
Marcus troubled by Morality Monitoring Corps

Emperor of the Eastern half of the Clone Star Empire Marcus has voiced concern at the new Morality Monitoring Corps (MMC) which is to be set up to monitor the pious and protect the Church of Oojok.  Marcus said that he hoped that religious freedom would be protected. Marcus said that he, like millions of Clones, are no longer followers of Oojok. Marcus warned that the bad old days of religious intolerance must not be returned to.

Ayatollah Clone XE did not comment on Marcus' warning however his acolyte Bishop Silus, the head of the Church on Austini 55 (and hence the CSE-E) went into an extended rant on Clone TV. He decried the "filthy secularists with their demonic stains of atheism". He did not mention Marcus by name but said the Clone Star Empire was the empire of Oojok Madness and that could not be denied by anyone. Bishop Silus is regarded as a bit of a loose cannon and it is unlikely Marcus will worry too much about his ranting which is a regular feature on Clone TV after the football.