
July Wave will not be delayed

The July Wave exercise for next month will not be delayed because of the reactor failure at Solaris Orbital HQ says Director of Operations Knobhead. Solaris is usually used as the primary assembly point for ships engaging in exercises but because Solaris OHQ is out of service DDS Orbital HQ over GHQ will instead be used. "I did discuss with AP postponing or even canceling the exercise but i felt it would be best to just use GHQ instead as otherwise it would inconvenience our Remedian and Dino allies who will be taking part in July Wave."

Knobhead also announced that the trials ship X111 Isometric will be joining the deployment. It has been fitted with the new Z7 cannon and it will be used during the exercises to test its ground mode.



Who is being bought back? (Endgame P1)

Reactor failure at Solaris Orbital HQ

The main reactor array at Solaris Orbital HQ has suffered multiple failures in its regulator flow valves. The incident is not considered dangerous as the reactors are designed to shut down if this happened (and they have). A backup reactor has now kicked in though this only provides enough power for basic operations and life support. A DDS Engineering spokeswoman said that no foul play is thought to be behind the failures.

New valves will be fitted next week and then the reactors will be restarted and run back up to full power again. Unfortunately this will take around two weeks to accomplish and until then Solaris OHQ will remain un-operational.

The problem for the DDS is that Solaris OHQ is one of the major orbital hubs for the DDS. DDS Operations is currently reallocating ships to DDS GHQ and Liberation.
  • A 850 million zark upgrade of the Voth Space Navy's fleet of 12 Kalahati Tuuls (though only 5 are currently in service) has begun. The DDS are carrying out the upgrade in Voth space though some parts are being fabricated by the Raegris. The upgrade includes a new TPM compatible missile launcher, passive sensors, a 5036-A combat suite and an export version of IWC (optimised to handle Bolitic info-attacks). The docking bays will also be modified so Dinomark XTs can dock with the ships. A refurbishment will also be carried out. The Voth say they expect to keep the KTs as the backbone of their fleet until the mid-2120s and this upgrade will keep them competitive for that.


Dino View : Is this El Diablo's time?

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

As the Summer enters its height on Dino-Land the election campaigns of the various candidates for the Consul election in November swing into top gear. This year is even more important than usual as we switch to the modified Republican system with a single Consul holding power for 2 years instead of two post-holders sharing the job.

So who will be this first single Consul? Polling evidence and sentiment is pointing to El Diablo. He is currently ahead of his nearest rival MBH by 8% in the polls.
CandidatePartyPoll Rating %
El DiabloLiberal42
MBHDino Truth34
MalansonImperial Order21
El Diablo is doing very well indeed, his poll ratings are rising too so he may even be able to get the 50% he needs to win in the first round. Malanson is trailing badly though few expected him to win. Imperial Order have a problem with potential candidates now Ronald and GBH have retired from front-line politics it is generally believed Malanson's candidacy is mostly to give him experience and rise his profile ahead of a more serious attempt in 2 years time.

It could all change of course, MBH has formed a new political party recently and is now ramping up his campaign. However the sentiment on the streets i have picked up is that it is "El Diablo's time". The former Emperor's disasterous reign is now fading into the past and the people seem willing to give him a second chance. That could change though as polling day approaches and MBH really homes in on his targets. We'll know for sure in November.



Pure + Simple
Ronald confronts the usurper (Origins P4)

Dino View : Interview with Doombringer

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

HCS, DDS and now DTA, in his new role as military adviser to Sirikwan, Doombringer has done it all. And much more besides as we found out in this exclusive interview he was kind enough to grant me while he was visiting Dino-Land last week.

Dralson : Doombringer, now you have taken up this role with Sirikwan you have done the "grand slam" so to speak of the major Central Powers. But by no means are these the only entries on your CV.

Doombringer : Indeed not, i have travelled the galaxy for millennia and worked for 67 factions at least! Most of which are totally unknown here.

DR : What of your origins, can you say where you originally came from?

