
The Battle Of Diareel

DDS forces in the Hard Thrust deployment have engaged and defeated a sizeable Utrek force. Around 47 Utrek ships were engaged in a battle near to the planet and could not match the multi-spectrum attack by the DDS' latest technologies. In one engagement the 2 Panthers cut a swathe through a Utrek battle line destroying 9 ships in less than 9 seconds. Other Utrek were defeated by Ferret-E USVs equipped with pre-production TPM-2s.

C121 Quasar (below) was badly damaged in the main engagement being at the apex of the DDS line. Initially the ship was thought to need to be abandoned due to a near critical reactor core problem however courageous engineering staff managed to shut down the reactor core and the ship can now be recovered though repairs will take a long time. Frigate F137 South China Sea was also badly damaged but will be able to return home under it's own power. Three other ships also received noticeable damage. Total DDS casualties were 21 dead and 39 injured. The Utrek suffered at least 43 destroyed ships and a massive loss of life.


Following the destruction of the Utrek fleet the attack squadron led by Sea Urchin entered orbit and threatened to attack the planet (including with nuclear weapons) if the Utrek did not remove all military forces from the planet. The Utrek have been given just 3 days to accomplish this task, a DDS force is remaining in the area to make sure they do just that!