
DDS begin development of Nano Fighting Ship

The DDS have announced they have begun the development (though some sources say development actually began back in May) of a new type of warship. The Nano Fighting Ship (NFS) will be similar to the Dinomark XA in being a very small ship fully equipped with worm drive and transphasic weapons. Unlike the XA the DDS say that the NFS (which has been allocated the type number 121A) can also act as an unmanned combat vehicle. It is thought that technology developed for the Stoat UCV concept will be used in the NFS.

Work will begin on a prototype in the new year, the DDS say they hope to begin trials by the end of 2112 with production of a later series version possible by late 2113. NFS will be equipped with a Zip cannon and EA-X, possibly with direct energy recycling. It will have a crew capacity of 0 to 5 though the DDS say that unmanned operation will probably be seldom used. It will augment the small crew capabilities with existing remote crewing technology FIDO-VR.
  • The DDS have also begun work on an improved version of its new generation Coril shuttle. The Coril 86C draws on improvements driven by export sales and will have a new cockpit, improved navigation and passive sensor systems. The DDS are also looking into the feasibility of increasing the speed to 275c (the current engine can be uprated to achieve this with a few modifications) with a few modest structural changes. 
  • The DDS has partnered up with Consolidated Spacecraft to use their M100B commercial launcher for the boost phase of LRM. Using a proven launcher precludes the need to design, build and test a DDS launch rocket. The DDS said that M100B will be modified to increase its payload by about 5% and also have measures to reduce IR signature. The first test of the LRM booster could now happen next year.


Ground Shock 2111 ends with final landing on Mars; Winter Candle

Ground Shock 2111 has ended with an "invasion" of Mars by the entire DDS 1st Division utilising nearly all of the DDS' Amphibious Warfare Squadron. Supported by Prowler and Mars Defence Force troops the landing took place near New Helens, a battalion of Proximan Army troops acted as "defenders" and opposed the landing.

The troops and ships are now returning to Proxima 7 and Solaris. The DDS has announced its next operation for December will be Winter Candle. This will be a special forces and reconnaissance mission according to a spokesman. Two Panther 35As will be fitted with the tactical reconnaissance module and seek an "enemy base" somewhere in the Rim Worlds. Once found then Prowler special forces will be sent in to "take it out". The ships to be involved in the operation will be:

A304E Fleming (flag)
H101 Panther
H104 Lynx
M121 Freedom
M155 Sulu Sea
A145 Argus

Wayne King-Meiouf : The 2113 Gap

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The first draft of the 2112/3 Ship Building Plan was interesting reading but one thing that stands out from it is the fact that a few of long standing ship classes will be coming to the ends of their production lives. The Type 35 will come to an end when the last Indies are made and the Extender will be finished (at least as built by the DDS). Although some Isometrics and Solaris will be outstanding for 2113/4 there are only a few left of those too.

In 2114 the DDS is due to begin production of the Dragonfly 16A* bomber and the Corkscrew 51A medium combat ship but that does mean that in 2113 we could have a quiet year ship building wise!

Reconfiguring the production jigs will take some time of course (though the Extender/Provider line will be rejigged from late next year ready for the new bomber) but the DDS may have to try and fit in a few extra ships from somewhere, i'm sure no one apart from DDS Finance will complain about a couple more Indies! (By the way the Type 35 jig will be used for the Corkscrew now as the Isometric jig will be needed for the Terran Sea ILU and Unification programme around 2115.)

The DDS will want to keep all jigs maintained though so is there a new ship class as yet unannounced that is waiting in the wings?

* The official name of the new bomber has yet to be revealed though i have heard that Dragonfly is a current favourite.


DDS issue first draft of Ship Building Plan 2112/3

The DDS have issued the first draft of its ship building plan for the next financial year following on from the 2111/2 plan that will end in April. At first glance the plan for next year is more modest than the current plan with 16 ships planned to build compared to 19 this year however there may be additions before the plan is finalised next year as some of the ships in the plan are for the Starbotians so not out of DDS budget. The plan includes:
  • 2 Olympus 23A
  • 2 Indy 35B
  • 3 Solaris 37C
  • 4 Freedom 41B
  • 2 Oceania 63A
  • 1 Tethys Ocean 65A
  • 2 Extender 73A
Its notable that next year's plan will bring to an end some long running ship class building programmes with the last planned Type 35s and Extenders being built.