DO : Unfortunately not though it was somewhere on the other side of the galaxy i think. Originally i was a war robot i am told but i suffered serious injuries in battle and lost all of my original memories.

DR : Why have you continued to move on from job to job and not stay in the same place?

DO : I don't need glory or wealth, the only thing i need is to remain interested in what i am doing. That is the main reason i move on (if i have a choice in the matter!), when i become bored.

DR : 67 factions sounds like there is a big galaxy out there we have only skimmed the surface of in this area of space.

DO : Indeed there is. Only a tiny amount of the galaxy is known to the Dinos and other Central Powers. There are hundreds of different factions and empires out there, some dwarf the Tarbot Empire, some are highly advanced and highly dangerous.

DR : Have you ever been tempted to tell people whats out there? You have famously, or infamously, always refused to do this.

DO : No because i don't think its a good idea. The Dinos, DDS and HCS need to worry more about their own area of space for the moment and not factions thousands of light years away. I'll just say this, there are factions out there that could take the Central Powers apart in an afternoon. Its best you keep away from them for now!

DR : Years ago you joined the HCS, how did this come about?

DO : I left my previous job and continued wandering. I came upon the Clones and Oojok asked me to provide experience and firepower to his embryonic and frankly rather shambolic HCS.

DR : You formed an elite unit with 2 other robots called the Legion of Doom. Where did the other 2 robots come from?

DO : Unknown, they were not created by the same people as me and were nowhere near as sophisticated. Which is probably why i am here talking to you now and not rusting away on a planet far away [laughs].

DR : Early on in the HCS you mainly had a combat role, is that what you prefer or do you prefer the strategic role?

DO : The latter though i do occasionally like to "keep my hand in".

DR : The high point of your HCS career was masterminding the invasion of Earth as part of Benito's New Rome Project. How does that rank in your long list of achievements?

DO : Very high indeed! However i like a varied career so if i succeed with my Sirikwanese role then i will consider that a great achievement too.

DR : Lets talk about that, what exactly will you be doing?

DO : Sirikwan and the DTA want the Sirikwanese forces to become a strong back-up to the Dinos. Sirikwan has a lot of potential, it just needs some focus and some building up in some key areas. I will be carrying this out over the next couple of years.

DR : And then what after that, will you move on again?

DO : Most likely but i don't like to leave before i have finished my job so i shall be here for a few more years yet!


DDS begin sweep for ABBOs

Following the attack on SS Partnership by ABBO stragglers near Charlotte the DDS have sent 2 ships (said to be MCS though no more details were given) from Liberation to begin a sweep of the many asteroid fields and dark objects in the region of the Rim Worlds near Charlotte which has so often been a haven for pirates and other undesirables.

The sweep is expected to take up to 3 weeks, the DDS do not expect to find the ABBO ships but they might find evidence of the base they might be using.
  • The first 5 F-47 light fighters have arrived at the HCSAF Operational Evaluation Service for final testing prior to an entry into service in the early Autumn.



The End Of Reality
Telavason usurps the Emperor (Origins P3)


Ronald's reward turns sour (Origins P2)


ABBO ships attack DDS transport

The DDS Friendship 75A transport A203U Partnership has been attacked by 2 ABBO ships while on a communications run to ore mines near Charlotte. The ABBO mesh and territory was destroyed by the Tarbotians (and much of the ABBO fleet destroyed by the DDS) but from time to time an ABBO ship is detected, a survivor from the war.

SS Partnership was damaged in the attack though its shields mostly held, it fired one of its Canister TPMs though it did not hit anything, the ABBOs withdrew. Later on telemetry analysis indicated the ABBOs ran a number of scans on the Friendship during the attack which could mean they were looking for something in particular and as SS Partnership didn't have what they wanted withdrew. SS Partnership was able to continue its mission at a reduced speed and after delivering its cargo to the mining colony will go onto Charlotte where a DDS Engineering team will conduct repairs.
  • The HCSN are reporting that the missile trial submarine CNSS Warhammer has put to sea ready for the first test launch (from an actual submarine) of the SeaGale SLBM. The first launch will be made from the surface though subsequent test launches will be made from a submerged state.
  • The forthcoming Warspite 16A bomber (expected to enter service from 2114) will have a crew of 60 and be able to carry up to 12 MRM plus 60 TPM missiles internally. The DDS have now finalised the hull form which will be worm drive calibrated ready for the flight test programme (though early tests will not use the worm drive).


