
Clone Air Force announce investment in future attack options

The K19 Borehole was an interdictor attack aircraft during the Clone Wars, a reliable if crude plane it was relegated to the anti-shipping role and eventually given to the Clone Navy Air Service (CNAS) where it has recently been given an overhaul and upgrade (K19BEC). Now the K19 could be the answer to the Clone Air Force's need for a fast strike and interdiction type.

Funding has been granted for feasibility work into an advanced new version of the Borehole known as the K19NT. The basic Borehole configuration would be completely redesigned and refined with new aircraft possibly entering service by 2118. The CNAS is being invited to join the programme too though have not decided yet.

Funding has also been granted for a 2 year long in-service test of key components of the 5th generation K85 scheduled for the 2120s. New technology including the quieter hyper-efficient propeller, audio/signal management and attack sensors intended for the K85QA will be fitted to in-service K85s. The electric motor and fuel cell technology that is key to the QA will not yet be part of this development programme but may follow later once the technology is considered mature enough. Aircraft modified for the programme will be known as K85NTQ, they will be operated in service environments though will not be used for combat missions.