
Fleet news (31/12/07)

D101 Panther will officially enter DDS service tomorrow though actual operation will be delayed a few weeks. The ship suffered a few teething problems during final trials which was going to delay it's introduction until mid-January but Windscorpion has insisted the ship officially become a DDS ship on January 1st 2108. In reality however it will still be in test, final tests and acceptance will take place in mid-January and then training and readiness trials will take place for the next couple of months. The first combat patrol of the next generation DDS destroyer may take place in April.

R101 Missileer meanwhile has completed modifications and is now fully TPM-2 capable like it's sister ship R102 Lancer. It has taken over from it as DDS Fleet Flagship, a role it is expected to keep for the foreseeable future. Both ships however will receive final modifications early in 2108 to bring them up to "100% Missileer Specification".

Lancer will lead a small task force next month to conduct training with the Aritans. Four DDS ships (expected to be Lancer and 3 Isometrics) and 3 Aritan ships (2 Intrepids and 1 Solaris) will perform a variety of training tasks near New Arit and Artic.

L101 Intruder has been removed from the DDS fleet (though in reality was "de-DDS-ified" a couple of months ago) and returned to the HCS. This leaves the DDS without an amphibious warfare ship though the first Pangaea class LHD L111 Pangaea has just started trials and could enter service by the Spring. All in all a total of 10 Pangaea LHDs and 3 Tethys Ocean LHAs will be procured over the next few years.

The Heron SROPS local patrol lighter has now been revised again to Revision B. This includes a number of equipment and software improvements and an uprated engine. Existing Revision 0 and Revision A SROPS will be upgraded to this standard when they receive refits over the next couple of years. 16 SROPS are in service, the remaining order has been increased from 14 to 24 reflecting the usefulness of the type which has already proved it's worth in several combat scenarios.


F-10S arrives early, NDAA news

The first F-10S has arrived at DDS Central AFB at GHQ a week early though operational flying will not begin until well into January. The DDS are creating a new squadron for the first batch of F-10S and it is hoped the squadron will go operational by the summer.

Meanwhile the specification has been locked down for the light attack aircraft the DDS plan to field from 2110. The NDAA will be a Mach 1.2 capable agile and cheap bomb platform likely to be designated A-12 in DDS service.


UV124 : XXX Action

  • Action Of A Hood - Its the end of the line for Delicate Flower as the Hoods 2.0 move in for the kill.
  • Making A New Hero - Boliticians steal DDS secrets, its Bolitic 2 Windy 0. Has the Apogee of Man had it?
  • The O-Rino Ranch Ho! - El Diablo and company confront some criminals.
  • In Through The Back Door - The ban on the teaching of Oojok is lifted in the Zone camps on Colom.
Stay tuned for the first book of 2008 in 2 weeks time, UV125 Behind The 8 Ball.


Zone relocation slows

The epic relocation of the Zone race from their shattered homeworld to Colom is finally slowing down as radiation from the DDS nuclear strike finally sweeps to all parts of the planet. To date the HCS and their contractors have managed to move 17.6 million Zones off the planet to Colom, Zone ships have also moved a further 2.1 million survivors it is estimated. Hundreds of millions have died though or soon will on the planet. Those survivors now being bought off the planet are said to be suffering from acute radiation sickness.

Now the effort is in supplying the hundreds of vast tent cities on Colom through the winter. The entire HCS transport fleet plus a good proportion of it's combat fleet has been working non-stop since September relocating the Zones and bringing in supplies. The wear and tear on the fleet is starting to be felt, 2 of the oldest Type A transports and a Kalahati Tuul have reached their design life hours early because of the intensive operation and literally became worn out and had to be withdrawn. Its thought at least 6 other ships will have to be withdrawn at the end of the year.

However funds from the Zones have been pumped into the HCS to compensate, the Zones have given the money freely in return for a say in how it is used. 20 further Type A transports have been ordered as a result.


HCS Round-up (18/12/07)

One of the biggest military procurement projects for the HCSAF currently is the AH-26X, the next generation of the standard HCSAF helicopter. Over 1,500 could be built of this new type... but the HCSAF are looking to reducing that in favour of more AH-50 Dragonfly anti-tank helicopters. The production run of the AH-50 ended some 7 years ago though the rigs were retained and the HCSAF think they can get production restarted reasonably easily.

The existing fleet is due to receive an update known as AH-50M which includes a number of system improvements and fuselage modifications to reduce RCS. The new build (estimated at 150) would be to this same specification. If these helicopters are built then AH-26X numbers will be reduced to about 1,300.

Work is proceeding on the first of the improved specification Soulaki battlecruisers for the HCS Space Navy. The Soulaki B has improved firepower and the engines have been tweaked to improve performance slightly. Initially 3 were to be built but the Space Navy has received extra funding to add 2 more to the order. This will then round off the Soulaki fleet at 30 examples.

The extra funding has come from the sale of some 10 Kalahati Tuul 2s to the Eritran Free State of Sear N7. 3 Type A Transports (new build) will also be sold to the Eritrans in a 2.8 billion zark deal which also includes training and the setting up of support facilities. Some in the Space navy are a little perturbed however at the sale of 10 warships considering the Space Navy is already considered light on hulls for it's duties!

Delicate Flower found dead

Lieutenant Delicate Flower, the personal ASSistant of Captain Quarz, has been found hung in his quarters. It is suspected it was not suicide but rather murder at the hands of the Hoods who tried to kill DF a few weeks before. DF had a sign around his neck saying "DEGENERATE" and CCTV footage confirms Hoods were near his quarters at the time.

Quarz is understood to be distraught. Earlier that day Hoplite received a brutal beating from the Hoods that left him in the ICU.


Panther teething troubles to delay introduction a few weeks

The DDS were hoping to commission the first Panther destroyer D101 Panther (though as the ship is as yet still officially a test ship it is operating under the build number M21065) at the beginning of 2108 but some problems during final trials will delay that at least for a couple of weeks. The ship suffered vibrations while conducting a top speed test near Rathun's World. As M21065 reached 980c it began to lose stability and had to be taken out of hyperspace. The DDS think this is down to the hyperspace field and should be adjustable.

On the way back to Solaris M21065 suffered a failure in it's primary rectifier on one of it's engines. It was able to continue it's journey using back-ups. These kinds of teething troubles often happen on new types, the DDS said and would be solved.

M21065, when it is commissioned, will be at 90% of Panther capability a DDS source has said. Further work will have to be done to get the ship that extra 10% mostly in terms of data integration and throughput. Though the source said that even 90% of a Panther will be better than most other ships in the known galaxy. The next Panther M21066 (expected to be D102) will introduce an integrated 5036-A combat suite which will be retrofitted to M21065. Both ships will also receive an early version of the iSAS-P nuclear attack systems which should fully be ready by the Summer. Its expected the Panther will also be able to operate MRM medium range missiles after some modifications.


Dino Senate changes

Following the election of M-B-H to one of the two Consul posts and the resignation of Jimmy from Interior Minister there have been some substantial changes to the Dino Senate. After Senator Ouranosaur died in the Utrek War it was decided that whomever won the Consul election would select a new Senator to fill the gap, M-B-H has chosen Sleeze.

El Diablo has moved to the Interior Minister and following support from Spikeson and Ronald Jimmy has been made the new Finance Minister. M-B-H's alternative job for Jimmy, Chief Toilet Attendant, was rejected. The new Senate therefore (with party affiliation) :

Ronald - Consul, Head of the Senate (Imperial Order)
M-B-H - Consul (Veritas = Truth)

G-B-H - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Imperial Order)
El Diablo - Minister of the Interior (Imperial Order)
Jimmy - Minister of Finance (Liberal Party)
Zanus - Minister of Defence
Cruggson - Minister of Trade & Industry (Imperial Order)
Spikeson - Minister of Health & Social Services (Liberal Party)
Sleeze - Minister of Cultural Affairs (Veritas = Truth)
Lakes - Head of the SS (Veritas = Truth)


Second Missileer enters service

The second Missileer class carrier R102 Lancer has entered service, it is to the full Missileer operational specification including TPM-2 ready launchers and software and improved communications. Some datalink integration work is still needed before the ship is considered 100% (the DDS say its at 98% now). The ship has joined the Central Fleet and also been made the Flagship of the fleet in lieu of R101 Missileer which has returned to Solaris to been made up to the same operational level. This work is expected to take around 3 weeks.