Wayne King-Meiouf : The DDS Air Force takes shape

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The introduction into service (finally!) of the NDAA is a very important step for the DDS Air Force as the NDAA is a cornerstone of the DDSAF's strategic direction in the post-war period.

When the DDSAF was reborn and refocussed a few years ago from its air defence ghetto the idea was that the DDS would build a full spectrum air arm to complement a full spectrum army. However budgets soon were under a squeeze and the DDS changed direction strategically under the rule of The Orchid and later AP (who has not deviated much from The Orchid's policies). Instead of trying to become a full-spectrum armed forces like the HCS the DDS was instead going to maintain a powerful space fleet with a small but potent army for expeditionary operations and large scale raids. The air force's plans obviously thus also needed to be scaled back to match the army's role and scale.

The DDSAF now has 3 clear roles, 2 of them (air defence and transport) are unchanged from the dawn of the DDSAF but the 3rd is different : army support. A key part of that role has been the COIN and UAS fleets of aircraft built but the NDAA is the key jigsaw piece as it fits neatly in between the high end F-10S and the low end COIN/UAS fleets.

Now the DDS is starting to build a potent and versatile fleet perfectly suited for its key role in DDS operations. The danger will be of course if the curse of "full spectrum envy" begins to creep in again, the DDS can't compete with the HCS in that way and neither should it. Lets hope the clear strategic focus is kept.

MBH forms new political party

MBH has formed a new political party to help support him in his bed to be elected Consul. A few years ago he disbanded his old Veritas = Truth party as part of a pact with Ronald but has now decided it is time he created a new party machine. His new party (which Lakes and Balgason have also joined) is called the Dino Truth Party and he says it will be a refreshing force in Dino politics.

"What do Imperial Odour and the Limperals bring the Dinos?" MBH asked at his party's first media briefing, "Tired safe thinking, comfortable, convenient. The Dino Truth Party will sweep away this boring thinking and replace it with dynamism, excitement and hope!"

Malanson, who is Imperial Order's Consul election candidate said, "MBH has reformed his Ego Party, who cares? Everyone knows what MBH stands for and its not truth!" The Liberal Party's candidate El Diablo said, "This election will be decided on policies not personalities, MBH has plenty of the latter but i'm not sure about the former, unless you count endless bragging and boasting as a policy."



First Contact
Ronald describes first contact between the Dinos and Hew-mons (Origins P1)

Rathun dies in accident

Maryann Rathun, the wife of Deputy Commander Redjec, and former ruler of Rathun's World (when she was a man) has died in an apparent accident at DDS GHQ. Rathun fell from the top of DDS Library Services Tower where she worked and died after falling 40 floors and hitting the ground hard. A DDS Security spokeshood said there were no suspicious circumstances.

Redjec has taken indefinite compassionate leave, LPG will take over his City Commander duties in the meantime.


July Wave 2112

June Fade 2112 ended yesterday following a mock-combat with Molabite and Starbotian ships. The DDS is now preparing for its next exercise, July Wave 2112 which will take place in the first week of next month. July Wave is an amphibious exercise and will take place on the Remedian planet of Loeuss. The Dinos will join the operation and will send an SS-D special forces unit to join the DDS Prowler units who will take part. New DDS Army and Remedian Army troops will also take part.

