
HCS to build space UCV

With the DDS/Dino/Starbotian Ferret UCV now approaching operational use the HCS Space Navy have announced they are also working on such a type. Some years ago the HCS did experiment with a small UCV called the Swarm. It was successfully used in one of the final battles of the Third Clone War when the DDS attacked Sandworld. Several dozen Swarm UCVs tied up a Pulsar allowing it to be destroyed by conventional HCS warships. Despite that success the Swarm was not pursued any further, perhaps mainly because the Clone Wars ended soon after and the HCS cut the defence budget dramatically.

The new UCV, the Nybble, is thought to be based on the Swarm though will be a more advanced design. It will be larger than the Ferret and perhaps capable of superluminal travel. One source says it is the same size as the Coril shuttle. The HCS plan to use the Nybble for long-range scouting and pathfinder attacks. A HCS spokesclone said the first prototype Nybble could appear by the end of next year.