation First Post on Daggaddon. The exercise involves some 40 warships, an entire brigade of the army and 2 squadrons of F-45 fighters which a complete amphibious landing being made by Intruder landing ships protected by Tiamon launched F-45s.

T-55Zs of the 45th Panzer regiment on Daggaddon

In the exercise the 45th Panzer and 169th Mechanised Infantry regiments will land at a designated point which will be secured and protected by Red Lizard elite forces. The 19th Panzer division on Daggaddon is acting as the "enemy". The area on Daggaddon being used is very similar in terrain to Oscar, sheer co-incidence of course!
The Friar feels his power being stifled by Captain Clone and takes steps against the uber beefcake Clone.


First Zones enter HCS service

The first 3 Zone cadets have completed their training at the HCS Space Navy Academy on Cloneworld. There are 18 others in various stages of their training and it is thought 100s more who want to join though for now the HCS are being very careful about who they let in.

The Zones will now join ships in the HCS Space Navy though it is thought all will be deployed to Benito's part of the empire to keep them away from the DDS for now.

Bolitic menace UNP freighter

A Bolitic ship has approached and menaced a UNP freighter heading towards Voth from Proxima 7. The ship, a UNP chartered cargo ship SS Glen Campbell, was shadowed by the Bolitic ship for several hours. The UNP ship attempted to communicate with the Bolitic ship but there was no reply, its possible the UNP ship's computers were also hacked by the Bolitic.

Finally the Bolitic ship came closer and made a number of mock combat runs on the freighter, though without firing any weapons. The Bolitic ship then cloaked and dissappeared. The DDS have said they plan to increase their presence in the area once they have sufficient ships available and have organised their allies to assist.


Northern Project proceeds well

Operation Northern Project is proceeding well with joint exercises with the Raegris now beginning involving the Raegris ex-DDS Quasar cruisers laying mines which the DDS MCM flotilla has been tasked to discover and clear. Mixed forces have also been engaging in mock-combat to build inter-force co-operation experience.

Two Remedian Police Kalahati Tuul 2s will join the force next week to assist in combat training while the MCM flotilla (Oligocene, Demostenes and Nicias) will return to Proxima 7.

First Pentekonter-Es begin trials

The first two Raegris built Pentekonter-Es have begun pre-delivery trials slightly ahead of schedule. The ships, 1 for Molab and the other to be jointly owned and operated by the Aritans and Artic, are both the base model Pentekonter-E100 which has been the only model to gain orders so far. The DDS are also pitching E200 and E300 models though the latter may be replaced by a Rome-E currently in development. An export version of the Pentekonter-M minesweeper is also being considered.

Molab, who have 5 Pentekonters on order, have also increased their order to 6. The Raegris hope to deliver all 5 in the original order to Molab by the end of next year as well as both Arit/Artic ships. Then in 2110 deliveries for Sirikwan and Helinox will commence.


Boss Of The World
Windy sets off for the 7 Sa Sao but what awaits them?


Fleet news (15/10/08)

Quasar class cruiser C131 Pion has become the latest completed ILU and has rejoined the fleet. Now only 1 more upgrade is left to be completed. Tachyon should be done by the end of the year and then the production jig will be modified ready for the even bigger Isometric ILU programme. In other upgrades news C105 Central America has become the latest Pulsar class cruiser to complete it's MULE3 upgrade.

As expected the order for 4 extra Pentekonters has been cancelled, the 10 existing ships will be slowly withdrawn over the next few years and given to DDS allies like the Voth though 2 will join their sister ships in the Pentekonter-M minesweeping fleet.

Finally Extender oiler A154 Propane has become the latest ship to join the fleet.