The ships to be involved are :

S204 Grenadier (flagship)
H122 Illustrious
H203 Remedia Prime II
M121 Freedom
M156 Arabian Sea
L113 Laurentia
L116 Kenora
L151 Oceania
L154 Arctic
A115 Lancastrian
A151 Kerosene
P157 Osprey
P162W Pelican



Over The Line
Windy confronts Rathun (Rock P3)


Hoods to be fully integrated into DDS at all levels

Head of DDS Security LPG has announced that the Hoods will become much more fully integrated into the DDS "at all levels". This, claims Director of Communications Hibiscus, will help "facilitate professional intercourse".

Hoods are already present on all DDS warships and every military unit has a Hood officer. Now every department and sub-department in the DDS will also have a Hood representative who will "monitor professionalism, drive throughput towards goals and ensure on-message communication" by DDS staff said Hibiscus.

To facilitate the greater Hood involvement the DDS needs more Hoods LPG added at a media briefing where these changes were announced. Funding has been secured to recruit and train a further 12,000 Hoods on top of the estimated 4,000 already in service.
  • The first of 48 Cherrybee CBH-90 helicopters has been delivered and it has entered a evaluation and training period by the DDSAF. The helicopters are small and cheap and will be used for base security and patrol. They will be operated by both the DDSAF and the Hoods.


Fleet News (15/06/12)

  • S227 Mont Blanc is the latest Olympus 23A carrier to join the fleet.
  • Two Panther 35As have been fitted with wormdrive, H107 Tiger (which is the first Starbotian ship so fitted) and H111 Cougar.
  • 2 new Coril 86B shuttles have joined the fleet, A584 Redjec and A585 GBH.


DDS' oldest ship marks 20 years since "birth"

The DDS fleet is overall very young but there are some older ships still in service. The oldest ship in service is the Starsystem 91X training ship X101T Beta Centauri which entered service in 2093 but was laid down in mid-2092 and today marked the 20th anniversary of the first "power switch on" of its core energy grid which the DDS generally regard as being when a ship becomes "alive".

The Alpha Centauri 93X ships might be older but the date of construction of these ex-Bolitic Helwin is not known though they certainly date from the 2090s at least. The Coril 86As may also be older as they were bought from elsewhere (and the oldest joined the fleet in 2094) however Beta Centauri is definitely the oldest DDS built ship and the oldest with a clear biography.

Beta Centauri has returned to GHQ following a training mission and now will be prepared to lead a flypast of DDS ships to mark the DDS 25th Birthday on July 1st. One of the preserved Pulsars will take part in the flypast (though it will be towed).
  • Doombringer has left the DDS following 5 years service in the DDS Fleet Command. The robot, who has also served in the HCS, is thought to have been recruited by Sirikwan to help develop their fleet. Although generally trusted it was thought Doombringer's HCS past meant he was sidelined in his DDS role which meant he has been looking to leave since the end of the war.


NDAA finally operational

Linking up the high-level F-10 attack fleet with the low-level COIN A-85, K-18 and UAS fleets is the Next DDS Attack Aircraft (NDAA). This is a light strike aircraft to supplement both fleets and has now become operational following an extended development period. Experience during the ABBO-Bolitic War has been fed back into the design which the DDS say is a very potent and sturdy warplane which is both "perfectly tailored" and "omni-flexible".

Although officially known as the A-12 the name NDAA seems to have stuck. The first 6 have entered service with a close support squadron on Solaris, all in all 120 will be delivered over the next 3-4 years. The DDS are now working on an export version which will be added to their sales portfolio.
  • The HCS Navy has accepted 2 new ships into service, a Mariner general support ship and a Seawolf submarine (in both cases the final ships in both classes to join the Cloneworld fleet). The legacy submarine CNS Tinfish has now been withdrawn from service to undergo a life-extension and update which will keep it available as a reserve/trials submarine until the early 2120s. It is expected to return to service next Summer.


Quasars to receive update, worm drives

The Quasar 15A bomber fleet will begin its yearly upgrade in September, a key part of the upgrade being the fitting of worm drives now calibration of the Quasar has been completed. AP says it is a priority that the strike fleet receives worm drives as soon as possible so the Quasar 2112 Update A will include this. This does mean however that there might not be enough worm drives available for the Terran Sea ILU which is due to start in 2112. The DDS say that it should only affect the first few Terran Seas and the MCS will be "fitted for" the drive in anycase which can then be added later in the year.

