
HCS accuse Dinos of assisting Benito

The Dinos have reacted angrily to the accusations of Ayatollah Akiwati, the Clone spiritual leader, that the Dinos are assisting Benito's rebellion. Akiwati said that the Dino army officer The Dragon was a member of Benito's staff and had arranged the execution of several loyalist officers and other terrorist acts.

Deputy-Emperor Cruggson said in a statement to Dino News 24, "The Dragon is no longer a Dino army officer and hasn't been for over a year. To accuse us of helping Benito just because an ex-officer is assisting him is nonsense. Why doesn't he accuse the HCS of helping Benito because many HCS personnel are in his staff? The Clone's accusation is beneath contempt."

The Dragon is known in some circles as the "Dino Megara", a fixer who people use to perform unconventional operations. It is thought he was behind the murder of Air Marshal Bee Liar last year on Austini 55.