
HCS Intel : Future HCSAF Airpower

This time in Dr Forbidden's HCS Intelligence Reports he looks at the future of HCS air power.

The HCSAF was neglected for a long time but last year finally got a big budget increase and it will continue to get new investment for the next few years. The HCSAF has been able to afford new versions of some of it's key aircraft like the A-84 but what future shapes will we see ?

The HCSAF, like other arms of the HCS, has been rationalising it's unwieldly mix of types over the last few years. It has settled on a core of a few proven types and is likely to continue development of these. A prime example is the COIN fleet. Once the HCSAF had about 5 different types, many modified suicide planes. Now the withdrawal of these inadequate types is well advanced and the HCSAF has settled on a fleet of around 3500 A-85 Brownings. The HCSAF has just announced that the last 500 A-22 Boxers (modified suicide planes) will be withdrawn by 2109, being replaced by new build A-85Ns. 400 of the oldest A-85s will also be replaced by this new varient.

The A-85N has a new wing with 2 extra hardpoints (bringing it up to 8) and the wing is stronger to allow a heavier weaponload. The engine has also been uprated. The fuselage has had a 10cm plug to allow for a larger fuel tank. Avionics have been upgraded too. Of course several hundred A-85s are currently being updated to the covert strike NA-85Q standard.

The big mystery with the HCSAF is the F-46 and what exactly it is. Some say its an air-superiority fighter others that its a ground attack aircraft. It looks like the latter is going to turn out as correct. Current intelligence points to the F-46 being an attack optimised F-45. To replace the pathetic F-42 interceptor the HCSAF are looking at an upgraded F-45. The F-45C will have a longer range and better radar for BVR intercepts.

One of the key parts of the early HCSAF was the A-20 bomber. A crude but effective bombtruck that gave the DDS a lot of trouble. Since the withdrawal of the A-20 however the HCSAF have lacked such a type. Finally it looks like there could be a replacement, the XB-86 project is said to be a supersonic bomber based on the C-486 transonic transport. The B-86 will be able to deploy standoff weapons and dumb bombs in low-intensity operations (i.e. dropping tons of TNT on rebellious peasants). The B-86 could enter service early in the next decade.