
Understanding the Bolitic Confederacy (3) : Military

The Bolitic themselves are not that large in number, the entire race is estimated to only number about 500 million. However the Bolitic make heavy use of subject races, especially in warfare. One area where Bolitic technology is second-to-none is in mind control drugs. The Bolitic are able to control armies of thousands of aliens and use them in suicidal ultraviolent battles against other Houses or enemy powers. The Bolitic do not hold back with any weapons, to them their slave armies are worthless and their ideal situation is to win the battle but have their slave army wiped out in winning it! Typically heavy use of NBC weapons is made. In one recent battle between 2 Houses it is estimated over a million aliens on both sides died in a single day with chemical and radiological weapons used freely. NBC weapons are not allowed on the home world however, in any event most warfare takes place on other planets or in space.

Bolitic warships are large and powerful, but also slum and lumbering. The Bolitic do not possess advanced engine technology so compensate with heavily protected and armed ships. Their current battlecruiser, the Snarl, can only reach around 300c but is powerful enough to hold it's own against types like the Quasar and Dinomark RS. The Bolitic can muster around 50 battlecruisers of the Snarl and older Helwin types plus a large number of smaller types.

In land warfare the Bolitic often show strange innovation with their weapons, they are very keen on their war zeppelins, though it may be these are preferred by barons and knights as it is a good way to get rid of ambitious (and therefore dangerous) underlings by putting them aboard a slow giant bag of gas over enemy lines. The Bolitic, if possible, like to fight with their swords.

Most warfare is between the various Houses, around 12 are powerful enough to possess fleets. The Bolitic can very easily put these differences aside to reunite to face a common foe (indeed it is said that inter-House warfare is the Bolitic equivalent of sport). There was a documented case of 2 Houses being engaged in bloody warfare, then they had to fight side by side to combat an attack by the Dinos, once this conflict ended the 2 Houses resumed their war as if nothing had happened.

Inter-House warfare keeps the Bolitic sharp and assists their weapon development however it does also weaken the Bolitic strength overall. The Central Authority harmonises various aspects of the weapon systems such as communication protocols so the Bolitic can fight as one easily. This does mean that some individual innovation is discouraged however.