
HCS Round-up (16/07/08)

The HCSAF Training Command has announced a major re-organisation with the closing of 2 training bases in Micom, Cloneworld and on Sandworld with the retirement of a number of training aircraft. The primary jet trainer fleet, the T-1, will be reduced to 700 examples however there will also be a 100 new build T-1s in the yet to be defined T-1M. The basic T-75 will be reduced to 1000 examples and the advanced trainer the TF-40 reduced to 160. This will save the HCSAF 180 million zarks a year and will enable the HCSAF to fund the new T-1Ms from savings. A new basic trainer to replace the ageing (and rather horrible) T-75 will also be funded, likely to be based on the A-85NT COIN aircraft.

The HCS Navy on Aquaworld has received a third Triona class OPV AP10 Senrilla. The ship has a number of detail and equipment changes to test for the forthcoming Triona II OPV which is expected from 2110.

The backbone of the Space Navy's transport fleet, the Type A has a new model. The Type A7 has an uprated engine enabling speeds up to 230c and a new cargo handling system enabling greater automation, efficiency and security. An oiler version of the A7, known as the J2, is also to be built.