
Fleet news (09/07/08)

K116 Caligula has become the latest Rome corvette to join the fleet. The ship will join the patrol pool next week following successful trials. K116 includes a development build of the main tactical software and will be running a field test of the system. If successful the new software should increase tactical capacity by 12% and speed of response by 7% and will be rolled out to the rest of the fleet.

The final Solaris II class frigate has left DDS service to join the New Aritans. The ship had been serving in the departmental fleet mainly doing surveying. Following localisation and some minor refurbishment the ship will join it's 4 sisters in the Is Lanki.

With one Solaris gone a new one arrives. The DDS have assigned the Solaris name to the forthcoming Velocity-N destroyer class. The lead ship will be named Solaris, the other ships will be named at a later date but are expected to use star names like the old Solaris class.

The Sea Of Tranquillity class frigates were due to enter service before the end of the year but have now been delayed until February 2109. This is to allow extra time for development of some key systems and also to leave the production jig free for an Isometric update planned for the Fall.

Marconi class EW ship E105 Westinghouse has joined the fleet, this is the 5th and final member of the class and has much more extensive facilities for special forces. The other 4 ships will will retrofitted to match over the next couple of years. The changes include extra docking space, casualty receiving facilities, improved accommodation and training facilities.

Two more Friendship transports have joined the fleet. The DDS have yet to name the ships which fulfil the UNP's "colonial" role which the DDS is now paid to do.