
Dinos to purchase more HCS hardware

When the Dinos made their large cash injection into the Oojok Star Empire a couple of years ago part of the deal was the transfer of 1000s of AFVs to totally re-equip the Dino Army. These AFVs, T-88s, T-55s and TRV-7s mostly were from the huge reserve that had built up since the HCS had downsized several legions.

Now the Dinos and HCS have announced a 120 million zark deal for more equipment, this time brand new. The deal includes T-55Zs, TRV-7s and the Owl NBC warfare reconnaissance vehicle. Both the 1st Legion and the SS will receive an NBC warfare recon unit. The deal is an important one for the Clone Defense Vehicle Corporation (CDVC), though it should be remembered the corporation is 45% owned by the Dinos (another part of the original deal).


DDS announce F-10A2, F-10S details

As part of it's Air Corps investment the DDS is refurbishing it's fleet of 57 F-10A Shark fighter bombers. The work, which will bring the aircraft to F-10A2 standard, includes new avionics, night mode attack, a modular ECM system, an improved fire control system, a modified wing and a new fuel system that increases range by 12%. The engines will also be modified to FT6809GX4-II standard which increases thrust.

The newbuild F-10S Shark 2100 is a much more radical change, the aircraft has been redesigned around the new FT8085GX5 turbofan and is a sleeker more potent bird. The fuselage has been redesigned with a larger weapons bay and more fuel. The flying surfaces have also been modified. Avionics is largely as the F-10A2 but due to the extra room there is more ECM/EW equipment carried.

The small fleet of TF-10A trainers will be refurbished at a later stage. As yet there has been no word of a trainer version of the F-10S.


The DDS Xmas Quiz!

Its that time of year again when Windy dons his Santa outfit and terrorises young recruits with his stocking fillers... Try out the DDS Quiz, are you an expert or a dunce? A master or a servant?

1) The Hoods are...?
a - The sinister enforcers of Rotarios' professional regime
b - White sheet wearing fucks
c - both a & b

2) Salamander's favourite magazine is?
a - Chainsaw Weekly
b - Porn & Guns
c - Take A Break

3) Who has a heart-shaped vibrating rotating water bed?
a - Windy
b - Oh come on who else could it be?!

4) What does Redjec want to do with Quarz?
a - Treat him to a Pizza
b - Polish his helmet
c - Bugger him with the nosecone of Concorde

5) Action Painting likes the new regime because...
a - He wants Rotarios' babies
b - So arrogant fucks like Sea Urchin have to call him sir (not that they do...)
c - The old one was sooo 21st century

6) Ronald's daughter is called?
a - Crystal
b - Sunita
c - Margaret Thatcher

7) The motto of the SS is...
a - To serve is to protect
b - Brutal suppression of all Dino rights under our wheels of steel
c - Hard & heavy baby

8) Razorback has a collection of what?
a - Stamps
b - Specialist violent East European animal porn
c - Bottle tops

9) Who is Akiwati (XE)'s brother?
a - Captain Clone
b - Benito Clone
c - Electron

10) What was special about Weinz's journey home from the war?
a - It took a long time
b - It had to remain a secret between himself and a 1000 whores
c - Its secret

And relax! How did you do? The answers are below, we hope you did not peek... that is off-message.

0-3 right : You infidel!
4-6 : Ronald might pee on you if you was on fire, perhaps...
7-9 : You may serve in the DDS fleet, under Windy...
10 : Oojok!!!

ANSWERS : 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 B


Bank warns DDS on debt

The Bank Of Proxima has issued a warning to the DDS about it's growing debt and thinks the DDS could have real financial problems unless they rein back spending. Mr Crisp, the Chairman of the bank, said that the DDS' debt had risen from 4.3 billion zarks in 2100-2101 to 22.6 billion in 2104-2105. With big programmes such as the Panther class destroyer and the Quasar ILU upgrade that debt could reach 35 billion by 2106-2107.