Defence Minister rescued by DDS

The Proximan Defence Minister Jab Glorek has been rescued by a DDS unit at a remote location on P7. It is thought the Proximan Renewal Brigade were using the location, an abandoned farm, as a way point before moving onto a permanent base. Windy is understood to have led the operation which saw all PRB members killed though one unconfirmed report says that one PRB member was captured alive but seriously injured and was taken to SS Stoke City for medical attention.

Knobhead said that all known PRB members were now accounted for, Glorek was a little bruised but otherwise is reported to be fine.
  • Ronald, the Consul-elect, has given up one of his existing roles that of SS Commander. He said he had only taken on the job on a temporary basis anyway and now was the time for a new permanent leader of the Dino security apparatus. An election will be held next month.



What Already?
Can Windy save the Minister? (PRB P8)

Wayne King-Meiouf : Moving home?

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Recent events have forced the DDS to finally address a question that has been rumbling in the background of Proximan politics for some time, should the DDS have its GHQ so close to Hexian City, the capital of Proxima 7 and the home of the UNP? And they are close, as both the city and GHQ have expanded there is now little countryside remaining between the two. Hexian City have suffered from its proximity (pardon the pun) a number of times, for example during the Great Tarbotian War of the 2090s Hexian City suffered substancial damage during the attack which devastated DDS GHQ.

Discontent with the nearness of GHQ did not really arise in Hexian politics until the Utrek War when the city and its million inhabitants (Hexian City is a fairly average sized city though is well spread out so there is a lot to hit!) when a new political party called for GHQ to be moved. After the ABBO War the party won seats in the Hexian Assembly and now the issue has entered party politics. Now i don't expect the Proximan government to expel the DDS any time soon (or far) but if the DDS did decide to move what would be its options?

Moving to another location on Proxima 7 would be the easiest option though Hexian City was chosen because of its proximity (sorry another pun) to the civilian infrastructure of the capital (back when GHQ was first built P7 was a fairly sparsely populated world) and access to the population centre for workers. Apart from Hexian and a few other cities along a fairly narrow strip of land much of P7 is still fairly wild and untamed, we must remember that a hundred years ago P7 wasn't even known to humans, and colonisation only began around 60 years ago. Thus if the DDS moved it would either have to move near to another city (and have the same problems again) or somewhere undeveloped and have the cost of establishing infrastructure.

Moving off-world is another option, Proxima 5 is even less developed than P7. Solaris would be an option though the DDS already have much of their engineering and science base there and the policy has been for decentralisation to avoid the loss of 1 planet crippling the DDS fatally. Liberation is too unstable, going to Terra would be risky because of the fractured nature of politics on the old home world and would be culturally very difficult for a human race now intent on spreading away from old Earth.

So a space station? An orbital base would be good on a number of points, easier to defend and move though a base the size of GHQ would be the largest man made structure ever constructed in space and therefore rather expensive. The DDS could give up building anything else... like warships for a decade or 3. P7's moon Luna is a possibility though would also be very expensive and take years to set up.

So the best bet for the DDS is for them to stay put and rebuild a consensus with the Hexian people. The DDS need to derisk GHQ by moving facilities like the radiological reprocessing facility away (the fact this has remained at GHQ for so long is a disgrace in my view) and continuing the decentralisation policy. If GHQ can slowly shrink then if the DDS do have to move at one stage in the future then it will be much easier.


TPM-VLS tested for first time

The Solaris 37C HCS H172 Progress has tested out the TPM-VLS system it is testing, the vertical launch system for TPM-2 consists of a 32 cell pack of missiles that can be fixed externally to a ship very quickly and immediately connects to a ship's tactical systems via wireless datalinks. In practice ships could carry multple VLS packs and be resupplied within minutes with fresh packs.

The VLS was tested out during an exercise with 2 Ferret drones (the TPM rounds were not fitted with warheads) and worked "within parameters". More tests will be carried out before an expected entry into service next year.


Proximan politicians want to expel DDS from P7

The main Proxima 7 opposition party has called for the DDS to leave the planet "as soon as possible". Although there is little chance their calls could be turned into government action this is the first time the DDS have faced opposition on the planet they have called their home for decades.

