Now some have called my look dated, a horrific 80s nightmare. They are now mostly dead of course but maybe they did have a point. The world of fashion does not stop, even for my cute ass. So i have decided to update my look a tad. Hoodies are cool, as they annoy old people. I really like this one as it will annoy them even more. Now ASBOs are for troubled young men, they probably need to find an older man for a disciplined yet fulfilling structured relationship.
What is the letter A for? Well Abstinence of course! What? Has Windy gone soft? Can he not get it up anymore? No way baby but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. You need to pace yourself so you can appreciate it all the more.
Thats why I like this t-shirt from the Wait Wear range. Now of course they mean wait until you get married. Now I'm not waiting that long, Quarz seems to be hestitant to be taken up the aisle so to speak. Now waiting until you have had your tea is more like it. Then its head down and see you at the end. Hello Sailor!

(c) Windscorpion Power 2105
Windy is hoping for something hot inside him this Xmas, the saucy git!