The 4 regiment brigade will have a panzer regiment equipped with T-55Zs and 3 infantry regiments equipped with TRV-5s. All AFVs will come from HCS reserve stocks. Captain Clone has high hopes for the Zone brigade citing the legendary fighting spirit (though some would say psychotic need for violence) of the Zones. He said that eventually he wishes to have a full Zone legion. It is thought some Zones (an example below) are already in the HCS serving in Red Lizard units. One unnamed HCS source has criticised the plan saying the last thing they should do with the Zones is give them guns!
Captain Clone sets up Zone brigade
Captain Clone (below) has begun setting up a new brigade of the HCS which will be manned by Zones, who now live on Colom. The brigade will be ready for operational service by 2110 a HCS source claimed and will take mainly Zones with combat experience to ease training.

The 4 regiment brigade will have a panzer regiment equipped with T-55Zs and 3 infantry regiments equipped with TRV-5s. All AFVs will come from HCS reserve stocks. Captain Clone has high hopes for the Zone brigade citing the legendary fighting spirit (though some would say psychotic need for violence) of the Zones. He said that eventually he wishes to have a full Zone legion. It is thought some Zones (an example below) are already in the HCS serving in Red Lizard units. One unnamed HCS source has criticised the plan saying the last thing they should do with the Zones is give them guns!
The 4 regiment brigade will have a panzer regiment equipped with T-55Zs and 3 infantry regiments equipped with TRV-5s. All AFVs will come from HCS reserve stocks. Captain Clone has high hopes for the Zone brigade citing the legendary fighting spirit (though some would say psychotic need for violence) of the Zones. He said that eventually he wishes to have a full Zone legion. It is thought some Zones (an example below) are already in the HCS serving in Red Lizard units. One unnamed HCS source has criticised the plan saying the last thing they should do with the Zones is give them guns!