
Wayne King-Meiouf : The disruptive option

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

I am really pleased that the DDS have decided to go ahead with their "big gun ship" idea (the Type 18) as i feel this will be a real game changer over the coming decades.

The astral-political situation is becoming ever more complicated, unpredictable and dangerous. Despite having a large fleet, cutting edge technologies and a good set of allies and resources the DDS still need more if they are to survive challenges such as the looming Tarbotian Empire or a resurgent Clone Star Empire.

The Type 18 i see as a game changer, a disruptive option, that can swing a battlespace in the DDS' favour. Of course the Type 18 is also a bit of a luxury, outside of a major conflict the type does not have much utility but it is precisely major conflicts where the Type 18 can come into its own. Imagine a weapon that can blast even the strongest of ground bases to rubble, that can shatter an asteroid field a fleet is hiding in, vapourise major fleet assets and scatter fleets... this is what the Type 18 can do.

It could be the libero to unlock a tight defence, the out of the box thinking to solve a seemingly insurmountable problem. As you can tell i am a great fan! Well thats the potential and i am sure the DDS will help the Type 18 realise it. The question is now what will the other major space powers do in response?