Income and cashflow has increased in the period too but so had spending at what Mr Crisp called an unsustainable rate. In a statement DDS Financial Officer The Shiner said that there were no problems and that debt would remain manageable. He also said that in real terms DDS debt was a lower proportion of turnover than in 2101.


DDS to boost aerial power

The DDS has announced a long-awaited (and much-needed) investment into it's Air Corps. This part of the DDS war machine has been neglected over the last decade and a half and has dwindled to just 2 squadrons of F-10A Shark fighter bombers. Under the newly announced 1.4 billion zark investment :
  • All current F-10A Sharks will be refurbished to F-10A2 standard
  • 120 newbuild F-10S Shark 2100s will be built, details TBA
  • Two new airbases on Proxima 5 and Rathun's World will be built
  • 60 of an unspecified medium transport will be procured
  • The DDS Air Corps Training School will be revamped with new trainers (type TBA)
Director Of Communications Vodaphone said that the programme of refurbishment for the F-10As would begin in the new year and that the first F-10S were already in construction.

HCS Navy to return?

Following the Total Triumph victories on Cloneworld and New Rome the HCS Navy was considered obsolete and unneeded and was run down. Starved of funding the HCSN in the end became a mere Marine Division of the army and all major surface ships were withdrawn. However the rise of piracy on Cloneworld and Aquaworld and the difficulty in defending the northern flank on Cloneworld has forced a change of policy.

The HCS are now looking at building a new navy. Its known that all former HCSN personnel who are still in the armed forces have been contacted and former HCSN F-40N (navalised F-40As) have been sourced across the empire (though a couple on Austini 55 are obviously unavailable at the moment). Funding has also been secured for development of a F-45N.

Its thought the HCS will build their new navy one fleet at a time. The first being for Cloneworld. It has been suggested that the fleet will consist of one aircraft carrier (carrying around 40 F-45Ns and F-40Ns) plus helicopters, 4 destroyers, 4-6 frigates, 4 attack submarines, 3 fleet supply ships and 1 oiler. Minesweepers already are available. The cost of this fleet has been put at 5.6 billion zarks, with a further 3.5 billion for a new Naval Academy and 2 ports on Cloneworld.

The cost is obviously the major sticking point but the Clone economy has improved a great deal over the last couple of years and funding may be available. A second fleet would be built for Aquaworld later on with a third fleet designed for mobility. A number of heavy space transports would be outfitted with dry docks for transporting the vessels.

Xmas at the DDS

The DDS Xmas party is due to be held at GHQ tomorrow, all on-message personnel are requested to attend to enhance their professional status among peers. There will be a Secret Rotarios. This is similar to Secret Santa but instead of presents (which just represent sloth, greed and happiness) you instead nominate some professional activities (such as 12 hours back breaking toil in the laundry - ah joy!) and then your fellow professionals will each choose at random one of the duties! Noses to the grindstones brothers!


History of the SS

In a special feature we look back at the history of the Dino Security Squad (SS), the brutal fascist vanguard of the Dino Empire or the guarantee of law and order? One thing is for sure, controversy is never far away.

Since the formation of the Dino Empire under the great Ecto I there have been internal security organisations operating alongside the army. These often were informal and secret groups, often the personal bodyguards of various Lords. The assassination of Emperor Wen Dobla led to calls for a formal internal security unit to act as a police force for the empire and to be a counter balance to the army. This, the Internal Security Unit (ISU), was formed by Emperor Renesoka in 1598 (Terran date). The ISU operated as a small secret police for centuries. However under the rule of Juliawaki the ISU grew greatly in power and was renamed the SS.

It was under the control of it's first Commander Telavason that the SS gained military units and much greater influence. Infact Telavason secretly ruled the Empire for several years, keeping Juliawaki drugged. Finally in 2052 Telavason decided it was time to dispose of the figurehead and launched a coup. Ronald slew Telavason in the battle that followed and became emperor himself!

Ronald considered disbanding the SS but changed his mind. Although the SS has often been a hive of conspiracy and treason the empire might well fall without it's enforcement arm. Ronald made a reasonably clean Tribune called Holun the new SS Commander though some years later Gibson rose to command the organisation.

