Lord Rotarios, oh how wonderous is he, outlined the theme for the third anniversary of his election as DDS Commander early next month. The theme this year is "Living the dream" and symbolises how a hard and spartan existance without the distractions of fun and enjoyment but with the joys of endless toil and self-actualisation is a paradise for all right-minded professionals.
Lord Rotarios continued by saying he would develop this theme during the third year of his glorious 1000 year Reich. "I want the New DDS to be a dreamworld for professionals." He said, "Right actions not wrong thoughts. The New DDS turns professionals into square pegs for square holes, not the deviance of round holes."
Vodaphone added, "The New DDS is an Anvil of Opportunity upon which the indecision of unprofessionalism is broken by the Hammer of Choice and taken away to be cooled in the Waters of Achievement by the Tongs of Self-Development!"
Ronald reveals date of Dino Elder vote/comments on HCS
In a brief interview with Dino News Ronald revealed that the Dino Elders will be voting next tuesday in a secret ballot to decide the future shape of the empire. The result should then be known before the end of the week. An expanded senate, elected Elders and a single Emperor are expected to be voted for though Ronald said it was not a good idea to predict how the Elders might vote as they sometimes do the unexpected. When asked if he would stand down if the Elders voted for a single head of state Ronald did not reply directly but said he would be making some decisions about his future soon.
Ronald also commented on the HCS accusations that the Dinos are assisting Benito. He said that the Dinos own large stakes in the Clone economy and the Dino army is reliant on HCS AFVs. It therefore was not in the Dinos interest for the Oojok Star Empire to be in civil war and these accusations were nonsense he said.
Ronald also commented on the HCS accusations that the Dinos are assisting Benito. He said that the Dinos own large stakes in the Clone economy and the Dino army is reliant on HCS AFVs. It therefore was not in the Dinos interest for the Oojok Star Empire to be in civil war and these accusations were nonsense he said.
HCS accuse Dinos of assisting Benito
The Dinos have reacted angrily to the accusations of Ayatollah Akiwati, the Clone spiritual leader, that the Dinos are assisting Benito's rebellion. Akiwati said that the Dino army officer The Dragon was a member of Benito's staff and had arranged the execution of several loyalist officers and other terrorist acts.
Deputy-Emperor Cruggson said in a statement to Dino News 24, "The Dragon is no longer a Dino army officer and hasn't been for over a year. To accuse us of helping Benito just because an ex-officer is assisting him is nonsense. Why doesn't he accuse the HCS of helping Benito because many HCS personnel are in his staff? The Clone's accusation is beneath contempt."
The Dragon is known in some circles as the "Dino Megara", a fixer who people use to perform unconventional operations. It is thought he was behind the murder of Air Marshal Bee Liar last year on Austini 55.
Deputy-Emperor Cruggson said in a statement to Dino News 24, "The Dragon is no longer a Dino army officer and hasn't been for over a year. To accuse us of helping Benito just because an ex-officer is assisting him is nonsense. Why doesn't he accuse the HCS of helping Benito because many HCS personnel are in his staff? The Clone's accusation is beneath contempt."
The Dragon is known in some circles as the "Dino Megara", a fixer who people use to perform unconventional operations. It is thought he was behind the murder of Air Marshal Bee Liar last year on Austini 55.
Character of the week : Marcus Totallyuseless
Marcus Totallyuseless is aptly named, hes a bumbling oaf. As second-in-command to the Governor of Austini 55 Marcus has influence and power but never any respect. He also wears the uniform of a Roman Centurion for some reason. His stupidity has given him few enemies though, when Benito was replaced by Fortran Marcus was retained despite his links to the old regime, he was simply regarded as not a threat.
A serious mistake to make as Marcus' loyalty to Benito was undiminished. Behind the scenes Marcus assisted the Benito resistance, despute being a craven coward. Marcus even killed Fortran when Benito launched his rebellion. Now Marcus is Benito's No. 2. Can Marcus' lack of any real talent assist Benito or be a hinderance? We'll have to wait and see.
