
HCS deny space craft have joined Benito

A HCS Space Navy spokesman today denied press reports in the Dino and UNP media that several HCS warships have joined Benito's uprising. This media briefing took place at the HCS liaison office at DDS GHQ, any reports of the uprising have been blocked in the empire.

According to the Proxima Star three ships of the HCS Eastern Fleet have joined Benito's side and have entered orbit around Austini 55 chasing away the 2 ships that were there. One of the rebel ships is said to be a Soulaki battlecruiser. LVN has learned from an unnamed source that 2 other HCS ships have stopped responding to HCS calls and have turned their telemetry beacons off. The Dino News reports of a skirmish between a rebel HCS warship and a loyalist one in orbit around Woloron 12.

Meanwhile on Austini 55 Benito has continued to make pronoucements though the HCS are blocking him from broadcasting to the empire. Benito knows, however, that 100s of blogs and websites across the empire are relaying his message.