Gibson was later humiliated in a dinosexual scandal involving the DDS, sexual blackmail and rent dino boys. Ronald promoted his son Stinkyson to command the organisation. A surprise promotion but one that made sense considering Stinky's bad reputation and shady past. Under Stinkyson's rule the SS less rebellious but also somewhat lazy. The 2nd SS Legion became a shadow unit as funding was withdrawn.

Stinkyson could not take the shame of ruling such a corrupt and sexually deviant organisation however and resigned. Lakes became the new commander, the first to be democratically elected. Under Lakes' command the SS has begun to expand it's power again and is forming a 3rd legion. The SS is the vanguard of the Empire but often can also be it's weakpoint.

UV94 : The Way Of The Windscorpion

The final book of 2005 is the winter special, concentrating on the life of Windscorpion. In "The Way Of Him (B4 Him)" Windy remembers back to his first ever battle in the DDS, and not everything went to plan! Moving on a few years to the war on Cloneworld, in "Best Sex" we see the famous battle of Ailier City for the first time. The battle that nearly ended the reign of Oojok before it had even got started.

Changing tack somewhat, in "Six Of The Best" Windy recalls when he was asked to turn trainer of new DDS recruits, and ended up causing chaos at GHQ. Finally the story of how Firefly restored Windy back to life is detailed in "Back 2 Life", in which Firefly searches parallel universes for a new Windy to replace the one slain by Rotarios. Finally in "Death Ride" Windy recalls one of the vicious battles on Randalf 74.

UV94 is available from all toy shops on Proxima 5 and brothels across the Rim Worlds. Next up is UV95 : Vile Thrills at the end of January.

HCS Space Navy acknowledge staffing problems

A report leaked to a Dino newspaper has revealed a growing crisis in staffing levels across the HCS Space Navy. The HCS were forced to issue a statement acknowledging the problem but said that steps were in progress to alieviate the problem. The main problem is that the HCS Navy has expanded in size greatly over the last few years but the training schools have not followed suit. That, plus natural wasteage, has led to some ships running up to 30% below normal staffing levels.

The HCS operate a 3 shift pattern like the DDS though their shifts are 10 hours long (as a Cloneworld day is about 30 hours long). Some ships have been forced to change to a 2 15-hour shift pattern. This of course is having a detrimental effect on morale and performance. One HCS General is said to be worried that tired crews are making mistakes and ships could be lost.

HCS General Asim, the head of HCS Space Navy Training, said that the HCS Space Navy had just opened a new training academy on Paragon (the 4th in the empire) and that 2 more were being built. However one of these was on Austini 55 and the rebellion now makes that unlikely to be providing any loyal HCS space sailors any time soon.


Life At The Blunt End : A Knobhead diary

Hello I am Knobhead, second in command to Horsehead. I have been in the DDS for a long time, and avoided death despite spending most of that time under Horsehead's command. The DDS have decided it would be good for a top DDS soldier to do a regular column for Latest Victory News. I was given the choice of death by impaling or writing this column. But you know what the army is like, ask for one thing and get the other.

Its currently a quiet time in the DDS. Horsehead spends most of the day watching his specialist porn library (mostly films of huge butch lesbians violently penetrating young girls with massive strap-ons), that and bullying the men. He often asks us a trick question, with the aim of killing us if we get it wrong. Any questioning of his orders he takes as mutiny and of course the penalty for that is death, instantly. When i leave the DDS i'll probably do something less dangerous like juggling atomic bombs or something.

We are on a low-alert status overall however there is the problem of piracy in the Oscar area. Of course Horsehead has a strategy for tackling the pirates that involves a saturation nuclear strike of Oscar, New Jakarta, Zoneland and about half a dozen other planets. Luckily he tends to get ignored on matters of strategy...