A serious mistake to make as Marcus' loyalty to Benito was undiminished. Behind the scenes Marcus assisted the Benito resistance, despute being a craven coward. Marcus even killed Fortran when Benito launched his rebellion. Now Marcus is Benito's No. 2. Can Marcus' lack of any real talent assist Benito or be a hinderance? We'll have to wait and see.
DDS confirm new skirmish with the Tarbotians
Director of Communications Vodaphone today confirmed that a DDS warship had encountered 3 Tarbotian ships near New Arit. Vodaphone said that the ship, an unnamed Intrepid class destroyer had been following the Tarbotians when it encountered problems with it's cloak. It was then chased by the Tarbotians and was unable to outrun them.
However another DDS ship* arrived and chase off the Tarbotians. No lives are reported to have been lost though a number were injured.
* A Dino online news blog has reported that the rescue was made by former DDS member The Cleanser and his crew of privateers. When Vodaphone was asked if this was the case he declined to answer.
However another DDS ship* arrived and chase off the Tarbotians. No lives are reported to have been lost though a number were injured.
* A Dino online news blog has reported that the rescue was made by former DDS member The Cleanser and his crew of privateers. When Vodaphone was asked if this was the case he declined to answer.
Lakes launches blistering attack on the Dino government
Lakes, the SS Commander, has used a conference by his political party Veritas = Truth to launch a blistering attack on the Dino government which he called "unelected, unrepresentative and underwhelming!" With the Dino Elders expected to recommend partial democracy and an expanded senate Lakes has decided to begin his political campaigning for elections which could occur before the end of the year.
"The tired status quo is about to collapse!" he told a group of Veritas party workers, "The people no longer wish to be told what to do by an oligarchy, they want their voice! They want the truth!"
Emperor Ronald declined to comment on Lakes' speech, he simply said that soon the people would have their say and he was confident they "would be able to sort the wheat from the chaff".
"The tired status quo is about to collapse!" he told a group of Veritas party workers, "The people no longer wish to be told what to do by an oligarchy, they want their voice! They want the truth!"
Emperor Ronald declined to comment on Lakes' speech, he simply said that soon the people would have their say and he was confident they "would be able to sort the wheat from the chaff".
First Isometric IIU1 updates completed
The first two Isometric Intermediate Update 1s (IIU1) have been completed and the ships, Cambrian and Eocene have returned to service. The DDS Fleet have reported they are very happy with the upgrade which includes improved sensors, communications and weapons. Another change, little reported up until now, is a major update of the Isometric's mainframe's operating system. This apparently has yielded major improvements in system response time.
3106 Carboniferous (which also has received a refit following it's long mission against the Rectoids) and 3118 Quaternary are now undergoing the update. The DDS hope that all the Isometric fleet will be at IIU1 standard by the end of the year.
3106 Carboniferous (which also has received a refit following it's long mission against the Rectoids) and 3118 Quaternary are now undergoing the update. The DDS hope that all the Isometric fleet will be at IIU1 standard by the end of the year.
HCS deny space craft have joined Benito
A HCS Space Navy spokesman today denied press reports in the Dino and UNP media that several HCS warships have joined Benito's uprising. This media briefing took place at the HCS liaison office at DDS GHQ, any reports of the uprising have been blocked in the empire.
According to the Proxima Star three ships of the HCS Eastern Fleet have joined Benito's side and have entered orbit around Austini 55 chasing away the 2 ships that were there. One of the rebel ships is said to be a Soulaki battlecruiser. LVN has learned from an unnamed source that 2 other HCS ships have stopped responding to HCS calls and have turned their telemetry beacons off. The Dino News reports of a skirmish between a rebel HCS warship and a loyalist one in orbit around Woloron 12.
Meanwhile on Austini 55 Benito has continued to make pronoucements though the HCS are blocking him from broadcasting to the empire. Benito knows, however, that 100s of blogs and websites across the empire are relaying his message.