SS Lancer will begin a development deployment with SS Isometric and the Rome B SS Ovid to an undisclosed location next week where full trials of the latest development variant of the TPM-2 will take place.

Finally the Missileer order has been increased from 9 to 10 though DDS sources say the eventual total for this class could be 12.


Pulsar to receive update in early 2108

Although the 2107 update is still being performed on the last couple of members of the fleet of Pulsar cruisers the DDS has announced another update to be carried out in early 2108. Pulsar Update 2108 A (P2108UA) will be carried out before "Easter 2108" and will include fitting new missile launchers for TPM-2 as well as the necessary updates to the combat systems.

The attack system will also be updated to SAS2C standard. The 3 wing mounted laser cannons (the secondary laser armament after the Z cannon) will receive a long needed update to increase rate of fire and improve the penetrative performance. It is also rumoured (though not confirmed at this stage) that the Pulsars will be fitted with the Dino energy drain weapon, a number of which are set to be purchased from the Dinos in a 21 million zark deal. Finally the Pulsars will receive communications updates to allow them to control and co-ordinate with the Ferret-E UCV.

Caspian & Barents Sea frigates to be updated

The DDS has announced a 180 million zark update for it's Caspian Sea and Barents Sea frigates (Terran Sea A & B types). The update, which is known as Terran Sea Update 2108A (TS2108UA) will take place early next 2108 and is intended to bring the frigates up closer to Arafura Sea standard. The ships will receive 360 CIWS and a number of system updates giving them full FIDO 1.0 capabilities and bringing them closer to Open Architecture 2.0.

The ships will be made ready to receive the 5036-A combat suite (though not actually to be fitted yet because of a lack of availability of the combat data management system and cost). The 4 Caspian Sea frigates may receive the suite in a further update in the Spring.

The ships will also be made ready for TPM-2 though the new missile launcher and handling systems will not be fitted at this stage. They will be able to datalink with the new missiles.


HCS to build space UCV

With the DDS/Dino/Starbotian Ferret UCV now approaching operational use the HCS Space Navy have announced they are also working on such a type. Some years ago the HCS did experiment with a small UCV called the Swarm. It was successfully used in one of the final battles of the Third Clone War when the DDS attacked Sandworld. Several dozen Swarm UCVs tied up a Pulsar allowing it to be destroyed by conventional HCS warships. Despite that success the Swarm was not pursued any further, perhaps mainly because the Clone Wars ended soon after and the HCS cut the defence budget dramatically.

The new UCV, the Nybble, is thought to be based on the Swarm though will be a more advanced design. It will be larger than the Ferret and perhaps capable of superluminal travel. One source says it is the same size as the Coril shuttle. The HCS plan to use the Nybble for long-range scouting and pathfinder attacks. A HCS spokesclone said the first prototype Nybble could appear by the end of next year.

MQZ-1 enters service

The first of 5 new blimp UAVs for the HCS Navy has entered service. The Cholada Z-100, known as MQZ-1 in HCSN service, began a patrol along the Reenath reefs yesterday. The project is a joint HCSN/HCSAF one as the air force are also keen to explore blimp UAVs for surveillance and COIN purposes.

One problem found with the MQZ-1 was wind sheer made control of the blimp more difficult than hoped. As coastal area do tend to be windy Cholada have pledged to work on the problem, the second MQZ-1 will have uprated powerplant and further examples will have aerodynamic improvements.

The HCSN are also looking at an armed version for anti-piracy operations.

M-B-H wins Consul election!

Although Jimmy's support had rallied slightly news that his Liberal Party has accepted "unusual" donations from a businessmen who later got plum orders from the Interior Ministry finished off his chances and M-B-H romped home in the Consul elections held yesterday with a 58% share of the vote.

M-B-H is now Consul Elect and will replace his father G-B-H at the start of the new year, ironically as Dino democracy was bought in to replace hereditary rule! Jimmy promised his supporters he would fight on next year and would reorganise his Liberal Party. Meanwhile M-B-H bought in Sleeze as his permitted appointment to the Senate to replace him as Culture Minister. Defence Minister Zanus is thought likely to move to the Interior Ministry, Spikeson has nominated Jimmy to take over the Defence Ministry.

As for Sleeze, he and Pircasa (then thought to be a Liberal Party loyalist) had been chosen to join Ronald on his mission to investigate Dino prisoners still held by the Utrek but following the shenanigans with the election Ronald has told them not to bother coming.

UV123 : Pleasuring Oneself

In Impending Doom Trojan Warlord finally has enough of the DDS abuse and leaves... to become a stripper. Gibson's Sorrow shows the pain, torment and humiliation of Gibson in Utrek hands as they destroy everything he holds dear.

Encounter With Bolitic shows Windy's first encounter with the Bolitic and it doesn't go to plan. Finally in Run-Off Jimmy's campaign to become Consul lies in tatters after Pircasa's betrayal.

Stay tuned for the last book of the year, UV124 : XXX Action, in 2 weeks!


DDS to build up their air force / Achiever EAP

The DDS have said they are going to greatly increase their air power. Currently their entire combat aviation component is the 56 surviving F-10As though production of the F-10S has now begun. The DDS have confirmed eventual orders for 120 F-10S in 2 batches of 60, the second batch (from 2110) having improvements. The F-10A fleet will retained for around 10 years leaving a total F-10 force of over 170 by 2113. Its possible the DDS will keep building F-10S though to maintain a fleet of 200 fighters.

The NDAA A-12 will also be produced in numbers, the DDS are to build 120 of the light attack aircraft from 2109 with a possible further order of 100 later on. An attack UCAV is said to be in development called LLAD (Long Loiter Attack Drone) MQ-14 and could be entering service by 2110. The DDS are looking to have a 1:1 ratio of A-12 and MQ-14.

So in the mid part of the next decade the DDS could have 170-200 F-10s, 220 A-12s and 220 MQ-14s. Deputy Commander Firefly told reporters it was essential the DDS develop their non-space forces. "As the Utrek war showed us, the future wars may be fought in space but land warfare will be a key area and thus we need to rebuild our army and airforces and maybe also look at our naval assets."

Firefly was speaking at the unveiling of the new version of the Achiever MBT. The Achiever EAP (Enhanced Armour Pack) has, as you can guess, improved protection and reliability.


Understanding the Bolitic Confederacy (3) : Military

The Bolitic themselves are not that large in number, the entire race is estimated to only number about 500 million. However the Bolitic make heavy use of subject races, especially in warfare. One area where Bolitic technology is second-to-none is in mind control drugs. The Bolitic are able to control armies of thousands of aliens and use them in suicidal ultraviolent battles against other Houses or enemy powers. The Bolitic do not hold back with any weapons, to them their slave armies are worthless and their ideal situation is to win the battle but have their slave army wiped out in winning it! Typically heavy use of NBC weapons is made. In one recent battle between 2 Houses it is estimated over a million aliens on both sides died in a single day with chemical and radiological weapons used freely. NBC weapons are not allowed on the home world however, in any event most warfare takes place on other planets or in space.

Bolitic warships are large and powerful, but also slum and lumbering. The Bolitic do not possess advanced engine technology so compensate with heavily protected and armed ships. Their current battlecruiser, the Snarl, can only reach around 300c but is powerful enough to hold it's own against types like the Quasar and Dinomark RS. The Bolitic can muster around 50 battlecruisers of the Snarl and older Helwin types plus a large number of smaller types.

In land warfare the Bolitic often show strange innovation with their weapons, they are very keen on their war zeppelins, though it may be these are preferred by barons and knights as it is a good way to get rid of ambitious (and therefore dangerous) underlings by putting them aboard a slow giant bag of gas over enemy lines. The Bolitic, if possible, like to fight with their swords.

Most warfare is between the various Houses, around 12 are powerful enough to possess fleets. The Bolitic can very easily put these differences aside to reunite to face a common foe (indeed it is said that inter-House warfare is the Bolitic equivalent of sport). There was a documented case of 2 Houses being engaged in bloody warfare, then they had to fight side by side to combat an attack by the Dinos, once this conflict ended the 2 Houses resumed their war as if nothing had happened.