Let me tell you more about our set-up. Horsehead commands the 4th fleet which is based at Rathun's World. Our area of responsibility is the DDS South district that stretches from Rathun's World to Starbot. Yes we have to co-operate with those geeky Starbotians and the loser King Rathun. Its a struggle. Since the demise of the Rectoids its been very quiet here and i know that has made Horsehead very very edgy...


Benito rebellion spreads to Miliaris, Laalande 21649

Up until now, with the exception of some riots and terrorism on Cloneworld, the Benito rebellion has been restricted to Austini 55 and the nearby planet of Woloron 12. However there have been reports in the Dino media that military units on Miliaris and Laalande 21649 have rebelled against central control and have joined the Benito flag.

Whilst Laalande 21649 is to be expected, being close to the other two rebel planets, Miliaris is some way away and this has to be a serious issue for Oojok. It is thought that Oojok has despatched a new fleet and this is nearing Austini 55. Benito's fleet has been augmented by some more defections and is said to be nearly 50 strong now.

Character of the week : Lord Rotarios

Lord Rotarios, the eternal DDS Commander! Hail to Lord Rotarios! Hail his polished head! Lord Rotarios, who knows things known not by all others! Lord Rotarios, fearless master of the cosmic powers! Lord Rotarios, illustrious mastermind of all knowledge! Lord Rotarios, i hear hes good at snooker as well.

Rotarios has had a long yet varied career in the DDS. He started off in the old days as a member of Windscorpion's team but soon sought the greener grass of the HCS. After he killed Windscorpion he became a top man in the Clone Empire. Then after Windy's resurrection he sought revenge and punished Rotarios, turning his head into an ornament.

However the Mutre Bee rescued Rotarios and Professor Piss rebuilt his body. Rotarios embarked on a two stage course 1) kill Windy 2) take over the DDS. The first he thought he had achieved when he engineered the destruction of the Pulsar during the Porquatian war. The second he achieved with the help of his acolytes Action Painting and Vodaphone and the shadowy Hoods.

Windy came back from injuries but he found the DDS now a New DDS that stands for personal growth, holistic self-actualisation and brutal self-denial. Windy was forced to bow before the greatness that is LORD ROTARIOS!

(note : Character Of The Week will be taking a break for now. Starting in the new year a weekly series profiling some of the top and special military units in the DDS Universe)


DDS to host conference on Oscar situation

With Zone piracy on the increase in the space around the disputed planets of Oscar and New Jakarta the DDS has invited representatives of the Dino and Clone Empires to discuss the various issues and to try and work on a plan to resolve the situation before it becomes another "bad lands".The DDS are said to be wanting a tri-nation force under a rotating command to police the area, though after the chaos this caused in the defense of New Arit some years ago it is doubtful the Dinos and Clones would agree to that.


Dr Forbidden : Open Architecture

Head of DDS Research Dr Forbidden has written this exclusive article on the exciting new Open Architecture that will revolutionise DDS spacecraft technology.

So what is Open Architecture, it basically is the building blocks and design philosophy behind the next generation of DDS ships, starting with the Pangaea class (though the Pentekonter and Terran Sea Block 2 will have a preliminary version) through to future classes like the Panther. Open Architecture (OA) is a standardised structure for the systems and organisation of DDS ships. With OA we have a 100% wireless control sub-system with standardised communications protocols.

This allows us full "plug & play" with ship components. We can replace a system such as a sensor signal processor as simply as unplugging the old box from the power grid and plugging a new one in. The activated system automatically communiates with the rest of the relevant systems and configures itself for use within a second. There is no longer any need for system integration as all protocols are standardised and auto-configuring. The old box need not even be physically replaced, just turned off and the new box activated somewhere within the ship, and it just works!

Another part of OA is off-ship processing. This is an automatic process whereby if a sub-system fails the data that would be processed by it is automatically sent via hyperlaser link to the nearest ground station where it is processed and then sent back. We did an example on the SS Isometric lately where the Shields Integrity Processor was turned off. The data was rerouted instantly to our base at Solaris and sent back after processing. The bridge crew did not even notice the system had been turned off! Data processing centres will be set up at Proxima 7, Solaris and Rathun's World, with maybe more in future.