Our correspondent Professor Wayne King-Meiouf however says the trouble has been bubbling for some time. "If you read the media widely you will come across these calls fairly frequently,  they have become more common over the last 3 years. The DDS can't take its status on P7 for granted, it needs to start engaging with the population. The reprocessing plant needs to be moved off world as soon as possible."
  • Following a successful deployment on Proxima 5 the Ground Shock 2111 exercise has now moved onto Mars for more amphibious exercises. Several ships have been put on standby however in case they are needed for other duties due to the current situation at P7. 



Power Of Dreams
Windy closes in on Rathun's terrorists (PRB P7).


Terrorist attack in Hexian City

A car bomb has caused "significant casualties" and devastated a DDS office in a suburb of Hexian City. The Proximan Renewal Brigade are being blamed for the attack and internally the DDS are beginning to think the PRB also caused the plane crash that devastated the fuel depot at GHQ. Sea Urchin has reported that the fire is now under control though there is a danger of the DDS losing control again if the wind changes direction within the next day or two.

With anti-DDS riots already taking place across Proxima 7 Commander AP has pledged that the radiactive waste processing facility, which was in peril due to the fire, will be relocated off world "as soon as possible".


Sea Urchin : "Danger averted for now"

Sea Urchin, who has taken charge of the efforts to put out the fire raging at the fuel depot at DDS GHQ on Proxima 7 - and more importantly stop the fire reaching a nuclear waste reprocessing facility - after yesterday's plane crash, says that while the fire is still raging hard a fire break has successfully been put in place to protect the nuclear waste processing facility.

Sea Urchin said "The danger is averted for now but if the wind picks up we could be in trouble again. The fire is still not under control but we are managing the chaos so to speak."

GHQ remains evacuated though and the nearby city of Hexian City is also on short notice to also evacuate. The incident has sparked anti-DDS protests in the city with a liaison office in the centre being ransacked by an angry mob.


Plane crashes at GHQ, evacuation called

A C-440 transport plane has crashed into the main fuel depot at DDS GHQ on Proxima 7. As yet the cause of the crash is not known though a DDS source was not ruling out terrorism. The fuel depot is currently on fire and in danger of raging out of control. The main cause for concern is the radiological waste storage facility adjacent to the fuel depot where spent fuel from DDS space craft is reprocessed. A DDS source said that if the fire reached the facility it could be "catastrophic".

So much so Commander AP has evacuated DDS GHQ and put the DDS on the highest alert status. The P7 government is also preparing to evacuate Hexian City, the capital, some 5 miles away! Luckily Hexian City is not that large a city though still would take some time to evacuate. At the moment DDS Weather Services say the prevailing winds would take radiological releases away from the city however this could change over the weekend.


Conflict 69
Rathun's terrorists strike again (PRB P6)


DDS think minister is off-world

After a planet wide search by the DDS and Proximan Army the DDS now think the kidnapped Defence Minister has been taken off-world by the Proximan Renewal Brigade. Now ships in orbit are being checked and ships that have left orbit over Proxima 7 over the last few days are likely to be intercepted by DDS warships for possible searching.

However this is not going to be an easy job, the Proximan system is the busiest commerce hub in the known galaxy with hundreds of freighters in the system at any one time. One analyst has estimated the DDS may have to intercept and search several dozen ships.
  • The DDS40 think tank, so named because much of the fleet is due for replacement in the 2140s, is starting up again after a hiatus.


DDS to go "full spectrum" with UNP help

For years there has been a tension at the heart of the DDS between becoming a full spectrum armed forces like the HCS with land, sea, air and space forces or to concentrate on the space fleet with a fairly small land and air component for defensive and expeditionary purposes. The latter direction has taken hold since the war under the direction of AP however there is still a desire to become a full spectrum armed forces.

The problem being that in doing so will take a long time and cost a lot of money, money needed for other areas. At a media briefing earlier today DDS Commander AP said he had found a "third way". He said that UNP armed forces would become more tightly integrated with the DDS to help the DDS become a "virtual full spectrum" force.

He announced that from next year the Proximan Army and Navy will begin a process of "DDSification". They will adopt DDS communications protocols alongside their own, join the DDS computer network and much more frequently train with DDS forces. If this trial is successful then AP says the Solaris Army and United Terran Army would also join up from 2115.

