
Porquat 640 given "responsibility" for Rim Worlds

The Rim Worlds are often considered the soft underbelly of the DDS, the planets are a mixture of DDS allies, UNP colonies and independent states with little real defensive power in place. Despite that with recent Tarbot expansion it is now on the front line against the mega empire.

Porquat 640 are Tier 1 DDS allies and have been tasked with organising DDS defences in the Rim Worlds. The DDS have given them 127 million zarks to help set up listening posts and fund increased patrols in the area. Its hoped by using Porquat 640 and not straight DDS forces for this militarisation the other Rim Worlds will be more co-operative.

However DDS Commander Firefly also stated recently that the Rim Worlds needed to join the DDS. "They may be neutral now but it is unlikely Dr Slow will respect that if he attacks the DDS." One Rim World Melaris 12 has recently said it would like to join the DDS and be more than just a UNP colony. The DDS are negotiating basing rights.


DDS warplanes arrive on Cloneworld to prepare for Triumph 66B

The first of 2 Triumph 66B amphibious assault carriers is nearing completion, being built by the Clones for the DDS. A key feature of the Triumph (known as the Tiamon II in CDF service) is the ability to enter high atmosphere and launch aeroplanes. The Clones use the type to help launch air attacks on day 1 of an amphibious assault.

To prepare for the Triumph in DDS service a detachment of DDS Terrestrial Forces (Air Dept) F-10S fighters has arrived on Cloneworld (bought by the Provider 71A transport A103 Constellation). The fighters will train at a specialist CDF training range which simulates the launching and landing of aircraft on a Tiamon before performing a number of take-offs and landings on a real Tiamon.

Its the first time DDS warplanes have been on Cloneworld since the First Clone War though the 4 F-10S Shark 2100s are here for a strictly friendly reason.
  • The Clone Navy is to form a 4th fleet, this time for Randalf 74. Like the other non-Cloneworld fleets the Randalf 74 fleet will be fairly small and mostly consist of small patrol craft and dedicated air power. The CNAS has already formed a Randalf 74 command though the aircraft (and ships) for the new fleet have yet to be decided.


Cruggson released from hospital

Senator Cruggson has been released from hospital after recovering from his nearly fatal shooting earlier in the year. He still has a long way to go before he can resume his duties but doctors say he is no longer in danger and should recover fully.

Where Cruggson will recover is being kept a secret, he will likely stay off world perhaps at one of Ronald's dachas elsewhere in the Dino Republic space. He will be guarded full time by the SS Diplomatic Protection Team and CSS. His shooter has still not been found though the search continues.


Three DDS ships to join Raegris exercise

Two DDS warships (thought to be other Type 35s) will join up with a Raegris fleet detachment next week for a series of mock combat exercises. The exercises will help train crews in interoperability and the DDS will also provide unfamiliar combat ships for the scenarios.

As well as the Type 35s X132T Luyten 726, one of the DDS' 2 Alpha Centauri 93X training ships - formerly Bolitic Helwins, will join up with the Raegris the week after to help continue the exercises.


Story #2022

Gibson Comes Down Hard
Krusty makes a shocking discovery, meanwhile Gibson makes a decision. (Breakthrough P1)


Marcus troubled by Morality Monitoring Corps

Emperor of the Eastern half of the Clone Star Empire Marcus has voiced concern at the new Morality Monitoring Corps (MMC) which is to be set up to monitor the pious and protect the Church of Oojok.  Marcus said that he hoped that religious freedom would be protected. Marcus said that he, like millions of Clones, are no longer followers of Oojok. Marcus warned that the bad old days of religious intolerance must not be returned to.

Ayatollah Clone XE did not comment on Marcus' warning however his acolyte Bishop Silus, the head of the Church on Austini 55 (and hence the CSE-E) went into an extended rant on Clone TV. He decried the "filthy secularists with their demonic stains of atheism". He did not mention Marcus by name but said the Clone Star Empire was the empire of Oojok Madness and that could not be denied by anyone. Bishop Silus is regarded as a bit of a loose cannon and it is unlikely Marcus will worry too much about his ranting which is a regular feature on Clone TV after the football.


Morality Monitoring Corps formed

Fresh from the successful entry of the Oojok Holy Brigade, a reborn but cut down version of the Religious Police, into full operational status Ayatollah Clone XE has also got backing and funding from Oojok for what is to be called the Morality Monitoring Corps (MMC).

