
Clone Navy strikes at pirate bases

The Clone Navy has launched a number of attacks against pirate bases on Cloneworld in an operation called "Fall Rain". In one attack 2 K19B strike bombers launched 2 missiles against a fuelling point at Calanas Atoll though later reports indicate the point had already been abandoned.

Later 4 K85NTKs launched from the aircraft carrier CNS Clone Empire attacked a pirate base in the Golika Island chain. A small boat is reported to have been sunk at dock and 2 buildings set on fire. Clone Marines followed up the attack by landing but they had found the pirates had already fled.

In the third attack the frigate CNS Ailier launched an SS-N-8 missile at a suspected pirate base on the Yeltenee Islands, no reports are yet in as to the damage caused to the base. The CN say that these are just the first attacks in what is likely to be a sustained campaign.
  • The DDS' September Sunrise exercise has ended after final mock combats against Remedian ships. The exercise was most notable for the inclusion of SS Corkscrew as part of its trials. The ship has now returned to Solaris for final assessment and modification and could be fully commissioned by the DDS as early as next month.