Inter-House warfare keeps the Bolitic sharp and assists their weapon development however it does also weaken the Bolitic strength overall. The Central Authority harmonises various aspects of the weapon systems such as communication protocols so the Bolitic can fight as one easily. This does mean that some individual innovation is discouraged however.


Jimmy tries to save his career

Following the chaos of the televised debate where Jimmy was tricked by a rogue adviser into humiliating himself, his support collapsed to just 26.3% with M-B-H rising to 45.2%. Jimmy knew he had to do something quick to save his political career as the final vote is only in a few days. He appeared on TV this morning and announced that he had been tricked by Pircasa and was sorry to his supporters.

Then he said he took corruption very seriously and was resigning as Interior Minister with immediate effect. He said, if he was elected Consul, he would dedicate himself to pursuing and halting corruption in all spheres of public life. He would set up a dedicated anti-corruption agency to clean up Dino government.

The slide in his support has stopped and his support rallied slightly to 27.1% but M-B-H is still well ahead but on 45.7% is still short of a majority. The Senate Executive Officer Razorback has taken over temporary control of the Interior Ministry.


Understanding the Bolitic Confederacy (2) : Culture

Some may say Bolitic culture can be defined by one word : "war" or "violence" but in reality it is a little bit more complicated than that, however it is true that Bolitic culture is geared around warfare and combat. It is thought that the early Boliticians, when they were cut off from their homeland, had to struggle to survive on the rather bleak planet of Castarian and this struggle has influenced the society that came out of the colonist's survivors.

Bolitic society is based on the barony system, everyone has to be aligned to a baron (those living in non-baronial areas by default are aligned to the Emperor). The centre of life in each barony is the Baronial Residence which has 2 sides to it : civilian and military. All soldiers must approach the residence from the Fighting Gate side. Even in warfare enemy forces will not approach a residence from the civilian side even though this would give them a great advantage. Nowadays discreet security sensors are placed on the civilian side as aliens cannot be expected to follow the Boliticians' quirks.

Respect for authority is a key part of Bolitican culture, however also Bolitican knights and barons are expected be ambitious and seek to defeat their peers. Barons plot to defeat other barons and ultimately overthrow the Emperor so although the other barons respect the Emperor they all want to kill him. The Boliticians are a rather contradictory lot.

Slavery is a large part of Bolitican life, prisoners of war are automatically made slaves though can purchase their freedom, aliens are not so fortunate and countless alien slaves are hurled into Bolitican wars. There is no respect for the lower levels in society, knights care not if they send their squires into a suicidal battle and don't even bat an eyelid if thousands of alien slaves die.

Understanding the Bolitic Confederacy (1) : Structure

In a new series, drawing on DDS, Sirikwanese and Dino intelligence resources we will examine the mysterious Bolitic Confederacy and attempt to draw light on this aggressive faction.

The Bolitic Confederacy are a warlike people descended from Dino settlers in the now little known original technical civilisation on Dino-Land millennia ago. The Bolitic are very different to the Dinos and hate them very much. The Bolitic Confederacy is a collection of hundreds of baronys all competing with each other for influence and resources though in reality only around 12 baronys are strong enough to have any real influence and maintain a space fleet, other baronys subcontract their resources and manpower to these elite.

Each barony is headed by a Baron who has an official residence and territory somewhere usually on the capital planet Castarian (though some recent baronys have set up on other worlds in the Confederacy). Bolitic society is rigidly hierarchical though money can provide a shortcut (see below). Baron titles are hereditary though the Baron's heir can (and increasingly is) passed over in favour of someone else. Murder is considered an acceptable way to replace the Baron but only by a legitimate heir, which is why most Barons send their sons away to seek service with other Barons as soon as they can hold a blaster.

The Bolitic Confederacy itself is headed by the Baron with the most powerful army and fleet, informally he is known as the Emperor though this title is unofficial. Currently Baron Aliowati has this position. He has survived at least 42 assassination attempts over the last few years, in fact it is over 200 years since the last "Emperor" died peacefully.

Other barons are often in combat against each other though the Emperor can order them to cease hostilities if he wishes, for example if the Bolitic have to pool forces against a common foe or the battlezone is close to where the Emperor wishes to play golf as happened recently.

Below the baron are the knights, who are the commanders of his army. These are freemen who are knighted by the Baron or are the sons of other knights. A knight cannot serve the same Baron as his father though and young knights when they come of age must leave the barony of their birth and seek employment elsewhere. Many, especially those not so good at fighting, do not succeed and instead are employed by the Central Facility. Knights who do find a new baron however then tend to remain with the barony for the rest of their lives, no matter how many times the baron himself is replaced. Trusted knights can hope to be chosen to succeed the baron though of course many just live out a life of service and then retire. A few knights do assemble the money they need to set up their own barony though as the amount needed is huge (5 million zarks alone for the various fees, probably 3 or 4 times that to actually set up a barony).

Knights (and barons for that matter) cannot be stripped of their titles though sons of knights in disgrace can be stripped of the right to inherit their father's status. Knights in disgrace are kicked out of their barony and often end up as outlaws, or enter civilian life. Selling insurance is a common occupation for them for some reason.

Below the knights are the freemen, civilian and military. The military are the footsoldiers of the Confederacy. Each owes allegiance to the knight first and then his baron second. Civilians tend to have allegiance to the baron in whose territory they live. For inhabitants of the major cities which fall outside of any barony allegiance tends to be to the Emperor. Freemen who excel in service can be knighted by the baron though there is no money shortcut to become a knight. Soldiers who cannot find the service of a knight are in a kind of limbo and many join the Central Facility.

Raegris fleet developments

The first Raegris built Isometric frigate, the DF-1, has been launched at a ceremony on the Raegris homeland. The DF-1 is based on the Isometric-E platform but of the highest optional specification and is also similar to the future DDS Battle class frigate.

The Raegris are also building Pentekonter-Es for export customers and have ordered 3 for themselves for the training and local patrol roles. The type will be the lower end of the specification options and will be known as the PC-1. Deliveries are expected in 2110.

Meanwhile the unaligned planet of Helinox has said it is interested in procuring Pentekonter-Es.

Jimmy campaign in chaos as M-B-H roars ahead

Jimmy's support has collapsed mere days before the final vote for the 2108-2110 Consul after a catastrophic error in a debate between the 2 men live on TV. It is thought a key member in Jimmy's Liberal Party was really working for Veritas = Truth. In the debate Jimmy produced a document which he said proved financial misdealings in M-B-H's Culture Ministry but when the document was actually read it was an Audit Office document proving corruption at Jimmy's Interior Ministry!

Jimmy did not read the document which had been given to him by his assistant Centurion Pircasa. Following the debate Pircasa could not be contacted but one source said he was seen in the company of Sleeze and M-B-H.

Jimmy's support has collapsed to just 27% with M-B-H rising to 45%. Quite a lot of voters are still undecided but surely M-B-H's jibes at Jimmy that he was incompetant must be heavy on their minds.


HCS Navy unveil latest ships

Two more Triona class OPVs have successfully completed their trials and have been accepted into service by the HCS Navy. P09 Temple North will be deployed to Cloneland and AP10 Senrilla will be transferred to Aquaworld early next year. The two boats are to a updated specification with SA-N-6A self-defence SAMs and some modifications to the hull to improve sea keeping.

Meanwhile the new destroyer lead ship CNS Olana has begun sea trials following it's launch a few months ago. The ship still requires armament and some support equipment being fitted which will take place next year following these proving trials. The HCSN are still keeping to a "Summer 08" entry in service though this may be ambitious.

The sole frigate CNS Ailier has returned to base following the recent operation against pirates and will receive a refit and update. It should return to service next spring with SA-N-6A and other system updates.

Windy admits : "Boliticians kicked our ass!"

Windscorpion has admitted that his first encounter with the Bolitic Confederacy has not gone as well as originally implied. A few days ago a Bolitic ship attacked and disabled the communications array on SS Carboniferous and then 2 Bolitic soldiers boarded the transport SS Globemaster. Laser spot communications were used to alert Windy who beamed over to the transport with Salamander.