This will be a paramilitary organisation that polices Church of Oojok temples, mediates in disputes between the clergy and laity and enforces the adherence of Oojok's Holy Law by the devout. Oojok has said the MMC will have no authority over secular matters or non-members of the Church of Oojok. He is mindful that an over active RP and church poisoned many Clones to his divine rule in the past.

XE meanwhile is keen for the MMC to establish offices on all Clone Star Empire planets and major cities by the end of the decade. "Let the infidel fear, let the Anti-Oojok tremble in his dark depraved lair!" XE ranted on Clone Breakfast TV. "The Morality Monitoring Corps will find your sins and deviances and punish you for your billions of crimes! Only in Oojok can you find salvation! Only in Oojok can you find forgiveness! Oojok is most great!"

The first MMC chapters are expected to be formed by the late Summer.


Story #2021

Sexual Inadequacy
Can our heroes escape the Garmii? (A Little War P5)


Warrior has teething troubles DDS admit

The DDS have admitted that the first of the new Warrior 16A bombers which entered service a couple of months ago has a number of problems and this is delaying the entry into service of the second ship which has been completed but has received modifications as has S121 Warrior.

SS Warrior is understood to have suffered a complete power grid collapse while on a training run last month, this is a potentially catastrophic incident which if it occurred in hyperspace could result in the ship being lost. Luckily Warrior was subluminal at the time so the only damage was to DDS pride. A second near collapse occurred a few weeks later. Both Warrior and the second ship Warspite have received emergency modifications to the power grid and energy management sub-systems.

A DDS Engineering source said that Warrior's problems are due to some new materials being used in the power grid for the first time so it is unlikely the problems could affect other ships. The DDS hope to solve the problems soon or will revert to more traditional materials if the problems persist. This could delay the ships fully entering service for a good 5-7 months however.


Dinos outline future fleet plans and hint at new battlecruiser

The Dinos have published an early "taster" of their plans and estimated fleet strengths for 2130. The Dinos (along with the DTA) are changing how they approach space warfare and have begun designing a new generation of more specialised warships the first of which will be the Dinomark AM ground-attack bomber. Under current plans it is thought the Dinos want to have 2 available "combat fleets" of around 40-50 ships each along with planetary and regional space defence squadrons.

The Dinos have identified 3 main classes of warship, the larger battlecruiser which is currently the Dinomark RS in Dino service, the medium cruiser (Dinomark PT but also the AM and its space combat cousin the Dinomark FM*) and the light patrol ship (Dinomark XT and its Dinomark LW* successor).

The Dinos' 2 combat fleets (one would be available the other in refit or reserve at any one time) would consist of squadrons of medium cruisers headed by a battlecruiser. Local defence and regional patrol would be carried out by the XT/LWs.

Currently the Dinos have 3 battlecruisers, 76 medium cruisers and 219 light patrol ships. These numbers include SS, SS-D and other specialist ships so not all would be available for space combat. However by 2130 the Dinos want 10 battlecruisers, 150 medium cruisers and 500 light patrol ships. This of course means the Dinos will design and build 7 new battlecruisers at some stage though there have yet to be any firm plans given about that.

How the DTA allies will fit into this scheme has yet to be detailed though it is thought Sirikwan would be included in the combat fleets. The Dinos will publish fuller plans later in the year.

* Names yet to be fully confirmed.


Classic Story #0861

Media Watch
DDS GHQ is attacked by the Rectoids.

Dinomark returns to service following refit

Dinomark, the iconic flagship of Ronald, has returned to service after a refit. The ship covered hundreds of lightyears last year on Ronald's Long Shot expedition and suffered damage a number of times. The refit saw the ship fully repaired, refuelled and receive a number of tactical and internal system updates.

The ship, which serves as part of the 6th Legion's air detachment when Ronald isn't using it, will undertake its first mission after refit is likely to take Ronald on an official visit to Cloneworld which he will make next month after he returns from his honeymoon.


Other Fleet News (15/04/14)

  • The Dinos have built 2 Dinomark XTs this month. The big news though is the confirmed order for 25 Dinomark AM ground-attack cruisers. The first is expected to begin trials in 2115.
  • Sirikwan has received 2 Shark SKH-E patrol ships.
  • Yeng has received a Dinomark XT.
  • The Bolitic have completed 2 Meltinans but 3 Redhulls have been scrapped (or rather used for target practice).
  • Haylei have received their third and final Isometric E217H.
  • Vontapi have received a Pentekonter Protector 216-V1.