As OA is a standardised architecture the same basic structure can be used on any ship. OA is easily extendable and is modular. As everything is standardised there are considerable cost and time savings in developing and production. We can also update the software used onboard easily, and in minor cases without affecting operation.

I suppose the key to OA and the future of DDS ship design is seamless communications and data warehousing. We are building an infrastructure for data storage and processing gathered from every day ship operation. Currently every signal and datum that travels around a Terran Sea class frigate is stored and once a day unloaded to a 100 petabyte database at Solaris HQ. In a couple of years we will roll this system out to every ship in the fleet so every signal and datum is stored of every ship every day.

So why do we do this? Well there are two reasons, in the short term we have scripts that analyse new data looking for anomolies. We did discover a malfunctioning component in a ship a few weeks ago in fact. The script flagged up the problem before it would normally be noticed by the engineering team and action could be taken. In the long term we will have scripts that analyse the massive amount of data and look for trends to assist efficiency and improve operations and design.

This therefore is where the DDS is moving in it's system design, its an exciting road. Lets travel it.

(c) Dr Forbidden 2105


Special : Windy's style guide

Hello fellow cool dudes, Windscorpion here. Some may call me off-message but I am an off-message kinda guy. I was asked to write a special feature for the DDS website as its usual writers are all off ill (probably with STDs), now as I am gay I obviously have perfect fashion sense so what better than The Windscorpion Guide To Style.

Now some have called my look dated, a horrific 80s nightmare. They are now mostly dead of course but maybe they did have a point. The world of fashion does not stop, even for my cute ass. So i have decided to update my look a tad. Hoodies are cool, as they annoy old people. I really like this one as it will annoy them even more. Now ASBOs are for troubled young men, they probably need to find an older man for a disciplined yet fulfilling structured relationship.

What is the letter A for? Well Abstinence of course! What? Has Windy gone soft? Can he not get it up anymore? No way baby but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. You need to pace yourself so you can appreciate it all the more.

Thats why I like this t-shirt from the Wait Wear range. Now of course they mean wait until you get married. Now I'm not waiting that long, Quarz seems to be hestitant to be taken up the aisle so to speak. Now waiting until you have had your tea is more like it. Then its head down and see you at the end. Hello Sailor!

Right I hope this style guide has been very valuable to you. Don't forget there are many options open to you... young man. Don't forget its only a laugh.

(c) Windscorpion Power 2105

Windy is hoping for something hot inside him this Xmas, the saucy git!

Dinos claim breakthrough in wormhole displacement travel

Professor Piss uses it (though we understand bought the technology off some aliens and doesn't have a clue how it works) and now the Dinos say they have cracked it. It being Wormhole Displacement Travel (WDT), basically this entails creating a wormhole between two locations in space-time and then travelling between them. Its not rocket science, its far beyond that.

The benefits of WDT are easily apparent, distances can be travelled in a very short time that take days or even weeks now. The problem is, its not very safe. The Dinos have had a working system for a couple of years now but the success rate has been so low (at times less than 5%) that only unmanned test probes were allowed to use it. WDT was also fitted to the flagship DM5 however and has been used in a time of dire emergency, luckily it worked on that occaision!

After years of work and development the success rate has risen to 12% but its still not enough to allow general everyday use, until now. Dino scientists have increased the success rate to an estimated 89% and hope to "dino-rate" it after an intensive test programme. The key to this breakthrough has been to not be quite as ambitious with the distance the wormhole crosses. The longer the tunnel in space-time the more chance of it collapsing when a ship is travelling through it. Previous tests used a Wormhole Separation Distance (WSD) of 5 lightyears but this has been reduced to 3 which a much higher safety. WSD means the distance between the starting and destination wormholes thus a WSD of 3 means you can travel 3 lightyears in just a few seconds.

