
The Historian : A couple of what-ifs

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Eminent historians such as myself often employ "what-ifs" to explore historical events by extrapolating via learned and informed intuition what could have happened should certain events had happened differently...

I though it would be illuminating to explore a couple of these what-ifs in the context of the DDS universe...

1) What if Windscorpion had died at the end of the First Clone War?

The titanic battle of Cloneworld saw the DDS nearly completely wiped out, and the senior staff including Windscorpion also barely survived. As it was Windy's survival helped facilitate the rebirth of the DDS but what if he had died...

Following the crushing of the DDS the UNP sued for peace with the Clones who began to rampage across the galaxy annexing planets like Randalf 74 and Solaris. I can forsee Proxima and Terra also falling as the UNP armies were no match for the HCS and there was little space fleet to speak of back then. Controlling the core UNP worlds though would have been taxing for the HCS therefore i forsee more of a merging of the UNP and HCS rather than an annexation.

In 2111 therefore the United Planets of Cloneworld & Proxima (UPCP) covers a vast area ranging from Terra to Molab, a recent war with the Utrek has left the UPCP battered but unbowed and now the leading power in the Local Group with the Dinos likely to sue for peace unless their plans for an alliance with the Aritans, Remedians and Raegris can get off the ground...

2) What if the DDS had won the First Clone War?

Early on in the Clone War the DDS came very close to total victory, their land forces were in sight of the outskirts of Ailier City, only heavy rain and desperate suicide attacks managed to stem the DDS advance. Recent analysis has indicated the rain was key as it held up ammunition supplies and the DDS simply ran out of bullets before the HCS ran out of Clones...

So what if the rains had held off, the DDS would have ground their way into Ailier City. The Clones wouldn't have been defeated yet but the end would have been in sight. Oojok fled East but his convoy was caught by DDS warplanes and he died when his vehicle was hit by cannon fire.

The HCS collapsed and the DDS regained control of the planet. This might seem that everything is hunky dory right? Maybe not... without the Clones in rebellion the main raison d'etre for the DDS no longer exists. The UNP cut funding to the bone and within a couple of years the DDS no longer exists, Windscorpion and other key personnel moving on elsewhere.

The Tarbotian attack at the end of the 2090s catches the UNP unawares, without the honing gained by combat against the HCS the UNP space fleet is butchered in short order. Tarbotian ground troops occupy Hexian City as the Tarbotians sweep into the Local Group.

On Cloneworld however the advance is stopped by a powerful group of Human and Clone insurgents led by a former DDS soldier called Windscorpion. The Cloneworld Defence Force led by Windy begins the fightback against the Tarbotians, culminating in an epic battle near Proxima Centauri where Windy leads CDF, Dino, Remedian and Starbotian forces in a grand alliance against the Tarbotian fleet. Dr Slow is killed and the Tarbotian fleet crushed.

The new leader of the UNP, Windscorpion, pledges to rebuild the UNP and form a new strong military. He chooses to resurrect an old name for it... the DDS.