Unfortunately the DDS troops were defeated in battle, Windy had his suit badly scorched by a heat ray and Salamander's favourite chainsaw was destroyed. The Bolitic made off, presumably not finding anything worth stealing. Windy has said that the DDS has been complacent after decades of fighting "losers like the Clones and Utrek". "The Bolitic are a much tougher race, and i look forward to the rematch... the result will be different!"


TPM developments

A revised version of Milestone 3 of the next generation TPM-2 trans-phasic missile has been developed for testing. TPM-2 M3B has various updates of key sub-systems and has been readied for limited deployment to test the missile in near-combat conditions. Two Isometric frigates have received modifications to be able to use the missile (though not from the internal launcher - they will have them fitted to external pylons) and the Rome Bs (which are already TPM-2 ready) will also be given some to deploy in real-life scenarios. The missiles are unlikely to be used in an actual combat situation however.

The aerial version of the TPM-1, the TPM-A, has received an update. TPM-A2 has a better rocket motor for improved speed and endurance, software has also been improved to enhance terminal guidance and stowage safety. TPM-A2 will be used as the basis of a ground-based version, TPM-G. This will have a booster rocket first stage. The DDS hope to deploy TPM-G as part of the enhanced protection of key DDS sites in 2108.

DDS and HCS both announce future fighters

In an unusual co-incidence both the DDS Aviation Service and the HCSAF announced at media briefings they are working on new fighter projects to replace their current front line fighters in the 2120s (the DDS were first, it is thought the HCSAF bought their announcement forward a few days).

The DDS project has been named as ADF (Advanced DDS Fighter) and will replace the F-10S as front-line fighter (and replace the F-10A in totality) in the mid-2120s. It will be a highly agile, stealthy fighter of course. Some design studies published show a hybrid of F-10S and the HCS F-45 which would make for an interesting type! This project replaces the previously announced (but scant detailed) F-10X. Also at the briefing the DDS announced that the light attack aircraft currently in development, the NDAA, will be known as the A-12 in service.

The HCS project is called NGCA (Next Generation Combat Aircraft) and is expected to enter service in the early 2120s (so before the ADF). This will replace remaining F-40s in HCSAF service. Details of NGCA are being kept under wraps for now, one rumour is that it will be an advanced development of the F-45, a design said to have a lot of life left in it.

Jimmy and M-B-H go into Consul election run-off

As expected Jimmy and M-B-H easily were the 2 highest polling candidates in the first round of the Consul election. Jimmy took 59.2% of the vote and M-B-H 21.9%. Jimmy did slightly worse than expected and M-B-H a bit better but Jimmy is expected to easily win the second round, voting of which is late next week. In an opinion poll of voters for the other 2 candidates he was named by 73% of them as the candidate they would vote for out of him and M-B-H.

DDS gain Bolitic intelligence / Windy attacked

Thanks to the new DDS/Sirikwan military treaty signed by Windscorpion while he was there the DDS now have access to the Sirikwanese database on the Bolitic Confederacy, it is said the DDS now might even know more about the Bolitic than the Dinos! The Sirikwanese have discovered that the Bolitic are currently rebuilding some of their older BS4004 Helwin battlecruisers as BS4005 Helwin B. These include technology from the current BS4040 Snarl class. It is thought the Bolitic are also working on a replacement for the Snarl.

The Sirikwanese have discovered recent evidence of contact between the Utrek and the Bolitic. In the last few months Utrek military envoys have visited Castarian (the Bolitic capital world) twice and may help the Bolitic with engine technology. The Bolitic are lagging behind quite badly, literally! Their fastest ships, the Snarls, can only reach about 300c.

Meanwhile Task Force Windscorpion has run into some trouble in unclaimed space near the edge of the Bolitic Confederacy. A Helwin class ship of an unidentified House transmitted a virus into SS Carboniferous knocking out it's communications array and then attempted to board and raid SS Globemaster however the Bolitic were forced to retreat after Windy intervened.


HCS Round-up (29/11/07)

With the Gale IRBM ring around Central Ailier currently receiving the Gale IIB update the HCS have announced a further update and the next generation programme. Gale IIC will continue on the work being carried out with the current update and will further improve silo protection and security and warhead penaids. The Gale III programme has also been announced, this will replace the current missiles around the middle of the next decade and possibly also include a naval version for use on the planned HCSN SSBNs.

The Army is to receive 150 new Tapir IFVs, the TRV-5G4-II features improved radios. Work has been cancelled on the next major Tapir version, the Tapir-H due to the budget cuts however work already done will be deployed on a smaller update, to be known as TRV-5G5 next year.

The Army has also ordered a further 20,000 AR-105 assault rifles, bringing the total in the HCS to 130,000. There is some way to go before the venerable AR-100 is replaced however as the HCS have around 8 million on the books...

A VLF radio station has begun operating in Central Micom, this is to be used to communicate with HCSN submarines (though there is only one old SSK at the moment). Attention is switching to an aerial communication system however due to the vulnerability of a static ground base. A land mobile station is also being looked at.

The 20 oldest Cosmos CC cruisers will receive a MLU next year. Some of these cruisers are now 10 years old and starting to show their age. As well as refurbishment and replacement of fatigued hull structure they will receive updates to tactical systems, shields and cloaking device to bring them up to the Cosmos SR standard.

The 20 surviving Molentic Tuul cruisers will also receive an update though not to GX standard, it is thought they will receive some GX technology but retain their older engines and armament. The update will be known as Molentic Tuul MT-B.

Voting begins in Consul election

Voting has begun in the first round of the Dino Consul election. There are 4 candidates though only Jimmy and M-B-H have any chance of winning and should make it through into the second round next month. Over the last few weeks Jimmy has regained his lead over M-B-H and now has a healthy average opinion poll rating of 61% compared to M-B-H's 19%.

Dinos across the Republic have been voting and the votes will be electronically counted in a couple of days once proxies and random samples have been checked. The second round between the top 2 will then begin with polling a week later.


Panther unveiled to media

The DDS have officially unveiled their latest destroyer D101 Panther to the media. The ship, not yet in operational use, has just returned to port after extensive trials including mock combat. A number of issues arose during the gruelling trials but "no show stoppers" according to a DDS spokeswoman. The ship will spend the rest of the year having these issues addressed and have final fitting out of internal systems.

The ship will then conduct a final trial in early January and should there be no major problems should enter service before the end of the month.


Ferret UCV nears completion

The joint DDS/Dino/Starbot UCV space fighter, the Ferret-E is nearing completion with the latest pre-production milestone about to enter testing. Ferret-X M05 is expected to be the last pre-production prototype and it's configuration is more of less the same as production Ferret-Es are expected to be. Both the Dinos and DDS are building an M05, the Dino example was the first to be completed and will enter extensive trials next week. The DDS example is expected in early December.

Meanwhile the DDS produced M04 has completed it's trials with SS Missileer and it is thought was also used as part of SS Panther's combat trials. Overall the trials were a success though there were some stability and control issues which it is hoped M05 will solve.

Meanwhile the DDS and Dinos have begun feasibility studies on a larger reconnaissance UCV. The superluminal capable drone would be used for ultra-long range reconnaissance and sigint duties.


Trojan Warlord leaves DDS

In a surprise move, considering his lack of career options and talent, the Trojan Warlord has resigned from the DDS said to be a result of his second brutal assault at the hands of the Hoods. Following news of his departure the DDS share price rose 14%. Trojan said he was fed up being treated by disdain by the DDS and wanted a new job where he could be respected and valued for his "unique portfolio of skills".

It is thought he is now working as a male stripper in Hexian City.

Some parts of HCS to face funding cuts to afford Navy

To get the Navy the HCS wants by 2118 (and that was revealed at a media briefing last week to include 4 carriers, 2 helicopter cruisers, nuclear submarines et cetera) the HCS is going to have to stump up some 25 billion zarks over the period. As well as that the HCS are thought to soon authorise a 10 year crash programme to develop SLBMs and SSBNs that will cost another 10 billion zarks.

The Clone economy is doing very well, indeed the HCS has seen a large increase in funding lately but the money pit isn't bottomless. Clone observers estimate the government can stump up around 15 billion extra for the Navy on top of inflation equaling defense budget increases over the next 10 years plus the SLBM programme. The other 10 billion is going to have to be clawed back from the other 3 services.

