
Clones consider hybrid engine to retrofit to K85s

A hybrid version of the FT-100 engine used on the K85 COIN aircraft is under development using technology from the future all-electric K85QA. The FT-100XE was originally intended to test some technologies to be used in the QA but performance has been good and the Clone Air Force is now considering fitting the engine to a number of in-service Brownings.

The key advantage of the hybrid engine is sonic stealth, coupled with a new quieter propeller (also developed for the QA), noise emissions in electric mode are reduced by over 90%. This could give the CAF a real edge in anti-insurgency operations. Fuel economy is also increased (though offset to some extent by the heavier engine) with benefits for range. One K85NT is currently being prepared for field trials with a flight cleared FT-100XE and tests may begin in a few months.