UV201 : Evil Space Rabbits

  • Into The Abyss - Gibson is put in charge of the hunt for Brown Major (Depravity P1)
  • Do More - Ralph's team go ABBO hunting (Depravity P2)
  • Extreme Measures - Can Ralph and co. foil the ABBO plan? (Depravity P3)
  • Oceans Of Smeg - Windy and SFX arrive in the territory of the Garmii and find all is not how it seems... (A Little War P1)
  • The Answer Is Violence - Windy is on the run... from mad crazed sadistic rabbits. (A Little War P2)
  • Brutality Is Golden - Has SFX betrayed his Father? (A Little War P3)
  • Decision Dice - Windy fights back! (A Little War P4)

Classic Story #0191

Rectoid Attack
Windy is attacked by the Rectoids.


Story #2017

Decision Dice
Windy fights back! (A Little War P4)

Story #2016

Brutality Is Golden
Has SFX betrayed his Father? (A Little War P3)


Mekit a taste of things to come says Sleeze

Deputy Emperor Sleeze has hailed the forthcoming arrival of 8 Mekit MK4A cruisers from the Rectoids as merely a taste of things to come and how the Rectoid alliance with greatly strengthen the Clone Defence Forces.

Published performance statistics for the Mekits give a speed range of 710 to 740c. At the top end these ships will be the fastest ships in the Clone fleet beating the 730c the last few Soulaki SLBKs can reach (though rebuilt older Soulakis will be able to match this). Sleeze said that more modern Mekits may follow later on, its thought the latest Mekit 5s in Rectoid service can reach well over 800c.


Clones buy Rectoid warships

The Clones have bought 8 Rectoid Mekit 4 "mushroom" ships from the Rectoids. The ships are already in service with the Rectoids and will be transferred over the next few months following localisation and updating. They will be known as the Mekit MK 4A in Clone service.

The ships will be part of the Front-Line Fleet and classed as cruisers, they are similar in size to the Molentic Tuuls. Quite what role the ships will have in Clone service is unknown though they are fairly powerful warships though the previous model to what the Rectoids are currently building. One source says they could fill the long-range scout role as the ships are designed for long patrols and independent operation away from friendly ports.


Project GHT confirmed

The second new Dino warship project to be confirmed is probably the most important one and the most important new Dino warship for decades. Project GHT will deliver the replacement for the Dinomark XT which has been the backbone of Dino air and space power for half a century.

The name of the new Dinomark has yet to be revealed but current concepts show a cylindrical design. The new ship will have a larger internal capacity than the XT though its overall dimensions will be similiar (though it will be thicker). It will include a great deal of modularity for ease of function switching.

The design is expected to be revealed soon though a prototype is not expected before 2116 with an entry into service of 2118. Though one source indicates that Ronald is keen for the new ship to be fast tracked so it can enter service sooner.


DDS and allies respond to disaster on Aldebra

The UNP colony of Aldebra has been struck by a massive earthquake which has also caused a large nuclear power station to go critical. The UNP has rushed emergency personnel and nuclear engineers to the remote planet though they will not arrive until next week at the earliest. Starbot is much closer and one of their ships is en route to assess the situation and provide assistance. Other ships are on standby. Molab, which is also nearby, have also been asked to send a ship.

The Oceania 63A transport L155 Europa is being prepared at Liberation to head to the planet and will take rescue equipment and personnel as well as emergency supplies. It is thought the nuclear power station situation is under control though there was a release of radioactive substances adding to the problems caused by the earthquake which is reported to have flattened one of the colony's major cities.

Story #2015

The Answer Is Violence
Windy is on the run... from mad crazed sadistic rabbits. (A Little War P2)


DDS cut worm drive production, new version in the works?

The DDS have cut back production of W1A worm drives. Over 20 are now stockpiled in storage and it is though the DDS do not want too many W1As in storage before they switch to an upgraded model.

That version is rumoured to be the W1AA which could power the SUPs like the Missileer 21Bs which receive worm drives later in the year. The W1AA is more robust electrically and also has a more optimised field core. This will reduce power consumption by 8%. W1AAs could start production in the Summer.


Soulaki SLM underway

The Clones are upgrading and unifying their fleet of Soulaki SL, SLB and SLBK battlecruisers to the SLM standard. The SLM will be similar to the final SLBK new build standard though will have updated versions of key systems. The fleet will also be refurbished and strengthened to allow them to stay in service until the early 2130s.

