
DDS secure order for warships

The Sub-Eritran society of Molab, beyond Woloron 12, has placed an order for DDS warships and equipment that could be worth over 4 billion zarks. The order is for 5 Pentekonter-E, an export version of the Pentekonter OPV and 2 Isometric-E, a ship based on the Isometric platform though less powerful than in DDS service. The Molab are also interested in 2 Extender oilers and up to 12 Feeder shuttles.

As part of the deal the DDS will also build for the Molab maintenance and mooring points at 2 locations in the Molab system. The Molab's existing 2 ships, ex-Tarbotian Yeoman II frigates will receive refurbishment and minor updates to become training/reserve ships when the Isometrics are delivered.

One problem with the deal though is that DDS shipyards are already at maximum capacity fulfilling DDS orders. The DDS said they will build a dedicated new line at Rathun's World to build export Pentekonters and Isometrics. Deliveries should begin of the Extenders in 2108 and the other ships from 2109. Construction of the orbital facilties and training of crews will begin next summer.