
July Wave 2112

June Fade 2112 ended yesterday following a mock-combat with Molabite and Starbotian ships. The DDS is now preparing for its next exercise, July Wave 2112 which will take place in the first week of next month. July Wave is an amphibious exercise and will take place on the Remedian planet of Loeuss. The Dinos will join the operation and will send an SS-D special forces unit to join the DDS Prowler units who will take part. New DDS Army and Remedian Army troops will also take part.

The ships to be involved are :

S204 Grenadier (flagship)
H122 Illustrious
H203 Remedia Prime II
M121 Freedom
M156 Arabian Sea
L113 Laurentia
L116 Kenora
L151 Oceania
L154 Arctic
A115 Lancastrian
A151 Kerosene
P157 Osprey
P162W Pelican