
DDS warplanes arrive on Cloneworld to prepare for Triumph 66B

The first of 2 Triumph 66B amphibious assault carriers is nearing completion, being built by the Clones for the DDS. A key feature of the Triumph (known as the Tiamon II in CDF service) is the ability to enter high atmosphere and launch aeroplanes. The Clones use the type to help launch air attacks on day 1 of an amphibious assault.

To prepare for the Triumph in DDS service a detachment of DDS Terrestrial Forces (Air Dept) F-10S fighters has arrived on Cloneworld (bought by the Provider 71A transport A103 Constellation). The fighters will train at a specialist CDF training range which simulates the launching and landing of aircraft on a Tiamon before performing a number of take-offs and landings on a real Tiamon.

Its the first time DDS warplanes have been on Cloneworld since the First Clone War though the 4 F-10S Shark 2100s are here for a strictly friendly reason.
  • The Clone Navy is to form a 4th fleet, this time for Randalf 74. Like the other non-Cloneworld fleets the Randalf 74 fleet will be fairly small and mostly consist of small patrol craft and dedicated air power. The CNAS has already formed a Randalf 74 command though the aircraft (and ships) for the new fleet have yet to be decided.