
HCS Navy unveil future plans

The HCS Navy have bought forward their planned media briefing for next week on the future development of the navy because of a number of leaks. In the briefing senior HCS and HCS Navy officials detailed future procurement and revealed the formation of the 3rd fleet, for Benito's Austini 55.

The latter first, Benito Clone has agreed for the 2 Triona OPVs in the HCS Riverine Force (which no longer now has any open water assets) on Austini 55 be transferred to the newly formed Austini 55 Fleet of the Navy. A spokesclone for Benito said that air assets would also be transferred to the navy and they hoped to be up and running by early next year.

Benito's spokesclone then revealed a big surprise, development work was to begin on a helicopter carrier for their fleet. It was expected to be a 16-18,000 ton ship able to support amphibious operations. The Cloneworld fleet is also looking into this to supplement their planned CVs. At least 2 helicopter carriers would be procured for the Austini 55 fleet with Olana destroyers providing escort.

Then to plans in general a Navy spokesman said the planned future frigate class was cancelled, work instead going into an enlarged version of the Triona OPV, known as Triona II at the present time. The existing frigate CNS Ailier would be retained as a command ship.

The Cloneworld fleet announced that they had ordered 4 submarines from a Terran manufacturer, the SSKs would enter service around 2111.

An improved version of the Power replenishment ship was also in production which would have improved helicopter operating facilties. All 3 fleets would receive these ships.

Moving onto aerial assets the Navy on all 3 planets would standardise on F-45Ks even if they were to be shore based. This would push up the order to over 200+ aircraft with resulting cost savings.