By comparison a ship using conventional hyperspace travelling at 900c all day would travel 2.46 lightyears (and in practice it would be less as ships cannot maintain that kind of performance all the time). Using WDT and an average of one "tunnel" per 10 hours a ship could easily double that distance in 1 day. The DDS are also working on WDT but they are said to be years away from a working system. The Dinos hope to be able to roll out WDT to key ships in their fleet next year.

Character of the week : Razorback

Razorback is one of the high-flying Ilatii tribe who dominate parts of the Dino state (SS Commander Lakes and former SS Commander Gibson are also from this tribe - and all 3 hate each other of course). For a long time he has been a close friend and adviser to El Diablo and one of the top soldiers in the empire. Now he has been finally rewarded with Senator rank and is the Executive Officer of the Inner Circle.

Razorback is a top professional, his service career is full of great achievements. Unlike many bright stars in the Dinos he has yet to have been shot down. Probably because there arn't any skeletons in his cupboard. That doesn't mean he is boring though, just doesn't have a thing for beast porn, blackmail, murder and the other hobbies of his peers.


UV93 : Sexual Fantasy Of The Chief Executive

The penultimate book of 2005 includes 5 earth-shattering (and in some case bottom-shattering) stories.

Slim Hips
sees Windy and Von Kane tackle Zone pirates. In SS Or Country El Diablo seeks proof that Lakes was behind the Jimmy shooting, is what he has found enough? The HCS High Command debate how to tackle Benito in Battling Benito and decide to send Megara to kill The Eye.

Redjec tries yet again to bugger Quarz with a large phallus in Virtual Reality Fat Girl but is foiled yet again. Finally in the 2005 DDS Xmas story Mistletoe + Holly Windy defies his ban from DDS GHQ to give out some "presents".

UV93 is available from pimps, drug barons and people with three arms across the galaxy. The next book, UV94 The Way Of The Windscorpion is due at the end of the month. The perfect trouser filler.


DDS cancel Long Range Frigate

The DDS have announced a change of plan and the cancellation of the Archean class Long Range Frigate (LRF). The total cost of the programme would have been 4.8 billion zarks and the DDS have decided to go with a cheaper option of rebuilding 8 Isometric class frigates for longer-range operations. This has been estimated to only cost 730 million zarks. The 8 ships will be upgraded once the Terran Sea class has been completed and work has begun on the Pangaea class. The DDS then will have enough ships for their planned patrol and fleet requirements with enough degree of slack to allow some ships to be withdrawn for upgrades.

The upgrades will occur before the Isometric ILU and it is thought will allow the DDS to test some equipment for the ILU programme due for the end of the decade.

HCSN announce upgrade programmes

The HCS Space Navy (HCSN) have broken convention by announcing their planned programme of fleet upgrades. Usually the HCSN, like most parts of the HCS are very secretive about their plans. With fleet building slowing down the HCSN has put a lot more emphasis on improving what they have.

The building of the Cosmos class does continue apace however and the HCSN plan a fleet of well over 100. Building will shift to the new upgraded S Class early in 2106 however. This will feature a new engine that boosts speed dramatically, up to 650c though we understand cruise will be more likely 600c. The super-energy cannon has also been upgraded, now said to be the equal to the Z cannon though this has been untested in practice.

10 Molentic Tuuls will be upgraded to the new GX Class, which includes improvements to performance, firepower and equipment. Its thought all MTs will be upgraded to GX eventually. 25 Kalahati Tuul 2s will also be upgraded to the N class, this also includes better performance and firepower/equipment.

Its clear that HCS efforts to improve their lagging spaceship powerplant technology has borne fruit as speeds approaching 600c are now expected. However as the DDS and Dinos are looking at 800-900c as a baseline its clear they still have a lot of work to do.

DDS transport attacked by pirates

7902 Skytrain received moderate damage and had it's cargo of minerals stolen when it was attacked by Zone pirates near to Oscar. Two crew members received injuries though none are thought to be life-threatening. A Solaris class frigate was on the scene within hours but the pirates had long gone. Skytrain was escorted back to the DDS fleet detachment near Oscar. A DDS spokesman said the pirates would be punished.