UV134 : When Worlds Collide

  • Crystal Ribbon - Quarz comes face to face with Delicate Flower's twin sister...
  • Ill Eagle Sex - Fuzzy has to get a Bolitic traitor out of harms way following the collapse of the VVSE...
  • Gobson's Despair - Trok is betrayed, what does that mean for Gibson's ass?...
  • Nailed Hard Up The Ass - Jimmy finally gets revenge on the traitor Pircasa...
  • Boss Of The World - Windy sets out on his mission to the 7 Sa Sao...
Stay tuned for UV135 : Boss Of The World next month


MBF tasked with destroying Hoodism

Windscorpion, tired of the lack of progress by LPG and Redjec in finding and stopping the Hoods, has appointed MBF in charge of the new Windy Massive Action & Neutralisation Uniformed Squad (WM-ANUS). A paramilitary unit dedicated to fighting the Hoods. Windy said that the Hoods were rising in power and WM had to act now and crush the infidels.


LPG is understood to be concerned at a further escalation in factional violence at GHQ which has seen daily clashes between WM and Hood supporters this week with 3 men dead and 7 men raped, 2 of those raped then killed... 1 was killed then raped.

Bolitic fleet turns back from Voth

With a Dino and DDS detachment now in Voth space it looks like the Bolitic have lost their enthusiasm for crushing the Voth separation from the Vosun-Voth Star Empire. A fleet that was en route for Voth has changed direction and are now heading for the outlying planet of Apassara instead.

There isn't a great deal there for the Bolitic to loot and rape so it it likely they are just going to regroup there while the Emperor decides what next to do.


Deputy SS Commander Pircasa arrested for treason

Pircasa, the former member of Jimmy's staff who's betrayal paved the way for MBH to win the 2107 Consul election has been arrested for treason after a random search by SS-CINT discovered materials on Pircasa's PC which indicate Pircasa planned to have MBH assassinated. The materials suggest he was working for an unknown party seeking to have MBH removed to pave the way for a coup.

Pircasa, now Deputy SS Commander, denied the claims and said the plans were planted on his PC. However after hours of brutal torture he said he was a traitor and sold out his leader in return for coin. MBH is now pondering his fate.

Benito draws up plans for carrier battle group

The demise of the Utrek has prompted Benito to abandon plans to beef up his space fleet with Reptoli Tuuls and other ships, instead he says the space fleet allocated to his side of the Clone Star Empire is adequate and instead he wants to spend the money on the Austini 55 navy.

Austini 55 is a rather damp planet, the weather is said to be either raining or heavy raining and much of the landmass is in the form of 1000s of small islands. As can be expected these are a haven for indigenous rebels and pirates and the Austini 55 Navy (HCSN-A55) is struggling to cope, though to be honest it currently only consists of 2 Triona OPVs.

Benito wants an aircraft carrier to supplement the helicopter carriers already on order and will also be produced at a large shipyard currently being developed on Austini 55. The carrier, known as the Austini 55 class, will be similiar to the Cloneworld class currently being built for the Cloneworld Navy but will have a different mix of aircraft. A navalised version of the A-85NT COIN aircraft will be developed, the A-85NTK, and operate with a small number of F-45Ks. The carriers will also have extra machine guns and a different communications fit.

To support the carrier there are already 2 Olana destroyers on order and 3 of the new frigates are likely to be also allocated to Austini 55. A new kind of ship known as a Flexible Support Ship will also be developed, this will act as a resupply ship, auxiliary helicopter carrier and some other duties.

2116 has been pencilled in as the full operational date for the Austini 55 CVBG. Benito also wished to set up a small fleet on Woloron 12.


DDS looking into Friendship based escort carrier

The DDS are looking into using the mid-sized Friendship freighter platform for a CVE escort carrier. This would supplement the Missileer fleet and be available to provide UCV and minor vessel support in smaller fleet detachment. The commercial builder Consolidated Spacecraft who have built the Friendship class and will build the follow on River class have been asked to produce a design study into a CVE based on an improved Friendship/River.

The design study will be available for evaluation by early next year and if the DDS are happy with it the new CVE class could enter construction by the Summer of 2109.


HCSN deny problems with Olana destroyer though it does need "modifications"

The HCSN has denied there are problems with it's new class of guided-missile destroyer despite the fact D01 Olana and D02 Micom have had to be returned 3 times to port under tug after engine failures and prop shaft breakages in the few weeks since both entered service. "With any news type there are teething troubles." a HCSN spokesclone told reporters, "Both ships and their future sister ships will be the mainstay of our surface fleet for the next few decades."