According to the Proxima Star three ships of the HCS Eastern Fleet have joined Benito's side and have entered orbit around Austini 55 chasing away the 2 ships that were there. One of the rebel ships is said to be a Soulaki battlecruiser. LVN has learned from an unnamed source that 2 other HCS ships have stopped responding to HCS calls and have turned their telemetry beacons off. The Dino News reports of a skirmish between a rebel HCS warship and a loyalist one in orbit around Woloron 12.
Meanwhile on Austini 55 Benito has continued to make pronoucements though the HCS are blocking him from broadcasting to the empire. Benito knows, however, that 100s of blogs and websites across the empire are relaying his message.
META : Future specials, Schedule for next year
The first "seasonal special" was UV90 which was dedicated to Ronald of course. The next one (the winter special) will be dedicated to the life of Windy. The book, probably UV93, will be called THE WAY OF THE WINDY and will feature a number of stories from Windy's past life, including one set just before he joined the DDS.
After the january-february 2006 issue we hope to revert to a monthly frequency. This will be as well as 4 specials released around april, july, october and december. Whatever happens we will reach UV100 next year and this will be something a little special...
We arn't sure yet what the subjects of next year's specials will be though the Winter 06 special (either UV102 or 108 depending on the release frequency) will be volume 2 of Ronald's stories. We may also dedicate a book on G-B-H and one on Firefly. Anyway before all that UV91 THE ANSWER IS DEATH is due out at the end of october, stay tuned...
After the january-february 2006 issue we hope to revert to a monthly frequency. This will be as well as 4 specials released around april, july, october and december. Whatever happens we will reach UV100 next year and this will be something a little special...
We arn't sure yet what the subjects of next year's specials will be though the Winter 06 special (either UV102 or 108 depending on the release frequency) will be volume 2 of Ronald's stories. We may also dedicate a book on G-B-H and one on Firefly. Anyway before all that UV91 THE ANSWER IS DEATH is due out at the end of october, stay tuned...
Character of the week : Salamander
Salamander is one of the Triad, the elite trio at the centre of DDS offensive operations. He is a cousin of Windscorpion and Firefly, and one bizarre fuck. Salamander's life revolves around his pet chainsaw (which he refers to as his girlfriend), spying on fat girls working at B&Q (he likes the aprons) and ultra violence. Salamander is a good soldier but not exactly the brain of the universe.
Salamander is not as tech as his cousins, his favoured weapon is a grenade launcher but he prefers to use the chainsaw. Usually these days he does his fighting onboard ship, despite his weirdness he is a top notch helmsman. The Triad would not be complete without Salamander, with his irrelevant air he often defuses tension between Windy and Firefly, and they both enjoy making him the butt of their rough humour.
Apparently he wears women's underwear under his metal suit.
Salamander is not as tech as his cousins, his favoured weapon is a grenade launcher but he prefers to use the chainsaw. Usually these days he does his fighting onboard ship, despite his weirdness he is a top notch helmsman. The Triad would not be complete without Salamander, with his irrelevant air he often defuses tension between Windy and Firefly, and they both enjoy making him the butt of their rough humour.
Apparently he wears women's underwear under his metal suit.
Smellyson and Pheldira to marry
The son of Emperor Ronald, Smellyson Iguana and the daughter of Deputy Emperor G-B-H, Pheldira Gola are to marry, a government spokesman confirmed last night after much media speculation. The couple have had a troubled relationship, mainly because of Pheldira's brother M-B-H and his evil schemes to kill Ronald and Smellyson. After a period of exile away from Dino-Land Smellyson and Pheldira split up, citing the strain of the exile period.
However now they are back together, though no date has yet been set for their wedding. Ronald said, "I am very happy my son has finally sorted his life out." Smellyson, the head of the elite Emperor Special Body Guard (ESBG) was given the traditional celebration by his men. He was unceremonially dumped in the nearest fountain by a group of ESBG.
However now they are back together, though no date has yet been set for their wedding. Ronald said, "I am very happy my son has finally sorted his life out." Smellyson, the head of the elite Emperor Special Body Guard (ESBG) was given the traditional celebration by his men. He was unceremonially dumped in the nearest fountain by a group of ESBG.
