
Dino Senate changes

Following the election of M-B-H to one of the two Consul posts and the resignation of Jimmy from Interior Minister there have been some substantial changes to the Dino Senate. After Senator Ouranosaur died in the Utrek War it was decided that whomever won the Consul election would select a new Senator to fill the gap, M-B-H has chosen Sleeze.

El Diablo has moved to the Interior Minister and following support from Spikeson and Ronald Jimmy has been made the new Finance Minister. M-B-H's alternative job for Jimmy, Chief Toilet Attendant, was rejected. The new Senate therefore (with party affiliation) :

Ronald - Consul, Head of the Senate (Imperial Order)
M-B-H - Consul (Veritas = Truth)

G-B-H - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Imperial Order)
El Diablo - Minister of the Interior (Imperial Order)
Jimmy - Minister of Finance (Liberal Party)
Zanus - Minister of Defence
Cruggson - Minister of Trade & Industry (Imperial Order)
Spikeson - Minister of Health & Social Services (Liberal Party)
Sleeze - Minister of Cultural Affairs (Veritas = Truth)
Lakes - Head of the SS (Veritas = Truth)