Other improvements will include a strengthened electrical network (which is required for worm drive and other forthcoming technologies like Z7 - which will come next year). More parts of the ship will have FIDO VR projectors for remote crewing. The ship's communication multiplex will also be improved. There will also be other more minor updates.


Haylei confirm DDS order

When Haylei placed a huge order with the DDS Export Agency the Clones tried to change the Haylean minds with a counter-offer but Haylei have said they will stick with the DDS. The value of the order has been now revealed as being a cool 8 billion zarks and includes warships, aircraft and weapons. A follow-on order for land weapons may follow when the DDS launch its land weapon export portfolio later in the year.

Haylei will receive its first ships, 2 Extender-E oilers, later in this year with work to begin on an orbital docking base in a few weeks. Haylei will also send around 120 cadets to the DDS Space Academy. Haylei hopes to have its ships operational by next Summer and should receive its first combat warships before the end of next year.

A three ship DDS detachment has now arrived at Haylei and will help with the planet's defence until Haylei can take over with its own fleet operations sometime in 2114.

The first of 50 F-10SEPH fighters is currently being built, changes from the DDS SEP version are thought to be mainly localisation though the SEPH will be equipped with the air-launched version of the QPM which has slight aerodynamic differences compared to the TPM-A. The DDS are currently performing final proving of the QPM-A.

HCS fleet news (11/06/12)

  • A Cosmos CG and 2 Kelsan KS have joined the HCS Space Navy this week.
  • An Omiten TYJ oiler has also joined the fleet.
  • A Freighter TYA transport has been withdrawn.


UV179 : Disaster

  • Productivity - Redjec and Windy both investigate the PRB attack (Spiral P3)
  • Grade B - Redjec is given a shock (Spiral P4)
  • Lobster Boy - Ralph and team investigate a threat to the Dino Elders (Baoen P1)
  • Communism Dot Com - The net closes in on the plotters (Baoen P2)
  • Radical - Can Crickson avert a disaster? (Baoen P3)
  • All I Needed - Is the secret out? (Rock P1)
  • Betrayal - Redjec's crimes continue (Rock P2)



Redjec's crimes continue (Rock P2)

Senior Comms : Don't panic

Hibiscus, Senior Communications Officer

There has been a lot spoken and written recently about the supposedly "dark" direction the New DDS Project has taken over the last few weeks. I am here to provide a steer to help you navigate away from this off-message conclusion using the following raft of action points.

Security is paramount of course, the New DDS Project would be derailed if off-message elements were able to facilitate a negative curve. Therefore we need to advance a whole raft of messages to secure professionalism and i am sure you would all agree that these are prudent and natural processes.

Professionalism is the life-blood of the New DDS Project, it must be protected at all costs. We must not be derailed from our true direction. Staying on-message is key to facilitating the programme of professionalism thus off-message comments must be challenged and defeated.

Thus we should not be afraid we should be excited. We should welcome the chance to work harder, work longer, have less leisure time and avoid sloth. Friendships and other off-message distractions must be suppressed by a pure passion for professionalism! Purity of purpose!


Wayne King-Meiouf : The dark spiral

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Sea Urchin has issued a warning, i've been told Knobhead is also worried. What exactly is AP up to with his security crack down in the DDS and the rising of the Hood profile beyond the slightly sinister but mostly eccentric image they appeared to have under AP's early reign.

Whisper it (if you are a DDS member - i am not) but AP seems intent on recreating the worst excesses of the Rotarios regime. We have Hoods enforcing discipline brutally, strict controls on communication and propaganda posters all across the DDS. The only difference seems to be AP's face on these posters and not the snarling face of Rotarios "encouraging" the DDS to OBEY, TRUST, BOW!

