
DDS to fit worm drives to Missileers / Missileer 2114 Update A

The DDS have announced they have completed calibration of the worm drive on the Missileer 21B missile / UCV carrier. This is by far the largest ship the worm drive has been calibrated on to date and was done jointly with the Dinos who also operate SUP type ships.

All 10 Missileers will be fitted with W1A worm drives when they receive an upgrade later this year. The upgrade is known as Missileer 2114 Update A and will include a number of improvements to communications and data systems. The power grid will also be upgraded, partly for the worm drive but also for improved armament. The Z5ti will be replaced with a Z7 cannon and 2 TPM-VLS batteries will be added, these will supplement the existing missile launchers but as they have a faster reaction time the VLS will mainly be intended for self-defence. No date has been yet given for the upgrades to take place but a DDS source said it would begin "before the Autumn".


Classic Story #0913

Beautiful Sunset
The Triad are sent to find renegade Clones... or are they?

Dinos expect to build at least 25 Dinomark AMs

Minister of Defence Zanus has said it is likely the Dinos will built at least 25 of the ground attack cruiser currently in development called the Dinomark AM. "The Dino Army aims to form at least 2 ground attack squadrons of 12 ships each. With reserves we could be looking for 25-30 ships."

Sirikwan is also interested in the type and its possible the other DTA members could form a joint third ground attack squadron.


Classic Story #0541

Bus Annual
Trojan Warlord is tasked with putting on... the DDS panto!


Classic Story #0963

6 Nations
In the first of a new series of reissued stories from the DDS' rich past Quarz is hurled into combat...

Story #2012

Do More
Ralph's team go ABBO hunting (Depravity P2)

Type 18 will be equipped with Z-Max

The forthcoming Type 18 warship will be largely a mobile energy cannon, but no ordinary cannon. The massive parallel beam energy weapon or MPBEW is a weapon thought to be more powerful than anything fielded or even attempted before.

MPBEW has finally received a new name instead of a clumsy acronym, it will be known as the Z-Max cannon. More details about the Type 18 including current designs are going to be unveiled in the early Summer.


Project YZY will be Dinomark AM

The Dinos have revealed more about Project YZY (the YZY stands for the Dinoese for ground attack cruiser in case you wondered) including an artist impression (see below). The design is now said to be "95% complete" and will likely be called the Dinomark AM and not the QR.

The Dinomark AM will be a large ground attack cruiser with dual propulsion and a high performance in atmospheres as well as space. It will be equipped with a variety of ground attack missiles and beam weapons as well as advanced targeting sensors.


Dinos unveil 3 new ship projects

In a landmark change in policy the Dinos are to move from their "one size fits all" policy of warship design with the Dinomarks PT and XT and instead develop no less than 3 new specialised warship designs. The new ships will help replace the PT  and XT in production Zanus the minister of defence said at a media briefing.
  • Project YZY is the most developed of the 3 new Dinomark projects (and even has a development name, Dinomark QR though this may change). This is a large ground attack cruiser said to be similar in size to the DDS Indy 35B (though longer). Able to carry a heavy war load for strategic attack and tactical ground attack operations.
  • Project ZWU is closely related to YZY, it is a space combat version.
  • Project GHT is the least developed of the 3 and will be the Dinomark XT replacement. It will be similar in size and also multi-role but will have a mission module capability.
As well as these new projects the Dinomark RS will receive a full upgrade. The next versions of the PT and XT are likely to be the last though both are likely to remain in production for the next few years at least. YZY is rumoured to be planned for 2116, ZWU for 2117 and GHT for 2119.

Zanus said that the astral-political situation is fast changing and the old ways of building a fleet are no longer viable. He added that by 2130 the Dino fleet could be very different indeed.


K20 Cargoster leaves service

The final 2 K20 Cargoster transports have been withdrawn from Clone Air Force service. The K20, derived from the CCA 420 regional airliner, has served as a personnel transport and systems calibration plane for nearly 2 decades but is now being replaced by the similar but more advanced K38 Skyshuttle.

This completes the withdrawal of the older types in the CAF transport fleet which has been standardised in order to improve fleet utilisation and reduce costs. In other CAF transport news the K48 Cargolifter order has been increased to 24 from 18 outstanding.