House update
Hello folks Trojan Warlord here again with a mid-month DDS House competition update!
The champion house Yellow House have been busy, they earnt 50 points for a successful trial program of the Isometric TSB2. The Isometric prototype was refitted with requipment for the forthcoming Terran Sea Block 2 and was rigourously tested out by New Arit. Yellow House units have also been patrolling the area of space near the battle with the Tarbotians.
Blue House have taken over the control of Porquat 640 and have earnt 25 points so far for quelling an uprising in the Hex province.
Green House have been reassigned to Randalf 74, so far they have only won 10 points for a training mission with the Raegris in their newly purchased Quasars.
Finally Red House have earnt no points at all! Much of them are resting before their new mission which is likely to be against the Xeno.
The champion house Yellow House have been busy, they earnt 50 points for a successful trial program of the Isometric TSB2. The Isometric prototype was refitted with requipment for the forthcoming Terran Sea Block 2 and was rigourously tested out by New Arit. Yellow House units have also been patrolling the area of space near the battle with the Tarbotians.
Blue House have taken over the control of Porquat 640 and have earnt 25 points so far for quelling an uprising in the Hex province.
Green House have been reassigned to Randalf 74, so far they have only won 10 points for a training mission with the Raegris in their newly purchased Quasars.
Finally Red House have earnt no points at all! Much of them are resting before their new mission which is likely to be against the Xeno.
Massive explosion cuts off Cloneworld from rest of empire
A massive explosion has destroyed Cloneworld's lasernet multiplex thus cutting the planet off from all interstella communications. As yet the cause of the explosion is unknown though terrorism has not been ruled out by the HCS. The news was broken by the Dinos, who have a low-power lasernet transmitter at their embassy in Ailier City.
The HCS have asked the Dinos if they can use this transmitter for emergency communications until enough HCS warships are in place to form what has been called a "digital pontoon bridge" to relay short-range messages to the nearest lasernet node on Daggaddon.
Its thought the lasernet multiplex could be out of action for several days.
The HCS have asked the Dinos if they can use this transmitter for emergency communications until enough HCS warships are in place to form what has been called a "digital pontoon bridge" to relay short-range messages to the nearest lasernet node on Daggaddon.
Its thought the lasernet multiplex could be out of action for several days.
Ronald to be a father again?
A Dino tabloid newspaper is reporting that Holisai Iguana, the wife of Ronald and Royal Matriach is pregnant again. It is only a couple of years since the birth of the couple's first daughter Crystal. Previously the couple have waited a long time between children, the three sons Smellyson, Stinkyson and Ronaldson being both decades apart. Indeed Ronaldson is 50 this year.
There will be another royal birth before this though if Holisai is pregnant. Co-Emperor Jimmy's wife Sandra is expected to lay her egg before the end of the year.
There will be another royal birth before this though if Holisai is pregnant. Co-Emperor Jimmy's wife Sandra is expected to lay her egg before the end of the year.
Benito conducts interview with Dino TV
The HCS have restored the media blackout on Austini 55 though were too late for news of fighting on Woloron 12 to emerge. Benito Clone conducted an interview with the Dino news channel E'Ratimn TV, an edited transcript of which is below :
Dino Reporter : Benito Clone, how much of Austini 55 do you control?
Benito Clone : All the major cities. Bueno.
DR : The HCS have re-inforcements in orbit, does that worry you?
BC : No, we have air superiority so they cannot land. Soon the space fleet will join the rebellion!
DR : Woloron 12 has also seen fighting, and there are unconfirmed reports on other planets. Are you behind these too?
BC : Not directly but they heeded my call to arms! Oojok and the degenerate regime that surrounds him must fall! Clones should be governed by themselves, not a false idol. I call upon all Clones to defy the HCS, the Clergy and Oojok! Let the rule of Clone Law prevail!
DR : Finally, what happened to Governor Fortran?
BC : He is dead. My deputy Marcus slew the fool, i celebrated with a whole bottle of chianti!
Dino Reporter : Benito Clone, how much of Austini 55 do you control?