It is thought major programmes like the AH-26X and Shark space frigate will see procurement slowed down and build spread over a longer period, planned future projects like the next Tapir IFV version will be delayed. As these new weapons are replacing old and wearing out types however it does mean the HCS overall will lose some capability. For example the HCS is still going to get a new armoured division but 9 infantry regiments will in turn be disbanded as part of an estimated 4.2 billion zarks the HCS will have to return over the next decade.


UV122 : To Be The Man U Have 2 Beat The Man

In Wasp Attack! the Dinos have to battle a Zone pirate. The Neo-Hoods step up their attacks in Hood Wink including a vicious assault on Delicate Flower who finds salvation from an unexpected source. Moving to Sirikwan Windy currently visiting there gets involved in some local terrorist affairs in Young Girl Dance.

The humans rise in rebellion in Crushing A Rebellion, and where are the weapons coming from. Finally in World's Most Amazing Videos we see the last Utrek on Loeuss.

Stay tuned in 2 weeks for UV123 : Pleasuring Oneself.


HCSAF reveal some new types and the end of the Flashlight

The HCSAF held a media day at Central AFB on Cloneworld and unveiled some new types to the media. The major unveiling was the AH-26X prototype. This is the next generation of the iconic HCS helicopter. It has new engines, sensors, rotor and a totally redesigned internal layout. The prototype will begin flight testing next year and the HCSAF are hoping to get the type into service in 2109.

Another HCSAF icon is the TR-72 Mustang reconnaissance aircraft and a new Elint version has been accepted into service. The ER-72ERS is a specialised Rint and Sigint version and will join the other Elint/Sigint aircraft in the HCSAF. Ten in total will be produced.

The small but valuable fleet of A-19B Borehole interdiction bombers will be receiving a MLU over the next 2 years. The A-19BEC has new attack sensors and will be able to operate the next wave of HCSAF air to surface weapons. The A-19BEC will have a much better anti-shipping mode too and it is possible they will be transferred to the HCS Navy.

The end of the RF-41 Flashlight was also announced however, the Mach 4 plane has been run down in service over the last few years because of the huge cost of operating it. The HCSAF said the type will be withdrawn by next Spring. The RF-41 was always a (very expensive) vanity project though had served the HCSAF usefully over the years.

DDS look at attack aircraft

With the F-10S Shark 2100 now about to enter service the DDS are looking at other parts of their aerial portfolio. The F-10S is a multi-role fighter with a good strike role but the DDS are looking into also fielding a dedicated light-attack aircraft. A DDS spokeswoman informed the media that a project called NDAA (the acronym was not explained but it is assumed to stand for New DDS Attack Aircraft) was begun earlier this year.

The NDAA is expected to result in a small yet agile aircraft capable of transonic speeds and able to carry a variety of bombs and missiles. The DDS plan to unveil finalised designs and specifications next summer.

Fleet news (21/11/07)

C126 Lepton has become the latest Quasar ILU rebuild to be completed. The ship has successfully ended it's trials and has rejoined the fleet. Reports indicate it has improved software compared to previous ILU2 updates and the software will be cascaded to the other ships over the next few days.

F150 Sea Of The Hebrides has become the latest Arafura class frigate to enter service. One more ship has been added to the order meaning that there are now just 2 more to be built. The DDS said the extra order was part of the replacement for Utrek War losses but no more would be added after that as the production line would be closed next Summer for conversion to produce the Battle class starting late next year.

Two ships have left the DDS Fleet however. L101 Intruder, the ex-HCS ship has now left the DDS to be returned to the HCS. The ship will be stripped of DDS technology before being returned. Coril class shuttle A561 Nicola has been withdrawn because of structural problems. It was not considered economic to repair the ship.

Aircraft shootdown escalates HCS/DDS row

The row between the HCS and DDS with respect to Randalf 74 rebels has escalated after a HCS aircraft was shot down by the rebels apparently using the latest DDS handheld SAM. The HCS reported that a HCSAF A-85 was shot down on a reconnaissance by the missile which from analysis of the telemetry carried out by a nearby Sigint ER-72 appeared to be an SA-49, the latest DDS MANPAD SAM which only entered DDS service this year!

The DDS however denied that rebels could have the system as only a few 100s had been built to date and all had been accounted for. They said that the HCS Sigint was mistaken and in a media briefing demonstrated how similar the telemetry of an SA-49 was to the older SA-43 which has been in DDS and UNP service for over 10 years and could easily have found it's way into rebel hands because of the proliferation in non-DDS security agencies.


Dinos to rethink Dinomark MR

The Dinos are considering scrapping the transport Dinomark MR design after computer models of the type specification failed to impress in simulations. The MR is a scaled up XT to fill a vital hole in the Dino's force for a good tactical transport. However the simulation showed the MR in the intended form was sluggish and would not give the flexibility of operation the Dinos need, a major problem being the awkward arrangement of cargo doors on the type. "You wouldn't really want to be sending this into a hot zone." a spokesdino said, "It would be a bit of a sitting duck and take ages to unload!"

The Dinos are set to return to the drawing board for the MR design, this will mean a service date of 2108 no longer looks possible.

HCSAF unveil A-85NT

The A-85 is one of the 5 key weapons in the HCSAF, the aerial equivalent of the Tapir AFV. A tough COIN attack aircraft that can go anywhere and be relied upon to do almost anything. The A-85 may look rather old fashioned with it's radial engine and 1940s design but it has proven itself many times as being able to take a lot of punishment and dole out a lot too. Indeed since the end of the Clone Wars the majority of actions the HCSAF have been involved with have been using the A-85 which is perfectly suited to anti-insurgency and empire patrolling.

And now the HCSAF have unveiled the latest model, the A-85NT (for New Technology), said to be the biggest change in the type since it made it's debut. The A-85NT is a larger aircraft with a longer fuselage for extra fuel. It also has a bigger wing able to carry 6 weapons. The wing is also stronger to carry a heavier load. The engine has been replaced by a brand new FT102 radial engine with 32% extra power. Armour and sensors have also been improved.

The HCSAF said they will build 400 NTs to replace the oldest A-85s in service. A version for the Navy is also in development, the A-85NTN will be optimised for coastal patrol and have an anti-shipping mode. The NTN is expected to enter service around 2110 and will be officially unveiled next year. The first A-85NTs will enter service next month.

Clones accuse DDS of supplying Randalf 74 rebels

Human rebellion against the Clones on Randalf 74 is nothing new, a low-level insurgency has been running for several years but recently the fighting has flared up to levels not previously seen. The current wave of fighting began when 2 T-89s were destroyed by IEDs as it passed through an abandoned village in Randalf 74's Sendan Province. Later on an army base elsewhere in Sendan was hit by mortar fire killing 5 soldiers.

Since then there have been dozens of attacks. The HCS have replied by sending more troops to Sendan and an extra squadron of A-85 COIN aircraft. The HCS are reporting, however, that captured human rebels are using modern UNP weapons. They even say some modern DDS weapons have been recovered.

The DDS have denied they are supplying the Randalf 74 rebels saying that the DDS weapons recovered are not current issue and were resold back into the arms market and must have ended up on Randalf 74 that way. They have said they will look into the matter and work to prevent weapons falling into rebel hands if the HCS try and find a peaceful solution to the rebel problem.


Windy runs into trouble on Sirikwan

The DDS mission to the New Cross is currently on Sirikwan and has run into some trouble with the local terrorists. Rebel group the Golden Key captured Salamander and MBF whilst they were being given a tour of the capital city Salan. The Golden Key demanded concessions from the Sirikwanese government in return for the hostages' release.

However instead the DDS discovered the rebel HQ in a cave complex and Windscorpion went in on a lone mission. He rescued his comrades after killing the Golden Key leadership. Afterwards he was asked if this incident would hurt relations between the DDS and Sirikwan but said no because "it had been a lot of fun".


HCS Navy to combat DDS?

When the HCS Navy was reborn it was to ensure the security of Cloneworld shipping especially against the large pirate menace. However recent procurement decisions and strategy documents released into the public domain indicate the Navy's longer term focus is defending Cloneworld against the DDS.