Clone Air Force receive first K45Cs

After years of development and billions of zarks in costs the Clone Air Force has finally received 5 K45C next generation Falcon fighters. The Clone Navy has already accepted into service the naval K45K version but the CAF can now join them with the futuristic new Falcon which includes positive inertia dampening, a mission adaptive wing, full spectrum EM dominance and many other advanced technologies.

The CAF plan to buy 850 new Falcons over the next 10-12 years. It is hoped the CAF can go operational with the type by the Summer. The Clones are already working on an upgrade for 2118 which will increase interoperability with UAS and further improve signals management.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The disruptive option

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

I am really pleased that the DDS have decided to go ahead with their "big gun ship" idea (the Type 18) as i feel this will be a real game changer over the coming decades.

The astral-political situation is becoming ever more complicated, unpredictable and dangerous. Despite having a large fleet, cutting edge technologies and a good set of allies and resources the DDS still need more if they are to survive challenges such as the looming Tarbotian Empire or a resurgent Clone Star Empire.

The Type 18 i see as a game changer, a disruptive option, that can swing a battlespace in the DDS' favour. Of course the Type 18 is also a bit of a luxury, outside of a major conflict the type does not have much utility but it is precisely major conflicts where the Type 18 can come into its own. Imagine a weapon that can blast even the strongest of ground bases to rubble, that can shatter an asteroid field a fleet is hiding in, vapourise major fleet assets and scatter fleets... this is what the Type 18 can do.

It could be the libero to unlock a tight defence, the out of the box thinking to solve a seemingly insurmountable problem. As you can tell i am a great fan! Well thats the potential and i am sure the DDS will help the Type 18 realise it. The question is now what will the other major space powers do in response?

Story #2011

Into The Abyss
Gibson is put in charge of the hunt for Brown Major (Depravity P1)

DDS to build "mobile cannon"

Following feasibility studies which concluded such a weapon was possible the DDS have placed an order for a "massive parallel beam energy weapon" and the ship to carry it. The Type 18 (a name has yet to be decided) will be a single-role warship designed simply to get the cannon into position.

The weapon (naturally given the acronym MPBEW by the DDS though something snappier is expected to be decided upon soon) has the energy output of around 50 Z6 cannons but focussed in one beam. Such a weapon could potentially destroy small moons however its expected use will be against enemy ship formations and ground bases. The DDS only expect to build a small number of Type 18s which will be specialised weapons but part of the wide portfolio of options Firefly is keen for the DDS to build.

The Type 18 could enter service by 2117.


UV200 : Two Centuries Of Destruction

  • Intensity Of Purpose - Windy and SFX are followed (The Hunted P1)
  • The Legend Begins - Windy recalls when he first joined the DDS (The Hunted P2)
  • The Revenge The Shame! - Windy remembers how he was first unleashed on the universe... (The Hunted P3)
  • Wanting A Little More - Gibson receives a shock (Twisted Alliance P1)
  • Dark Sexuality - Gibson's life heads off down a dark path (Twisted Alliance P2)
  • The Terin Question - Terin and Bron revisit an old case (Echoes Of The Past P1)
  • Stranger Danger - Bron deals with a shadow of the past (Echoes Of The Past P2)


Clones reinforce troops on Oscar

Although the insurgency is being contained on Oscar the CDF are concerned that much of the planet's defence force is fairly "low grade" and not used to fighting insurgencies. The attacks have continued and the CDF death toll is now standing at 50.

A company of Red Lizard special forces has arrived on Oscar and extra K85 COIN aircraft are on the way from Cloneworld.


Aritans and Voth to form legions of DTA Army

The Aritans and Voth are both to form legions on Dino Army lines as part of a DTA Army, which will largely consist of the Dino Army augmented with other member elements. The Dinos are providing 150 million zarks of funding to help the two nations form the 20,000 man strong units. The legions will be equipped by a mixture of J55Z, J88 and J5 armoured vehicles.

The Aritan and Voth legions will be charged with home defence though in future may also be employed in expeditionary warfare should the need arise. The legions are hoped to be operational by the end of 2115.