Benito Clone : All the major cities. Bueno.
DR : The HCS have re-inforcements in orbit, does that worry you?
BC : No, we have air superiority so they cannot land. Soon the space fleet will join the rebellion!
DR : Woloron 12 has also seen fighting, and there are unconfirmed reports on other planets. Are you behind these too?
BC : Not directly but they heeded my call to arms! Oojok and the degenerate regime that surrounds him must fall! Clones should be governed by themselves, not a false idol. I call upon all Clones to defy the HCS, the Clergy and Oojok! Let the rule of Clone Law prevail!
DR : Finally, what happened to Governor Fortran?
BC : He is dead. My deputy Marcus slew the fool, i celebrated with a whole bottle of chianti!
HCS admit they have lost control on Austini 55
The HCS have been forced to admit that forces loyal to Benito Clone have seized control of Austini 55 and now uprising are sparking on other planets too. Some time ago we reported rebel forces loyal to Benito starting an uprising but the HCS put a media blackout over the area. Finally they have been forced to comment after Benito managed to broadcast to nearby planets using Austini's laserlink.
Benito said that the capital had fallen and that Governor Fortran had been killed. He called on all clones to oppose and otherthrow the forces of Oojok. The HCS say that the 2nd Legion is in revolt and has control of the capital and several other major cities but that battles continue across the planet. Reinforcements have arrived and are now in orbit.
More news as we get it.
Benito said that the capital had fallen and that Governor Fortran had been killed. He called on all clones to oppose and otherthrow the forces of Oojok. The HCS say that the 2nd Legion is in revolt and has control of the capital and several other major cities but that battles continue across the planet. Reinforcements have arrived and are now in orbit.
More news as we get it.
Characters of the week : The Cabal
The Cabal were a shadowy evil cult which gave Ronald some of the biggest challenges of his life. A cult that recruited using abstract art and controlled it's adherants using drugs, the cult was basically a cover for a select group led by the former Emperor Juliawaki which groomed young boys and then used them for sex. One of these victims was Ronald's youngest son Ronaldson!
The Cabal wanted to bring about the fall of Ronald's regime and bring about a womanless future for the Dinos, however Ronald rescued his son and slew Juliawaki. Strong Cabal elements remained however and these were seized by M-B-H to assist his plans for a coup. Using their mind control powers the Cabal brainwashed criminals into a series of suicide bomb attacks across Dino-Land which allowed M-B-H the pretence of getting SS and Army forces loyal to him on the streets.
The coup failed and M-B-H was lost but the Cabal regrouped, this time the Rectoids took up the reins, taking over the leadership. The Cabal began a plot to detonate huge nuclear weapons deep underground causing earthquakes. Ronald led his forces to foil this plan and finally the Cabal was crushed utterly. The effects of the Cabal remain though, not least in the victims of their abuse who still now suffer the torment of their treatment.
The Cabal wanted to bring about the fall of Ronald's regime and bring about a womanless future for the Dinos, however Ronald rescued his son and slew Juliawaki. Strong Cabal elements remained however and these were seized by M-B-H to assist his plans for a coup. Using their mind control powers the Cabal brainwashed criminals into a series of suicide bomb attacks across Dino-Land which allowed M-B-H the pretence of getting SS and Army forces loyal to him on the streets.
The coup failed and M-B-H was lost but the Cabal regrouped, this time the Rectoids took up the reins, taking over the leadership. The Cabal began a plot to detonate huge nuclear weapons deep underground causing earthquakes. Ronald led his forces to foil this plan and finally the Cabal was crushed utterly. The effects of the Cabal remain though, not least in the victims of their abuse who still now suffer the torment of their treatment.
Starsystem ends front-line service
An era ends tomorrow in the DDS as the last patrol by a Starsystem frigate is completed. The ship 3020T PISCIS AUSTRALIS is coming to the end of a 4 month patrol along the Remedia-Dino border. When it arrives back at Solaris Space Dock tomorrow it will leave front-line service and join the 5 other Starsystem survivors in the training fleet.
