
MBH forms new political party

MBH has formed a new political party to help support him in his bed to be elected Consul. A few years ago he disbanded his old Veritas = Truth party as part of a pact with Ronald but has now decided it is time he created a new party machine. His new party (which Lakes and Balgason have also joined) is called the Dino Truth Party and he says it will be a refreshing force in Dino politics.

"What do Imperial Odour and the Limperals bring the Dinos?" MBH asked at his party's first media briefing, "Tired safe thinking, comfortable, convenient. The Dino Truth Party will sweep away this boring thinking and replace it with dynamism, excitement and hope!"

Malanson, who is Imperial Order's Consul election candidate said, "MBH has reformed his Ego Party, who cares? Everyone knows what MBH stands for and its not truth!" The Liberal Party's candidate El Diablo said, "This election will be decided on policies not personalities, MBH has plenty of the latter but i'm not sure about the former, unless you count endless bragging and boasting as a policy."