Story #2007

Stranger Danger
Bron deals with a shadow of the past (Echoes Of The Past P2)

Fighting continues on Oscar

Five more attacks on CDF positions were reported overnight as the insurgency has continued, the most notable attack being an oil tanker which exploded at a CDF checkpoint. No word on casualties has yet been given though Clone news reports say there have been fatalities on both sides.

The CDF have also fought back, K40 and K85 aircraft attacked a suspected insurgent base. Two insurgents were also arrested while trying to set a car bomb near the capital.
  • Ground Shock 2114 has ended following a final full-spectrum exercise near Remedia Prime. The final exercise was a "mini war" including space combat, reconnaissance, mine warfare, special forces and amphibious warfare elements.


Outbreak of fighting on Oscar

Anti-Clone insurgents are said to have had attacked a number of Clone Defence Force positions on Oscar, a planet with a sizeable human population. Sixteen CDF members were killed in the attacks, 9 insurgents are also reported to have been killed. The most notable attack was on an airbase which came under mortar attack, despite a fuel depot being set alight no aircraft (the base has K85 and Z26) were damaged.

The authorities have put the planet's defence forces on full alert. Two CDF warships in orbit are also conducting reconnaissance.


Other Fleet News (16/03/14)

  • The Dinos have completed 2 Dinomark XTs, 1 Dinomark PT and 1 Dinomark MX for their fleet.
  • The Bolitic have completed a Snarl and 2 Meltinans. Reports indicate the Furl has impressed in trials and may be close to replacing the Snarl in production, the 3 Snarls in various stages of production could be the last to be built.
  • The Clones have added a Cosmos CG and a Shark SKB to their fleet.
  • Putri 500 have received an Isometric E15P1.
  • Sirikwan have received a Pentekonter Protector 350.

Wayne King-Meiouf : The age of alliances

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The galaxy is getting ever more competitive and dangerous and the technology and resources to stay ahead (or at least in touching distance) ever more expensive and complicated.

Thats why we are seeing new alliances formed as states (even major powers) struggle to keep up and need fresh ideas and resources. The latest is of course the Clone-Rectoid alliance but we can also count the DTA in this, the Bolitic-Utrek and of course the DDS with its Tier 1 allies.

The DDS were the first of the Central Powers to reach out outside their territories for help. The alliance with the Raegris has provided them with a major manufacturing hub and Raegris technology has really augmented the DDS' own in many ways which have not been mentioned greatly in the media. Signal management and beam weapons in particular have been greatly enhanced by Raegris input.

The Dinos are playing the long game, at first glance the Dino Trade Association is a lop-sided group of the Dinos, little brothers Sirikwan and a load of other mouths to feed. In the long term however the DTA will be a powerful alliance. Aritan and Voth infantry will soon augment the DTA land forces, Sirikwan water warfare expertise and the potential resources of Arctic are all long-term benefits for the Dinos.

The latest alliance of the Clones and Rectoids is the most interesting. Politically and culturally the two sides are much further apart than some of the members of the above alliances. This could be both good and bad, bad in the short term but in the medium to long term it could shake up ideas and technologies for the benefit of the Clones. They need the fresh impetus, numbers wise the Clones have always been there but the technological gap is opening especially compared to the DDS. It will be very interesting to see how the Rectoids can help them close that gap and how quickly.


Clones announce new AFV versions

The Clone Army has announced a new version of its main armoured fighting vehicle and its specialist snow vehicle. The latest version of the Tapir is the J5HDM which includes an uprated engine with a new integrated turbo and power unit. The new Tapir, which is purely Clone funded - the first Tapir version not Dino funded for some time, also includes an improved NBC pressure seal, a new generation signals management system and a number of interior improvements.

The other new AFV is the J34CDP Snowcat 2100, a snow and winter optimised vehicle used mainly on Lomar. The new version has a number of electronic enhancements and the external stowage system has been redesigned.


Clones get their hands on Rectoid technology

Late last year the Clones and Rectoids signed a mutual defence pact, the Rectoids bought a huge amount of Clone military hardware including Kelsan bombers and CSM, and the Clones were to receive Rectoid technology. The latter is now arriving with Rectoid facilitators working with Clone scientists and engineers at a number of sights to integrate Clone and Rectoid technology (which will also help with the exports).

