HCS, DDS and now DTA, in his new role as military adviser to Sirikwan, Doombringer has done it all. And much more besides as we found out in this exclusive interview he was kind enough to grant me while he was visiting Dino-Land last week.
Dralson : Doombringer, now you have taken up this role with Sirikwan you have done the "grand slam" so to speak of the major Central Powers. But by no means are these the only entries on your CV.
Doombringer : Indeed not, i have travelled the galaxy for millennia and worked for 67 factions at least! Most of which are totally unknown here.
DR : What of your origins, can you say where you originally came from?
DO : Unfortunately not though it was somewhere on the other side of the galaxy i think. Originally i was a war robot i am told but i suffered serious injuries in battle and lost all of my original memories.
DR : Why have you continued to move on from job to job and not stay in the same place?
DO : I don't need glory or wealth, the only thing i need is to remain interested in what i am doing. That is the main reason i move on (if i have a choice in the matter!), when i become bored.
DR : 67 factions sounds like there is a big galaxy out there we have only skimmed the surface of in this area of space.
DO : Indeed there is. Only a tiny amount of the galaxy is known to the Dinos and other Central Powers. There are hundreds of different factions and empires out there, some dwarf the Tarbot Empire, some are highly advanced and highly dangerous.
DR : Have you ever been tempted to tell people whats out there? You have famously, or infamously, always refused to do this.
DO : No because i don't think its a good idea. The Dinos, DDS and HCS need to worry more about their own area of space for the moment and not factions thousands of light years away. I'll just say this, there are factions out there that could take the Central Powers apart in an afternoon. Its best you keep away from them for now!
DR : Years ago you joined the HCS, how did this come about?
DO : I left my previous job and continued wandering. I came upon the Clones and Oojok asked me to provide experience and firepower to his embryonic and frankly rather shambolic HCS.
DR : You formed an elite unit with 2 other robots called the Legion of Doom. Where did the other 2 robots come from?
DO : Unknown, they were not created by the same people as me and were nowhere near as sophisticated. Which is probably why i am here talking to you now and not rusting away on a planet far away [laughs].
DR : Early on in the HCS you mainly had a combat role, is that what you prefer or do you prefer the strategic role?
DO : The latter though i do occasionally like to "keep my hand in".
DR : The high point of your HCS career was masterminding the invasion of Earth as part of Benito's New Rome Project. How does that rank in your long list of achievements?
DO : Very high indeed! However i like a varied career so if i succeed with my Sirikwanese role then i will consider that a great achievement too.
DR : Lets talk about that, what exactly will you be doing?
DO : Sirikwan and the DTA want the Sirikwanese forces to become a strong back-up to the Dinos. Sirikwan has a lot of potential, it just needs some focus and some building up in some key areas. I will be carrying this out over the next couple of years.
DR : And then what after that, will you move on again?
DO : Most likely but i don't like to leave before i have finished my job so i shall be here for a few more years yet!