
Clone Navy continue attacks

Operation Fall Rain has continued with 4 separate attacks across Cloneworld on pirate ships and facilities. The most successful attack was the destruction of a mothership by 2 K85NTKs launched from the aircraft carrier CNS Clone Empire. One K85 was hit by gunfire but was able to return to the carrier, the pirate ship (a converted trawler) was sunk by anti-ship missiles.

Less successful was an attack by a ZK26S helicopter from a Mariner class support ship on a suspected pirate jetty. The attack was called off after it was clear the jetty was no longer used. Another jetty was attacked by CNS Ailier which confirmed the jetty was in use before destroying it with cannon fire.

The final attack was by 2 K40Ns on what was thought to be a radio relay used by pirates in the Achilles Chain. The relay is now out of action.
  • The main load-beam has been laid down on the first Warrior 16A bomber, the load-beam is the traditional start point in DDS warship production and was marked by a ceremony attended by Firefly. The first Warrior is expected to begin trials next Spring (slightly later than originally planned) with an entry into service sometime in the Summer of 2114.