The Clones and Rectoids have agreed a common middleware software layer to allow their respective military data protocols to interact. Similar layers are also being developed for the physical hardware, for example Rectoid weapons require different voltages and plasma frequencies than Clone equipment so if the Clones fit the weapons to their ships then they need a middleware layer too.

A Clone source says it is unlikely Rectoid technology will be integrated into service ships before 2115 at the earliest. In the longer term a new generation of co-developed weapons and technologies will be at the heart of both sides military.

Story #2006

The Terin Question
Terin and Bron revisit an old case (Echoes Of The Past P1)

Story #2005

Dark Sexuality
Gibson's life heads off down a dark path (Twisted Alliance P2)


DDS give worm drive OK

Following the loss of a Dinomark PT in a worm drive failure caused accident the DDS have been checking its fast growing fleet of worm drive equipped ships. The Dino accident was caused by a power loss in a rectifier, the DDS have concentrated on this part of the W1A system as part of a technical check of all drives in service.

DDS Engineering report they found no problem with in-service W1A worm drives though one drive not currently in use was found to have a different defect (its rectifier was ok!) The Dinos now believe the rectifier failure and ship loss were pretty much the result of astounding bad luck though improved monitoring systems may be deployed in the next revision in any event.


Clone Air Force announce investment in future attack options

The K19 Borehole was an interdictor attack aircraft during the Clone Wars, a reliable if crude plane it was relegated to the anti-shipping role and eventually given to the Clone Navy Air Service (CNAS) where it has recently been given an overhaul and upgrade (K19BEC). Now the K19 could be the answer to the Clone Air Force's need for a fast strike and interdiction type.

Funding has been granted for feasibility work into an advanced new version of the Borehole known as the K19NT. The basic Borehole configuration would be completely redesigned and refined with new aircraft possibly entering service by 2118. The CNAS is being invited to join the programme too though have not decided yet.

Funding has also been granted for a 2 year long in-service test of key components of the 5th generation K85 scheduled for the 2120s. New technology including the quieter hyper-efficient propeller, audio/signal management and attack sensors intended for the K85QA will be fitted to in-service K85s. The electric motor and fuel cell technology that is key to the QA will not yet be part of this development programme but may follow later once the technology is considered mature enough. Aircraft modified for the programme will be known as K85NTQ, they will be operated in service environments though will not be used for combat missions.


Bolitic unveil new warship

In an unusual but not unheard of move the Bolitic have confirmed they are about to accept a new warship type into service, replacing the Snarl and eventually the Meltinan in production. The BS4130 Furl is a new mid-range type for the Bolitic who previously have fielded large lumbering but heavily armed battlecruisers and swifter lightly armed frigates.

The Furl uses the latest technological advances and some doctrinal changes to combine heavy firepower in a smaller and more agile hull. DDS analysts are said to consider the new warship a serious threat as it will likely continue the Bolitic tradition of ruggedness and reliability with agility and heavy firepower.


Isometric 2114 Update A

The Isometric 41A and Freedom 41B Medium Combat Ship fleets are to receive an update over the next couple of months. The updates will be carried out as part of normal maintenance cycles but will take some time because of the number of ships involved (33 ships in total). The update is aimed at improving combat performance, system reliability and also preparing the fleet for later updates. The upgrade will include:
  • Z7 cannon
  • Improvements to the engine management systems to improve efficiency
  • Improvements to the power grid paving the way for a (later) installation of worm drive (SS Jurassic has it already of course)
  • Freedom 41B cruise upped to 730c
  • Enhanced main databus and mainframe upgrades
  • Communications and data security enhancements
  • Full overhaul and various minor updates


Dinos lift worm drive restriction

The Dinos have lifted the ban on worm drive use following analysis of the accident which saw DM303 lost in a worm hole implosion. A Dino Army report says that the accident was caused by a power loss in the primary rectifier of the worm drive. This may have been caused by a one-off manufacturing defect though all rectifiers in service will be checked over the next couple of days. The DDS say they will also check this component.