A more fundamental problem that is rumoured with the type is that it is a little top heavy. Although it should be fine in normal operations in heavy seas and storm force windows it is feared the ships could be in trouble. The HCSN are denying this though interestingly both ships have been booked into port for "modifications to topweight" according to a HCSN watcher blog which will include the addition of ballast and the moving of a radar to another part of the superstructure. The problems will still persist according to analysts but the modifications will mean it has to be "an extreme storm to cause potentially catastrophic problems".


TPM-2 cleared to enter service

Following years of development and testing the next generation transphasic missile, the TPM-2, has been cleared to enter service and will officially begin to be deployed on TPM-2 compatible ships from the beginning of December. The final release candidate TPM Release Candidate A4 successfully completed a number of tests last week.

Of course switchover to TPM-2 will be gradual as many ships still need to have TPM-2 launchers fitted and mass production of TPM-2 will also be a gradual process as the various factories switch over. Production will be retained of TPM-1 for some years yet as the DDS expect the missile to still be in service until around 2117 or 2118.

TPM-2 is smaller than TPM-1 but has higher performance, improved guidance and tracking, improved transphasic capabilities and other improvements. The key improvement is the reduced size which will mean ships will be able to carry more of them.

TPM-1 development is continuing for a few years as TPM-2 technology is transferred. TPM-1D3 is the latest version which includes some software improvements and a new leaner burn rocket based on the engine of the TPM-2.


Gobson's Despair (UV134)
Trok is discovered, is it all over for Gibson?

Bolitic chased away from Northern Project

The DDS are currently holding a large joint exercise with the Remedians and Raegris called Northern Project. A few days ago it is reported 2 Bolitic warships approached the DDS fleet and may have attempted to hack into some computer systems on the DDS ships though the newly beefed up radio encryption system and computer security measures kept the Bolitic out.

Afterwards one Bolitic ship, a Snarl cruiser, approached closer and it is thought it was trying to get between the oilers and the rest of the fleet. Frigate F139 Banda Sea chased the Bolitic away with some warning shots. The Bolitic cloaked and it is thought left the area.

MRM successfully launched in full field test

A MRM development build (MRM R3-012) has been successfully launched from Pulsar cruiser C101 North America and hit a target 2.4 light years away. The missile had it's course and target information updated twice during it's flight by a Starsystem training frigate. The DDS used decoys both physical and electronic to try and put the missile off but it still achieved a "hit" and in practice it's warhead would have easily destroyed the target.

Accuracy wasn't quite as good as hoped though and the DDS will aim to improve it further before the MRM enters service next year.


HCS Round-up (06/10/08)

In the Summer the Clone government came together with private and public sector media networks to help fund updates of the crumbling HCS communications network, with the media networks getting access to the network for free during peacetime, this saving the HCS billions of zarks it didn't have. The first phase of the update has begun with a new core data ring being set up between Cloneworld, Aquaworld and Daggaddon which will be faster, more secure and have 10 times the bandwidth of the existing circuit.

Although development of an improved T-1M continues the HCSAF is looking into a LIFT for advanced fighter training but also to provide a secondary attack role. This would be an agile supersonic trainer with a decent attack mode. The HCSAF have set a deadline of next Spring for proposals from CAC and private manufacturers.

Meanwhile another project has also reached the stage where manufacturers are asked to tender proposals, this is the Next Generation Combat Aircraft which will replace the F-45C/K in the 2020s though it is likely the NGCA will be an improved version of the F-45. The HCSAF say they are open to "clean sheet" designs however, at least publically they are saying this. Its unknown if any manufacturers will present proposals except CAC which will present an upgraded F-45.

The HCSAF have also begun looking at upgrading it's large A-84 attack aircraft fleet, which recently ceased production. The HCSAF want to keep the factory active by rebuilding and updating the oldest aircraft in the fleet, some of which are over 20 years old and are veterans of the Clone Wars.

Moving to space, the Tiamon aircraft carrier is to receive a weapons and systems update next year. The small fleet will also have aerodynamic improvements for when they enter high atmospheres of planets to launch or recover HCSAF aircraft. The aircraft bays will also be reorganised to increase capacity.