Captain Ivan Cystitis said he and his crew would be sad to say goodbye to their old ship, which has been in service since 2097, but they also looked forward to retaining for their next ship, a Terran Sea Block 2 frigate!
Starsystems have been in service since the earliest days of the DDS fleet, the type entering service in 2093. However the fast pace of technology has made these ships obsolete. 6 will remain in the DDS' training pool.
Captain Ivan Cystitis said he and his crew would be sad to say goodbye to their old ship, which has been in service since 2097, but they also looked forward to retaining for their next ship, a Terran Sea Block 2 frigate!
Starsystems have been in service since the earliest days of the DDS fleet, the type entering service in 2093. However the fast pace of technology has made these ships obsolete. 6 will remain in the DDS' training pool.
DDS Fleet update (IIU1 begins)
A round-up of news from the DDS Space Navy. The IIU1 (Isometric Intermediate Update 1) has begun with 3101 Cambrian and 3112 Eocene having the update whilst at dock in orbit around Solaris. The IIU1 programme just takes 5 days and includes improved sensors, missile launcher, software and equipment updates. All the Isometric fleet will be updated to IIU1 standard by the end of the year.
The 2 Velocity class destroyers are also to receive an update, the Velocity Update 1 (VU1) programme includes improvements to missile launcher, sensors and a new databus. Both ships will be updated in october.
The Isometric 3 frigate may be renamed yet again, the DDS are considering changing the name of this ship that will begin construction in 2107 though as yet have not said what they will use instead of "Battle".
The first Pentekonter class patrol boat has been proceeding well in construction and may even be completed before the end of the year. 3501 Thucydides will begin trials early next year and it is hoped to enter service by Q2 2106.
Finally the last 2 Terran Sea Block 1 frigates have entered the testing stage of construction. 3207 North Sea and 3208 Barents Sea will probably be officially named and enter service in october. The next Terran Sea frigate 3209 Yellow Sea is the first of the Block 2 batch.
The 2 Velocity class destroyers are also to receive an update, the Velocity Update 1 (VU1) programme includes improvements to missile launcher, sensors and a new databus. Both ships will be updated in october.
The Isometric 3 frigate may be renamed yet again, the DDS are considering changing the name of this ship that will begin construction in 2107 though as yet have not said what they will use instead of "Battle".
The first Pentekonter class patrol boat has been proceeding well in construction and may even be completed before the end of the year. 3501 Thucydides will begin trials early next year and it is hoped to enter service by Q2 2106.
Finally the last 2 Terran Sea Block 1 frigates have entered the testing stage of construction. 3207 North Sea and 3208 Barents Sea will probably be officially named and enter service in october. The next Terran Sea frigate 3209 Yellow Sea is the first of the Block 2 batch.
Interview : Trojan Warlord
Trojan Warlord, the DDS Cultural Officer, recently gave Latest Victory News this short interview...
Latest Victory News : Trojan Warlord, what does the DDS Cultural Officer actually do?
Trojan Warlord : I enhance the cultural awareness of the DDS and facilitate greater cultural empowerment.
LVN : Yes but what does that actually mean?
TW : I run a series of events and also i co-ordinate the House System.
LVN : What kind of events?
TW : Such as the DDS pantomime! That was a great success!
LVN : But that only lasted 3 minutes because Rotarios killed the lead actor...
TW : Lord Rotarios enjoyed it and that is what matters! It keeps me alive...
LVN : What else have you in the pipeline?
TW : Many projects! Lots of irons in the ..er.. fire so to speak.
LVN : Such as?
TW : Well i can't really talk about it right now...
LVN : So nothing then?
TW : Yes.
Latest Victory News : Trojan Warlord, what does the DDS Cultural Officer actually do?
Trojan Warlord : I enhance the cultural awareness of the DDS and facilitate greater cultural empowerment.
LVN : Yes but what does that actually mean?
TW : I run a series of events and also i co-ordinate the House System.
LVN : What kind of events?
TW : Such as the DDS pantomime! That was a great success!
