
DDS to built new orbital battle station over GHQ

With the new DDS GHQ taking shape on Proxima 5 DDS Commander Firefly is now turning to the next stage in his project to make the core of the DDS much more resilient. A new battle station will be built in a geo-synchronous orbit over GHQ acting as a spaceport for DDS ships (currently DDS ships at Proxima 5 use civilian facilities or go to the DDS Orbital HQ over Proxima 7).

The battle station will be a formidable static defence post. It will be equipped with the latest weapons including Z7 cannons and TPM launchers. One report says the station will carry over 5000 TPM-2s and have sufficient launchers to fire these missiles at the rate of up to 10 a second (and have sufficient sensor and tactical systems to engage over 120 simultaneous targets).

Planning and design work are now ongoing, work is expected to begin on the new station by the start of 2114 with a completion date of 2116 mooted.