This all comes, according to influential observers, from the DDS attack on Utrek forces on Loeuss in the Summer using the new Z5g cannon. The very next day the HCS held an emergency meeting and formed a secret working group to investigate this new DDS weapon and the threat it posed to the HCS. This group has spent the last few months gathering as much information as possible on the Z5g, it's effects and DDS tactics for attacking ground targets from space. A lot of information is in the public domain though its thought espionage has also played it's part. Last week the group gave a presentation to the HCS Chief of Staff.

The details of that meeting are top secret of course but it is thought they warned the HCS that if they lost space superiority then the DDS would be free to destroy the HCS from orbit to prepare for an invasion. 10 Z5g equipped ships, it was warned, could devastate the HCS' ability to defend against an invasion in little over a week.

It is thought the HCS have ordered an immediate review of HCS ground facilities, especially around GHQ. The HCS want to improve the dispersal and protection of key assets like combat aircraft and missile defences, and the Navy is set to benefit greatly from this.

It is thought that naval based aircraft and missiles would be much more survivable against space attack as the current generation of DDS Z5g ships cannot track moving targets very well. Thus carrier borne aircraft and SSMs would give the HCS some survival assets to defend against an invasion and so expect much greater investment in them in future. However it is reckoned that the DDS will improve the Z5g and be able to attack warships within 4-5 years though they might be able to survive for some time using countermeasures and stealth systems.

In the longer turn it is thought the HCS will adopt some form of submarine based missile defence, probably cruise missile first then ballistic missiles later on. The HCS have begun looking at how to ensure contact with deep submerged SSGNs and SSBNs is kept for targeting purposes and perhaps will maintain a fleet of ER-72s from dispersed airfields for this purpose.


HCS Navy unveil future plans

The HCS Navy have bought forward their planned media briefing for next week on the future development of the navy because of a number of leaks. In the briefing senior HCS and HCS Navy officials detailed future procurement and revealed the formation of the 3rd fleet, for Benito's Austini 55.

The latter first, Benito Clone has agreed for the 2 Triona OPVs in the HCS Riverine Force (which no longer now has any open water assets) on Austini 55 be transferred to the newly formed Austini 55 Fleet of the Navy. A spokesclone for Benito said that air assets would also be transferred to the navy and they hoped to be up and running by early next year.

Benito's spokesclone then revealed a big surprise, development work was to begin on a helicopter carrier for their fleet. It was expected to be a 16-18,000 ton ship able to support amphibious operations. The Cloneworld fleet is also looking into this to supplement their planned CVs. At least 2 helicopter carriers would be procured for the Austini 55 fleet with Olana destroyers providing escort.

Then to plans in general a Navy spokesman said the planned future frigate class was cancelled, work instead going into an enlarged version of the Triona OPV, known as Triona II at the present time. The existing frigate CNS Ailier would be retained as a command ship.

The Cloneworld fleet announced that they had ordered 4 submarines from a Terran manufacturer, the SSKs would enter service around 2111.

An improved version of the Power replenishment ship was also in production which would have improved helicopter operating facilties. All 3 fleets would receive these ships.

Moving onto aerial assets the Navy on all 3 planets would standardise on F-45Ks even if they were to be shore based. This would push up the order to over 200+ aircraft with resulting cost savings.


HCSN launch major operation

The HCS Navy has launched it's largest operation to date since it's rebirth. A task force led by the flagship CNS Ailier is said by HCS bloggers to be en route to attack the Barren Isle pirates, a group of pirate bands who have been terrorising shipping in the Barren Isle and Morloric Straits recently. The force consists of Ailier, 4 Triona OPVs and a Power class replenishment ship. The latter is acting as a make-shift helicopter carrier it is reported, carrying 6 SH-26 helicopters (the frigate Ailier is also carrying an SH-26) and some 300 troops from the 14th Infantry (Marine) Regiment which has been seconded to the operation by the HCS.

Naval air assets including MR-72 reconnaissance aircraft are also in operation, F-40N fighters supported by a seconded HCSAF tanker are also thought to be in readiness.


DDS issue DMZ warning to Utrekians

With policing the DMZ border proving difficult the DDS have switched strategy to a monitoring and reprisal strtegy. The Utrek have been informed that if they enter the DMZ with military forces then they can expect a response from the DDS.

On the first incursion the DDS would issue a final warning, the next incursion would see an attack on Utrek facilities in the DMZ using energy weapons. The next incursion would see a nuclear strike on a military target in the DMZ. If the Utrek still persisted the DDS say they would increase the size of the nuclear strike until it was "Zoneland size" i.e. total destruction of a planet's ability to sustain life.

"With our new warhead production factories now coming on-line we can produce a new Zoneland every week." a DDS spokeswoman said rather darkly to the media.

Hoods attack again

The Hoods have left Tsunami, Trojan Warlord and Delicate Flower (known together as the Axis of Sadness) in hospital following a series of brutal assaults by the Hoods. Firstly the white sheeted ones crushed Tsunami under a large weight and then beat Trojan who received several dozen vicious blows to his genitals.

Later on Delicate Flower was also attacked and savagely beaten. Firefly has ordered a review of DDS GHQ security and extra protection for all senior staff.


DDS confirm order for Dinomarks

The DDS have finalised specifications for the Fighting Falcon class of OPV/LCS which will be based on the Dinomark XT. The ship will be based on the current XT version the XT/118 but will have a further evolution of the Solarburst engine to boost speed up to 700c and to improve agility in littoral conditions. Equipment will include TPM-2 and the 5036-A combat management suite though also a specialist module for littoral fighting will also be added.

The DDS are hoping to begin proving trials of the Falcon before the end of 2108 with entry into service during Q1 2109.


HCS Round-up (12/11/07)

The next generation HCS self-propelled gun, the ATC-107G, has passed a series of field tests and a 350 unit order has been placed by the HCS. This is a smaller order than expected as the Clone AFV manufacturer HCSAC was hoping for over 500. One reason may be that the kit to improve existing ATC-107Cs (to make the ATC-107C-NT) has also been a success and the HCS have ordered 475 kits to improve in-service guns. The C-NT includes a modified version of the fire control and communication systems from the G. The HCS said that other orders will follow in future years and are aiming to replace all their 1000s of Cs with either Gs or C-NTs by 2120.

An order for 250 T-55Z7s has also been placed, this is the HCS version of the T-55ZDM, the Dino funded improvement to the type with a new turret and internal systems. HCS Ordinance Corp are producing the type and are also working on an update to existing T-55Zs to the new standard.

The HCSAF has decided to withdraw it's remaining second-line A-22 COIN aircraft, a few hundred remain to supplement the A-85. Many of the A-22s will be disarmed and redesignated O-43 liaison aircraft.

The HCS Navy have bought 5 Cholada Z-100 UAV blimps for maritime reconnaissance. The unmanned small airships are designed to operate unattended for long periods, their powerpacks supplemented by solar panels on the top of the blimp. The airships, to be known as MQZ-1 in HCSN service can operate for over 250 hours and contain a number of sensors and cameras for pirate detection. This is the first example of an airship or indeed a UAV in HCS service, the HCSAF are also looking at procuring the type for surveilance of remote areas.


UV121 : Uber Sausage

In Once A Loser Redjec has one last chance to break up Quarz and DF to avoid the displeasure of Windscorpion. In Rockaria a group of rebel HCS officers attempt to kill Captain Clone, bringing in a Bolitic expert in death.

In The Endless Fear the Dinos receive back their men captured by the Utrek but Gibson remains, the victim of brutal torture and rape lost and forgotton in a dark Utrek cell... cold, alone, abused, humiliated... still you got to laugh. Finally in Advent Calendar King Rathun struggles to hold down democracy protesters and calls in the DDS.

Stay tuned for UV122 : To Be The Man U Got 2 Beat The Man

F-10S shows it's abilities

The DDS have demonstrated their next generation fighter-bomber the F-10S Shark 2100 prior to it's entry into service next year. Although based on the existing F-10A the F-10S is a faster, more agile, more capable and more stealthy aircraft. A DDS spokeswoman said it was a "quantum leap", so there you are no hyperbole there.

One key capability of the new fighter is a much better TPM-A anti-space craft weapon ability. The current F-10A(S) can only carry 1 TPM-A on a belly pylon, the F-10S will be able to carry up to 4, 2 belly mounted and 1 each under the 2 wings. However in practice typical load is likely to be 2 as with all 4 missiles the F-10S would not be able to use it's extra speed and height to assist TPM-A launch and extend it's range.