As the accident was largely down to amazingly bad luck (if the failure had occurred a second earlier or later the ship is not likely to have been lost) the Dinos have decided there is no need to continue the ban on worm jumps.
  • With the first refurbished and upgraded Helwin ILU delivered to Sirikwan a new deal worth around 350 million zarks has been signed with the DDS. Sirikwan have ordered 10 Coril shuttles for delivery from 2115, 8 are to be ST and the other 2 the new XL VIP model. Sirikwan have also contracted the DDS to develop technology for its Relan replacement combat support ships. The 3 Multi-Role Combat Support Ships (MRCSS) will replace the worn-out Relans from 2115 and are based on the same commercial design as the Friendship 75A (and other DDS ships). The MRCSS will be a transport able to support combat operations and is expected to have extensive docking facilities and communications and control systems.


Bolitic to build new ship class to replace Snarl *and* Meltinan

The Bolitic are reported to have begun testing the prototype of a new class of warship which will replace both the Snarl and Meltinan classes in production by next year. The as-yet-unnamed class comes between the two older classes in size and makes heavy use of Utrek technology including an evolution of the powerplant used in the Molentic Tuul.

The ship is reported to be much more agile than the lumbering Snarl and maybe even the Meltinan too but also possessing a full battlecruiser complement of weapons and defences. It has a speed of around 800c and is said to be equipped with a battery of heavy energy cannons, missiles, energy drain lances, sub-atomic oscillators and other toys.

One thing the ship cannot do is carry a large number of Bolitic warriors as the Snarls and old Helwins can but this kind of capability is considered obsolete by the Bolitic these days.


Dinos admit Dinomark is lost

The Dinos have written off the Dinomark PT DM303 which was involved in a worm drive accident and contacted the families of the 9 crew who were aboard. Dino scientists say there is no chance DM303 could have survived the worm hole implosion thought to have been caused by a power loss in a key part of the worm drive during the jump.

The suspension of worm jumps remains in place though the Dinos do not think there are any long-term problems with the technology. DM303 was very very unlucky, the power loss occurred at the exact time when a worm hole implosion was a risk, any earlier or later then then hole would have simply not correctly formed and DM303 would have not gone anywhere.


Story #2004

Wanting A Little More
Gibson receives a shock (Twisted Alliance P1)

Dinomark feared lost after worm drive failure

A Dinomark PT is feared lost after a critical failure during a worm drive jump caused the worm hole to implode. Dino scientists say the ship was most likely destroyed though some say there is a (very) slim chance it may have been transported to another dimension.

The Dinos have suspended all worm jumps until the cause of the accident is known. The DDS have also suspended jumps apart from in critical circumstances. It is thought the accident was caused by part of the worm drive failing during the jump, usually such a failure would just cause the worm hole to not form but in very rare circumstances it could cause the worm hole to be unstable and thus dooming any ship entering it.


Fleet News (03/03/14)

  • The final 2 ships of SBP 2113/4 have been completed. Both are transports, the Provider 71A A119 Crane and the Friendship 75A A210U Association.
  • The Terran Sea ILU is nearly completed, the last 2 Barents Sea 43B ships have been converted the Mediterranean Sea 43G standard, M181 Andaman Sea and M182 Flores Sea.

Story #2003

The Revenge The Shame!
Windy remembers how he was first unleashed on the universe... (The Hunted P3)


UV1 to 200 : Two centuries of destruction!

Way back in October 2001 the way stories from the DDS Comic Universe were presented in was changed.

The new Ultra Violence or UV series would see the higher quality stories introduced by the previous series set in "real-time" with each book recounting the events in the DDS Comic Universe of 100 years hence. Thus UV #1 dealt with events from October 8 to 22 2101!

The first 80 odd books kept this fortnightly schedule until the change to the monthly schedule which the UV series continues with today. UV #200 is now in production and as before the book deals with events which take place in real-time from mid-February to March 2114...

To celebrate the 200th UV book the very first story from UV #1 has been especially digitised and  presented below. When the story was originally published this website did not even exist and digitising of stories is a fairly recent innovation. Thus for the first time the story is presented in this format.

Look for more stories from the 200th book of course over the coming weeks.

Kill Oojok!
Radical Clones decide that Oojok must die.