The HCS' next generation MLRS, the RBU-9000 series is already in production in the RBU-9010, 9011 and 9500 models. The latest is the 9510 which is similar to the 9500 but is optimised for desert operation having improved air filtration systems, air conditioning and modified tracks.

OTA pull back from Los Calamos

Following their failed offensive back in August that attempted to strengthen the front line near Los Calamos the Oscar Terran Army has been awaiting the response of the Clone Army of Oscar. Now the response is known, the OTA were forced to pull back after coming under a sustained air and land assault from the CAO who have been reinforced with new weapons from the HCS.

Some of these may be rather new, or newer than the usual antiques supplied to the CAO. A picture taken by a DDS observer appears to show a modified T-55Z with an unusual turret, it is thought this may be a pre-production development model of the joint HCS/Dino T-55ZDM and may have been given to the CAO to test some of the new technologies used on the ZDM in a combat situation.


DDS prepare to send peace keeping troops to Voth

Since the break-up of the Vosun Voth Star Empire there have been rising racial tensions on Voth between the majority Voth and the small but vocal Vosun minority. In the days of the VVSE the Vosun made up 74% of major governmental and military posts on Voth despite only comprising 9% of the population. Now there have been riots in Vosun ethnic areas and attacks on Vosunites by Voth crowds.

The DDS is to send a batallion of peace keeping troops to Voth to help keep the peace between the two sides. The soldiers are experts in dealing with tense situations in a restrained and peaceful manner and can be seen here in training preparing for their deployment.

Hoods destroy National Gay Porn Archive

The National Gay Porn Archive has been destroyed by several large bombs planted in the basement of the building at GHQ. The Hoods later claimed responsibility, calling their actions a cleansing of sin at the DDS and also revenge. The NGPA was built on the site of the old Hoods HQ at GHQ which was accidentally destroyed shortly after Windy took over from Rotarios when a bomb fell off a passing aircraft.

Windy is said to have been furious but said he has a back-up of the millions of hours of material that was lost, in his own personal collection.

Windy sets off for 7 Sa Sao

Windy has left Starbot in command of a small detachment known as "Fait Accompli" which officially is to conduct training exercises near Rathun's World but really it has been reported the fleet will investigate the shadowy 7 Sa Sao. The detachment consists of :

D101 Panther (flag)
D104 Leopard
F152 Aral Sea II
A142 Statotanker

The Extender is said to be carrying a Fulcrum special forces transport in it's bay though the identity of it is not known.


Windy calls for calm... almost

With another outbreak of factional violence today with WM members beating and raping some young men whom they thought were Hoods but in fact turned out to be cleaning sheets and a Hood attack on a canteen on Solaris Windy has called on factional violence to be restrained. However he also said he thought in the long term factional violence would bring benefits to the DDS, toughening up it's members for the tests to come.

DDS team arrives on Voth

An advance DDS team has arrived on Voth to see what is needed by the new DDS ally as well as set up military communications and basic diplomatic services. The main focus of the work though will be humanitarian to see what is needed by the Voth and can be sent on future relief convoys. A Dino/Sirikwan convoy has already arrived and a DDS convoy is on the way but more focussed aid will be needed in future.

A DDS humanitarian, yesterday

The DDS team will also set up a basic network of surveilance and attack warning satellites in orbit around Voth. Other military assistance already announced are jet fighters armed with TPM-A though these will not be available until next year at least.


Sea Urchin launches DDS faction

Sea Urchin has officially launched a DDS faction at a media briefing on Remedia Prime where he is currently completing treaty talks with the Utrek. He said his faction would be an alternative to Windy Madness and Hoods 2.0, both of which he said were mired in religious extremism. By contrast he said his faction, now named Liberty is Freedom (LIF) would be be free from ideology and be a professional faction for young and old DDS who wished to achieve personal growth.

LIF had already established an office at GHQ and applications were now being taken. The Hoods already have defaced posters advertising LIF with the slogan "Liberty is weakness, control is strength".