The DDS also said they are looking to further improve the aircraft with the F-10S2 already in development for early in the next decade and a third generation F-10X around 2120.


Windy visits Sirikwan

Windscorpion, on his mission to discover the New Cross, reached last week the planet of Sirikwan. This planet is beyond the Dino Republic and until recently was little known but they came to everyone's attention when they placed a huge order for DDS warships earlier this year. 5 Pentekonter-Es, 2 Extender-Es and 2 Provider-Es (originally 1 but the order was amended) in a 4.5 billion zark deal.

Windy signed the official order with the Sirikwanese leader General Olaun. The Sirikwanese are Dinos, thought to be colonists similar to the Bolitic forefathers. Like the Boliticians they do not know of their origins though DNA analysis has shown they originally came from Dino-Land. Their relations with the "home land" are cordial though unlike the Bolitic. However it is thought the Dinos are not that happy the Sirikwanese decided to go for DDS ships.

After another week's R&R the small DDS fleet will continue onto the western borderlands of the Bolitic Confederacy.


Fleet news (06/11/07)

The first of 3 Nightingale class hospital ships, A181 Florence Nightingale, has entered service. This is the latest SUP based ship, though still uses SUP-A. The second ship next year will use SUP-B. The ship can take up to 1000 casualties and includes isolation wards, operating theatres and medical laboratories. In peacetime the ship will be used for UNP sponsored humanitarian services including acting as a clinic to far flung UNP colonies. The UNP are thought to have paid 50% of the ship's costs.

A150 Refinery has also entered service, the latest Extender class oiler/transport. Again this is a SUP-A ship, A152 will be the first SUP-B model.

P113 Nicias has become the 6th (and final) conversion to Pentekonter-M (and thus renumbered M113). It includes the latest version of SPECNES which will be retrofitted to the other 5 minesweepers later on.


SUP-B / Provider sale to Vosun-Voth

The SUP (Standard Utility Platform) is the basis of the DDS' transport (and beyond fleet), being a common powerplant, engine, major electrical system and load-bearing backbone upon which the rest of the ship is built, from the pure transport Provider to the Missileer carrier. The DDS have unveiled the first major update to this backbone, known as SUP-B.

SUP-B has extra power and the engine has been upgraded to a HS-740C (as already fitted to the Missileer). The load-bearing structure has also been improved to take top speed up to 600c. The DDS have a backlog of some 14 older SUPs (now called SUP-A) already built but have decided to move to SUP-B for new ships from as soon as possible and use older SUP-As on it's export version of the Provider and Extender. The first ships to use SUP-B are expected to be Extenders and Missileers next spring, there are 2 Extenders, 1 Provider, 1 Missileer and the first Florence Nightingale hospital ship already in production which will be the last DDS ships to use SUP-A.

The Vosun-Voth Star Empire have surprised everyone by requesting technical details and a visit by a Provider next year. It is thought they want to upgrade their aging transport fleet. It is possible they may also be interested in the Pentekonter-E.

Uprising on Rathun's World, DDS to be called in

A coalition of non-human and human factions has launched an uprising in the troubled Oran province of Rathun's World. King Rathun has sent his army to put down the uprising but his forces are struggling to contain the uprising and it is speculated he may call in DDS assistance as is his right. However this puts the DDS in an interesting position.

The uprising is calling for democracy on Rathun's World which is run on an absolute monarchy basis. Thus if the DDS do intervene they will assisting in the suppression of democracy which may not be good for their image in the rest of the UNP. The DDS do not have much choice though as per the terms of the agreement UNP planets sign with the DDS the UNP planets have to assist the DDS with armed forces if needed and vice versa. Rathun's World troops already assisted the DDS during the hunt for Windscorpion a few years ago.

There is a squadron of DDS F-10A fighter bombers on the planet and these may be called upon.

Isometric fleet wearing out

It's ILU is due for 2009 but some Isometric frigates may struggle to last until that date, there is concern at the DDS Fleet that the Isometric fleet is beginning to crumble. The problem stems from the fact the ships have been a great success and thus used far heavier than intended. "Fleet utilisation has been 12% higher than we expected." A Fleet source said, "And the final straw was the Utrek War, some ships have had 20% more combat hours than we intended for them at this stage."

It is thought that the ships in the worst condition will be downrated to slower speeds (maybe 75-100c less) to prolong the life of their main load-bearing beams and also allocated to less arduous patrols if possible. The DDS said that when the ships receive their major update, the ILU, the new load bearers will have a life expectancy more in line with actual fleet usage than originally estimated.


DDS win contract for Raegris modernisation

The Raegris have awarded the DDS a 2.1 billion zark contract for refurbishment and modernisation of it's fleet of RC-2 Yel'Tema battlecruisers (known as the Cosmos in HCS service). The new model will be known as RC-2B and will have a complete weapons refit with a Z5 turret fitted and have TPM-2 missile launchers. Sensors and tactical systems will also be replaced and fitted with systems similar to be fitted to the Isometric frigates now being built for the Raegris. A key part of the upgrade will be to make the ships compatible with the DDS technology at the heart of the future Raegris fleet and allow them to integrate into DDS operations.

The refurbishment will give the spaceframes another 10 years of life. The programme is due to start in 2109 with all 9 RC-2s being updated over a 2 year period.

Meanwhile the first DF-1, a frigate based on the Isometric-E (and similar to the Battle class), is taking shape at a Raegris/DDS shipyard. The Raegris are hoping to begin flight testing by next Spring.

Finally the Aritans have teamed up with their neighbours Artic to order 2 Pentekonter-Es. The ships will be jointly owned but operated by the Aritan fleet and will be used for patrols in the space near both planets. A delivery date has yet to be set but is expected to be 2109. When they enter service the Aritan's Yeoman frigate will be withdrawn.


Utrekians holding out on Dino prisoners?

A few days ago some 70 Dinos were repatriated following the prisoner exchange agreed between the Utrek and the Allies. DDS prisoners will be repatriated next week. The Raegris acted as a third party and also returned the 129 Utrekians held prisoner by the Dinos. Repatriating the DDS held prisoners will take longer as they have over 20,000 including troops on Loeuss.

Consul Ronald has expressed puzzlement at the small number of Dinos returned, saying that the Dino Army has estimated around 200 Dinos had been made captive by the Utrek. The Utrekians said that the rest died of their injuries or "other causes". Dino prisoners have reported that the Utrekians were firm but did not mistreat them. However some officers may have received "special treatment".

The highest ranking officer captured was Gibson, who was not returned. The Utrek have not said what happened to him and some 12 others officers over the rank of Centurion.

HCS Round-up (01/11/07)

The new anti-ship missile, the AS-21, has entered service and has been deployed to units on Aquaworld and Austini 55. The missile replaces the AS-6 which was a veteran of the Clone Wars (indeed it saw action against DDS ships during the First Clone War) and was pretty obsolete. The new AS-21 has longer range, much better guidance and terminal phase countermeasures to evade CIWS and other ship defences. One missile prematurely fired in a hangar on Aquaworld (no one was killed) though this has been found to be because of sabotage.

The HCS Navy on Cloneworld have yet to deploy the missile as it is incompatible with the F-40N, the Navy's fleet of fighters will require updates to their databus architecture and pylons to use the missile, this will be carried out over the next few months during scheduled maintenance. The missile is compatible with F-45As and late model F-40s.

Staying with the Navy, it's backbone fleet of Triona OPVs will receive an update over the next couple of years during scheduled refits. Improvements in the programme known as Triona M1 include hull modifications to improve blue water seakeeping, replacing the SAM with the SA-N-6B, updating the radars and other improvements.

Moving into space the hull has been laid down for the first Shark frigate, construction is expected to take around 6 months with flight trials taking another 3-4 months. The HCS Space Navy are hopeful of the first Shark entering service in the late summer of 2108 and having 4 in service by the end of the year. However ships are being withdrawn faster than the Shark can be produced to replace them. The last 5 Kalahati Tuul Bs have been removed from service into reserve and will be scrapped early next year. To help fill the gaps 6 of the oldest Kalahati Tuul 2s are to receive a minor refit to keep them in operation for a couple of more years.


