
Proximan politicians want to expel DDS from P7

The main Proxima 7 opposition party has called for the DDS to leave the planet "as soon as possible". Although there is little chance their calls could be turned into government action this is the first time the DDS have faced opposition on the planet they have called their home for decades.

Our correspondent Professor Wayne King-Meiouf however says the trouble has been bubbling for some time. "If you read the media widely you will come across these calls fairly frequently,  they have become more common over the last 3 years. The DDS can't take its status on P7 for granted, it needs to start engaging with the population. The reprocessing plant needs to be moved off world as soon as possible."
  • Following a successful deployment on Proxima 5 the Ground Shock 2111 exercise has now moved onto Mars for more amphibious exercises. Several ships have been put on standby however in case they are needed for other duties due to the current situation at P7.