LVN : But that only lasted 3 minutes because Rotarios killed the lead actor...
TW : Lord Rotarios enjoyed it and that is what matters! It keeps me alive...
LVN : What else have you in the pipeline?
TW : Many projects! Lots of irons in the ..er.. fire so to speak.
LVN : Such as?
TW : Well i can't really talk about it right now...
LVN : So nothing then?
TW : Yes.
UV90 : The Chronicles Of Ron

In "Don't Cry Out Loud" Ronald goes back to the days before the Dinos had an empire to his first space mission. "Radnor : Creature Of Power" is set in the early days of his first Emperorship as he discovers that the mythical beast Radnor... isn't exactly a myth anymore. Finally in "M-B-H & Me" Ronald remembers back to when M-B-H was Co-Emperor and one of the many attempts the Chosen One made on Ronald's life.
UV90 is available in all seedy book shops and brothels. The next book UV91 is due at the end of october. The next special should be here around the end of the year.
Character of the week : Benito Clone
Benito Clone is currently clone public enemy number 1 but once he was one of the top men in the HCS. A peerless tank commander with a Mussolini fixation, Benito rose quickly through the HCS ranks to become the commander of the crack 2nd Legion. He led the assault on Terra and was rewarded by being name the Governor of the occupied territories on old Earth, of course Benito called his territory New Rome and saw it as the chance to recreate the Roman Empire in his image.
However as Benito pushed for more power he started to anger Oojok who thought his ambition dangerous. When the HCS and DDS finished their war part of the peace terms was a withdrawal from Terra. Benito was forced to relocate New Rome from his beloved Italy to the damp and dismal Austini 55 on the far edge of the empire. In compensation Benito was granted other planets to govern but he found Austini 55 depressing after the glory of Rome. Benito launched an invasion of Wizard World which was successful but violated the terms of the HCS-Utrek demilitarised zone. The result was a short war between the HCS and Utrek which ended in stalemate but cost the clones several ships. Oojok, furious by Benito's actions, sent the ODS to arrest him.
Benito slipped away and became the leader of an underground resistance seeking to end the dominance of Oojok's religious regime. Recently he has started an uprising on Austini 55 that doesn't look like going away any time soon.
However as Benito pushed for more power he started to anger Oojok who thought his ambition dangerous. When the HCS and DDS finished their war part of the peace terms was a withdrawal from Terra. Benito was forced to relocate New Rome from his beloved Italy to the damp and dismal Austini 55 on the far edge of the empire. In compensation Benito was granted other planets to govern but he found Austini 55 depressing after the glory of Rome. Benito launched an invasion of Wizard World which was successful but violated the terms of the HCS-Utrek demilitarised zone. The result was a short war between the HCS and Utrek which ended in stalemate but cost the clones several ships. Oojok, furious by Benito's actions, sent the ODS to arrest him.
Benito slipped away and became the leader of an underground resistance seeking to end the dominance of Oojok's religious regime. Recently he has started an uprising on Austini 55 that doesn't look like going away any time soon.
Dino Elders discuss changes to the government
The special Dino Elders group set up by Ronald to discuss changes to the Dino government has had it's first meeting at Dino-Town. Emperors Ronald and Jimmy both gave speeches to the 30 Dino strong group in which they outlined their different visions for the future of the state. Ronald is in favour of an expanded senate and a single Emperor with greater democracy at all levels whilst Jimmy favours keeping the very top the same but introducing democracy at lower levels.
The Elders seemed more in favour of Ronald's idea and several of them gave speeches supporting a wider senate. Elder Omaeun said, "We need to bring in new blood to the top of the government for the future." The next meeting will be held later in the month. The group decided to recall the entire Elders to report to them and for a vote to be held on what course of action to take before the end of the year.
The Elders seemed more in favour of Ronald's idea and several of them gave speeches supporting a wider senate. Elder Omaeun said, "We need to bring in new blood to the top of the government for the future." The next meeting will be held later in the month. The group decided to recall the entire Elders to report to them and for a vote to be held on what course of action to take before the end of the year.
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