
NS discusses Rome evolution project, may be called Raider

NS has spoken more about the Rome evolution project intended to replace Kalahati Tuuls in the next decade. It is thought the potential market could be for between thirty to forty ships. NS say they have spoken to a number of potential customers and it will help drive their development of the ship.

The ship may be known as the Raider 46M and could also be built for NS to bolster it's fleet of Romes. The ships are very popular with NS due to their flexibility and ability to perform multiple-roles.

As for the Romes the Rome ILU (Intermediate Life Update) will begin very shortly. The ships will be re-engineed with a Proton RM-01GX e-Core (a development of the engine used in the Protector 57A), be fitted with a Z7t cannon and receive other updates and refurbishment.