When AP came to power it seemed the DDS would take on a new path, the New DDS Project would build upon the stability of The Orchid's short reign and bring in the undoubted benefits of a professional focus married to a cool and fair DDS core.

The latter seems to have been swept away in the face of the extra security needed to guard against another PRB attack. The fairness and coolness has gone, instead we have a dark spiral of betrayal, treachery and violence. I really hope AP realised what he is going soon and draws back from the edge. Otherwise the DDS could be descending into a dark place and maybe this time Windscorpion, who has made it clear he does not want to be a part of the DDS anymore except for being an outside contractor, will not be there to save the day.

Sea Urchin worried on DDS direction

Director of Technology Sea Urchin has used his monthly media briefing to say he is concerned on the direction the DDS is taking. "The PRB attack is in danger of being used as an excuse for authoritarianism that is similar to the old suffocating Rotarios regime. Extra security is of course necessary but we need to be careful we do not go too far in the other extreme."

"The DDS works best when initiative and youthful energy are harnessed and exploited not crushed under the iron fist of conformity!" he went on, "The Hoods need to remain in the background and let the DDS get on with doing what it does best."

Director of Communications Hibiscus laughed off Sea Urchin's concerns, "The Hoods are here to protect professionalism not crush any professional spirit. I wonder also what kind of 'youthful energy' Sea Urchin wants to exploit?" A clear reference there being made to Sea Urchin's previous indiscretions with young women under his command.

Hibiscus continued, "Rotarios is dead, no one is remaking his discredited old regime. The New DDS Project is dedicated to personal growth, professional achievement and enhanced security."



All I Needed
Is the secret out? (Rock P1)

DDS reduce alert status

The DDS have reduced its alert status to CYAN, its normal status when there is nothing of concern detected. DDS Commander AP said that the DDS have strengthened its security at key sites like GHQ so surprise attacks like the PRB assault will be much harder to pull off.

"Although our alert status has dropped i still want all DDS personnel to be vigilant. Our hard-fought peace is a triumph of our professionalism but off-message elements will continue to seek our downfall. Only by harder toil, less leisure time, and increased self-denial can we protect against the sloth of defeat!"


More details on Clone Coril sale

More details have emerged on the sale of 5 Coril-E shuttles plus a licence to build the type to the Clones. The Clones will be able to build up to 40 Corils themselves, with an option for a further 25. The deal is very valuable to UNP companies with the engine, computers and other key systems being provided to the Clones.

The total value of the order has been quoted at 95 million zarks plus the exchange of HCS kit up to a value of 100 million zarks. Its likely the DDS are to get a quantity of land weapons (they are keen on some T-88++ tanks for combat training) and aircraft. It is rumoured the DDS are also keen on the new Horizon HZ unmanned transport spacecraft though the Clones might not be keen on selling a brand new unproven type.


Can Crickson avert a disaster? (Baoen P3)


DDS to celebrate birthday on July 1

DDS Commander AP has announced the date of the DDS 25th Birthday celebrations will now be on July 1st. It had been planned to hold the celebration in June but the PRB terrorist attack forced a postponement and re-planning.

The celebrations will be toned down somewhat to aid security though Ronald and Windscorpion will both attend a celebration at DDS GHQ on the 1st.
  • In a notable triumph for the DDS Exports Agency the DDS have sold some spaceships to... the HCS. The Clones have ordered 5 Coril-E shuttles and will also negotiate a licence to build their own ships too. The HCS are in desperate need of upgrading their shuttle fleet which consists of a chaotic mix of no less than 13 different types!


Other Fleet News (02/06/12)

  • The Dinos have completed a Dinomark PT and an XT for their own fleet, and a XT for Sirikwan.
  • Porquat 640 have received their first Pentekonter-E1P6/632.
  • Molab have received 2 Coril-E shuttles.



Communism Dot Com
The net closes in on the plotters (Baoen P2)


Lobster Boy
Ralph and team investigate a threat to the Dino Elders (Baoen P1)