It is hoped the upgrade of all 30 ships will take around 18 months. Once the fleet is unified then the Clones are looking to incorporate Rectoid technology in a further upgrade near the end of the decade.


DDS to create worm drive equipped subclasses of Provider and Extender

Following on from announced plans to fit worm drives to the Missileer 21B missile and UCV carriers the DDS will also (either later this year or early next year) begin fitting worm drives to selected Provider 71A transports and Extender 73A oilers.

Not all of the fleets will be upgraded but a "decent number" of each. One source says between 5-10 of each type will receive the worm drives. Others may be upgraded later on though the DDS does not envisage equipping the entire fleet in such way until the early 2120s. The equipped ships will form new sub-classes, the Provider 71B and Extender 73B respectively.
  • The DDS has approved funding for a EW/ECM module for the Corkscrew 51A. The module will assist with penetrative raids and self-defence. 


Clones consider hybrid engine to retrofit to K85s

A hybrid version of the FT-100 engine used on the K85 COIN aircraft is under development using technology from the future all-electric K85QA. The FT-100XE was originally intended to test some technologies to be used in the QA but performance has been good and the Clone Air Force is now considering fitting the engine to a number of in-service Brownings.

The key advantage of the hybrid engine is sonic stealth, coupled with a new quieter propeller (also developed for the QA), noise emissions in electric mode are reduced by over 90%. This could give the CAF a real edge in anti-insurgency operations. Fuel economy is also increased (though offset to some extent by the heavier engine) with benefits for range. One K85NT is currently being prepared for field trials with a flight cleared FT-100XE and tests may begin in a few months.


Story #2014

Oceans Of Smeg
Windy and SFX arrive in the territory of the Garmii and find all is not how it seems... (A Little War P1)


DDS announce Windscorpion 18A

As expected the forthcoming Type 18 has been named after the former DDS Commander and legend Windscorpion who died last year. The DDS will build 2 Windscorpion 18As which will be known as Heavy Attack Cruisers (HAC) in service. Work on the first ship is expected to begin next year with an entry into service expected for 2116.

A fuller specification will follow in the Summer when the official order is made (and the ships are added to the DDS register).

Story #2013

Extreme Measures
Can Ralph and co. foil the ABBO plan? (Depravity P3)


Wayne King-Meiouf : The fleet enters a stable era

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The Perimpaz 39As, the last Kalahati Tuuls in DDS service, will begin their withdrawals this year as the ships are replaced in the Remedian fleet by Corkscrew 51As. Amazingly these are likely to be the only series withdrawals of ships from the DDS fleet until the next decade at least.

Generation 3 ships set the trend for far longer service lives than with earlier DDS ships. The Quasar 15As were designed with 30 year service lives, compared to the Pulsar 12As which were designed for just 10 (though some were extended beyond that). The Generation 4 ships have even longer service lives planned, the Panther 35As for example are intended to last for 40 years. All these could be extended of course.

So if we look at the DDS fleet the ships currently on service are, by the large, the ships that will still be service when we reach 2130 and beyond.

DDS Combat Fleet classPlanned withdrawal
Warrior 16A 2144-2146
Quasar 15A 2131-2134
Missileer 21B 2141-2143
Panther 35A 2148-2150
Indy 35B 2151-2153
Solaris 37C 2139-2143
Perimpaz 39A 2114-2115
Isometric 41A 2132-2135
Freedom 41B 2140-2145
Mediterranean Sea 43G 2147-2149
Pentekonter 44M 2146-2147
Rome 46A 2147-2149
Falcon 47A/W 2150-2155
Corkscrew 51A 2153-

As can be seen the earliest withdrawals next after the Perimpaz could be the Quasars and original Isometrics in the early 2130s! Even the ancient Starsystem 91Bs are intended to be life-extended until 2130.

This means the DDS fleet is about to enter a stable era with the upheavals of withdrawals and cannibalisation to keep obsolete ships in service. This should help release extra funds for technological development and enhancements. A stable era then and maybe a golden one?

Fleet News (01/04/14)

  • The first new warship of the 2114/5 Ship Building Plan is a Corkscrew 51A though it will be operated by the Remedians. M203R Lord Argrox III will enter service in a few weeks. With 2 of their planned 5 ships now in service 2 of the ageing Perimpaz 39A ships will be withdrawn soon once orientation training has been completed.
  • Two more Coril 86B shuttles have joined the fleet, A588 Knobhead and A589 SFX.