Captain Clone signs agreement to form Aquaworld Navy

Triumvir Captain Clone has signed an agreement to form an Aquaworld fleet of the HCS Navy. From his HQ on Aquaworld, which is the capital planet of his portion of the Clone Empire, Captain Clone said that existing naval assets (2 Triona OPVs) would be transferred from the HCS Riverine Force to the HCSN Aquaworld Fleet with immediate effect. He also announced the entry into service of new AS-21 anti-shipping missiles (though there was an interesting incident at an airbase where a missile prematurely fired whilst on an aircraft in a hangar awaiting inspection. Luckily no one was seriously hurt.)

Two squadrons of F-45As will be assigned to the anti-shipping role, at present they are seconded from the HCSAF but will be replaced by F-45Ks at some stage (interestingly this pretty much confirms the Navy will buy the F-45K though they have made no announcement yet). Captain Clone has also placed an order for 30 of the maritime version of the TR-72M Mustang. A multi-billion zark investment in new ships will be announced following consultation he said.

Aquaworld, despite it's name and the popular image, is not just a water world though 82% of the surface area is water. Much of the land mass is in the form of small islands and archipelagos and there is a growing piracy threat.


Fleet news (30/10/07)

Rome corvettes K110 Nero and K111 Ovid have joined the fleet following a ceremony at Proxima 7. They are the first of the Rome B type with enhanced capabilities. The DDS are now looking at retrofitting some Rome B technologies into the previous build examples.

The Mars class frigate, the third generation of the Isometric platform has been renamed the Battle class (which was actually the original name of the first Isometric-3 design). No reason for the name change was given by the DDS which apparently came directly from Windscorpion. The order for the class has been increased to 20.

The Fly class, the design consultation for a superluminal version of the SROPS/Heron has been concluded. The type was decided too small to be worth proceeding with. However the DDS are now looking at an enlarged design called Fly-100.

A601 Fulcrum, the first of the new "special purpose" transports (i.e. special forces) has joined the fleet though it's first mission will be the certify operations and carry out proving trials when used in conjunction with R101 Missileer. The DDS do not expect to use the type in anger until next year.

A116 Forwarder, a Provider transport, has also joined the fleet. Interestingly it's first mission will be a "sales trip". The planet of Orratai will evaluate the type as they have shown interest in purchasing the forthcoming export version of the transport.


UV120 : Anal Anarchy

In Rectal Rules El Diablo investigates what exactly M-B-H is up to on Colom. Fun Dee Times shows Von Kane drawn into a Utrek trap and he has to use his uber skills to escape. In Nuclear Combat Toe To Toe With The Ruskies El Diablo confronts M-B-H meanwhile Jimmy sends his men to investigate M-B-H's political campaign.

Finally in The Truth the mysterious shooting down of a TR-72 on Austini 55 is investigated by a special HCSAF team. Stay tuned for more mayhem in UV121 Uber Sausage in 2 weeks!


HCS to get big budget increase

A story not reported too much by UNP media lately is how successful the Clone Empire economy has been doing lately. Economic growth is predicted to top 7% overall in 2107, up from 5% in 2106 and 2108 could reach double figures. What does that mean? Well the HCS budget is increasing faster than it has since the height of the Clone Wars. Overall the HCS will see a 10% increase in real terms of money this year and the next few years could be the same. Flush with cash the HCS are going shopping.

Top of the HCS' list is to improve the army which has lagged behind somewhat lately. An extra Panzer division will be formed, equipped with new build T-89s. T-89 production will indeed be stepped up with the HCS aiming to withdraw remaining T-88+ and early to mid model T-88++ by the end of the decade. The T-88++ itself will then be run down during the next decade.

The Navy will also benefit, with the HCS outsourcing for the first time because of a lack of capacity. It is expected an order for 6 submarines will be placed with a Terran manufacturer next month. These submarines will be conventionally powered and help fill the gap until the HCSN can get it's own submarine yard in the next decade. Extra money means it is now virtually certain the HCSN will order F-45Ks.

No extra orders are expected for the Space Navy but money will likely be found to have 2 lines for the Shark frigate construction. Following DDS pattern these lines will likely each be producing 3 Sharks at a time meaning that the Space Navy could get a fleet of Sharks up quickly. The 20 oldest Type A transports are now reaching the end of their lives and will be remanufactured to current A6 standard. This is considered faster than replacing them with new build (though they are being built anyway).


F-10S passes test

The DDS' next generation jet fighter the F-10S Shark 2100 has passed a series of intensive tests and has been cleared to begin production in the new year after just a couple of minor modifications. The F-10S is a major redesign of the F-10A Shark and really shares little with the earlier fighter which was a veteran of the Clone Wars.

The F-10S is faster, more agile, longer ranged, stealthier and has much better avionics. The DDS consider it a good opponent for the HCS' F-45 Falcon. The first batch of F-10S will be used for air defence including space littoral defense using the air launched version of the TPM. The greater speed and ceiling of the F-10S will allow the air launched TPM (now officially known as TPM-A) to reach further into low orbit.

When the F-10S takes over the air defence duties at GHQ then the F-10A(S) squadron there will relocate to Solaris.


HCS Round-up (23/10/07)

The HCSAF's fleet of F-42 Forthright interceptors has been grounded following a crash at Ailier Central AFB that killed the pilot. The fighter crashed on landing when the undercarriage buckled. Checks on the rest of the 118 strong fleet has revealed cracks in the undercarriage main load carrier bars. The entire fleet has been grounded, the latest in a series of setbacks for the much troubled F-42. This could be the final straw though as the HCSAF are considering withdrawing it now, several years early.

"Fixing the undercarriage problem will cost a lot and take some time." A senior HCSAF source said, "As the aircraft are due to be replaced in 2110 to 2111 anyway we have to consider if it is worth it." The F-42 is due to be replaced by the F-45C which is due to enter service in late 2109. Existing F-45As and late-model F-40s will take over interceptor duties for now though lack the range and BVR capabilities of the F-42. The HCSAF are likely to consider it a risk worth taking.

Continuing with the F-45C the HCS Navy are likely to choose it as their next naval fighter. The Navy's F-40Ns are ageing and a replacement is needed for the mid-2110s. CAC (Clone Aircraft Corporation) have offered the navy a navalised version of the F-45C, the F-45K. A CAC spokeswoman said that if the Navy give the go-ahead now the first F-45Ks will be delivered in 2112. That would still mean that the new aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld will spent it's first 1-2 years in service with F-40Ns however.

Staying with naval aviation the Navy has placed an order for 12 TR-72M2 maritime reconnaissance aircraft and 6 ER-72M EW/Elint aircraft. These are the latest versions of the highly successful Mustang tactical reconnaissance platform, the ER-72M is a new version of the EW Mustang optimised for over water operations. The Navy's existing TR-72Ms will also be bought up to M2 standard.

Finally moving into space the HCS Space Fleet has announced a 450 million zark upgrade of it's fleet of 25 Soulaki cruisers. The upgrades will include systems from the Soulaki-B varient including enhanced sensors and shields as well as some refurbishment of older ships.


TPM-2 Milestone 3

Ahead of schedule Milestone 3 of the TPM-2 project has been unveiled and will begin testing early in November. Milestone 3 (or top give it it's full title XTPM-2 M3) will introduce an exciting new technology that will surely strike fear into enemy crews : cloaking.

The TPM-2 will have the option of a cloaking device which means that a cloaked ship using passive sensors or a datalink could launch a cloaked TPM-2 and make a kill totally without detection, or warning to the enemy. The DDS have said though that only a small number of TPM-2s will be fitted with the cloaking device because of cost and will be used on a "first strike".

Accuracy is obviously key and the TPM-2 will have to use it's own passive sensor mode if there is no external targeting data available, the TPM-2 will use datalinks from it's mothership and by Milestone 4 next year will be able to accept targeting data from another ship other than the launcher. It is envisaged that the DDS may have a ship out of harm's way as the active scanner and have other assets as cloaked using the data.

Transphasic spoofing is also included in Milestone 3, this allows the missile to fool enemy sensors and CIWS in the terminal phase by returning false location readings. In either the cloaked or normal model the TPM-2 will be incredibly hard to defend against.