
Sea Urchin : "Danger averted for now"

Sea Urchin, who has taken charge of the efforts to put out the fire raging at the fuel depot at DDS GHQ on Proxima 7 - and more importantly stop the fire reaching a nuclear waste reprocessing facility - after yesterday's plane crash, says that while the fire is still raging hard a fire break has successfully been put in place to protect the nuclear waste processing facility.

Sea Urchin said "The danger is averted for now but if the wind picks up we could be in trouble again. The fire is still not under control but we are managing the chaos so to speak."

GHQ remains evacuated though and the nearby city of Hexian City is also on short notice to also evacuate. The incident has sparked anti-DDS protests in the city with a liaison office in the centre being ransacked by an angry mob.