The initial benefits will not be that great, the Proximan Army is not that much larger than the New DDS Army and is not as well equipped or trained though the Proximan Navy will be a useful boost to the DDS portfolio, especially its special forces who will tightly link up with the Prowler Corps.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Welcome to the newest hub

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Over the last few years the DDS has conducted parallel programmes of decentralisation from GHQ and collecting around a number of "hubs". These hubs, located in the Proximan, Solaris and Liberation systems are if you like the traffic islands of the DDS where most shipping transits through and where major production and infratsurtcure bases are located.

Now is looks like Loeuss will become the 4th hub in the DDS, the planet is located deep in Remedian space and is fairly close to the Utrek and Bolitic borders so might not seem the most obvious location for a "hub" but with the army looking set to move many of its units there and the planet already used extensively for training (and DDS Training may move their HQ there indeed) Loeuss will become one of the major planets in the DDS system, it is also the most logical point for shipping in transit to and from the Raegris to the core DDS worlds.

Loeuss is also, of course, a highly strategic point in the DDS due to its location as mentioned above. If the DDS get into any more wars with the likes of the Utrek and Bolitic in future (which is fairly likely lets face it) then they will have a ready made launch point for any operations. On the flip side they will also present their enemies with a very tempting target...

DDS to take over Dino facilities on Loeuss

The DDS have paid the Dinos 25 million zarks for their extensive base facilities on Loeuss which the Dinos are to give up by early next year. Although the base was leased from the Remedians there was extensive infrastructure built up by the Dinos which will now be left in place instead of dissembled and returned to Dino-Land (though sensitive equipment will be removed).

The DDS will move the 2nd Division of the New DDS Army to Loeuss which will be its new home and training environment, Army chief Zeppelin expects the move to be in place by 2114. The army will also move much of its training facilities remaining on Solaris and Proxima 5 to Loeuss which is likely to become the main hub of the army by 2120.

Fleet News (15/11/11)

  • Two Solaris 37Cs have joined the fleet, one is the new build H168 Epsilon Eridani (the re-use of this name already sparking protests from the Clones) and the other the rebuilt H172 Progress. The latter's completion now means the Type 37A class no longer exists.
  • A166 Ethanol is the latest Extender 73A oiler for the DDS fleet.


First Benito Clone CVH enters trials

The first of 2 Benito Clone class helicopter carriers for the Austini 55 Flotilla of the HCS Navy has begun sea trials ahead of an expected entry into service next year. This carrier is similar to the Cloneworld class carrier though is a little smaller and does not have fixed wing aircraft equipment.

It is expected the Benito Clone carriers will operate around 12-15 SH-26 helicopters to support ASW and amphibious operations. The second carrier is likely to enter service around 2114 and be joined by the Austini 55 class singleton fixed wing carrier the year after. When the Benito Clone carrier completes its trials on Cloneworld it will be transported whole by the new Megalift TYZ super transport to Austini 55 for final trials and commissioning.

In other carrier news the HCSN have put back the entry into service date of its next generation carrier until 2119 at the earliest.

The Historian : A couple of what-ifs

The Historian casts his eyes back over the rich history of the DDS Universe.

Eminent historians such as myself often employ "what-ifs" to explore historical events by extrapolating via learned and informed intuition what could have happened should certain events had happened differently...

I though it would be illuminating to explore a couple of these what-ifs in the context of the DDS universe...

1) What if Windscorpion had died at the end of the First Clone War?

The titanic battle of Cloneworld saw the DDS nearly completely wiped out, and the senior staff including Windscorpion also barely survived. As it was Windy's survival helped facilitate the rebirth of the DDS but what if he had died...

Following the crushing of the DDS the UNP sued for peace with the Clones who began to rampage across the galaxy annexing planets like Randalf 74 and Solaris. I can forsee Proxima and Terra also falling as the UNP armies were no match for the HCS and there was little space fleet to speak of back then. Controlling the core UNP worlds though would have been taxing for the HCS therefore i forsee more of a merging of the UNP and HCS rather than an annexation.

In 2111 therefore the United Planets of Cloneworld & Proxima (UPCP) covers a vast area ranging from Terra to Molab, a recent war with the Utrek has left the UPCP battered but unbowed and now the leading power in the Local Group with the Dinos likely to sue for peace unless their plans for an alliance with the Aritans, Remedians and Raegris can get off the ground...

2) What if the DDS had won the First Clone War?

Early on in the Clone War the DDS came very close to total victory, their land forces were in sight of the outskirts of Ailier City, only heavy rain and desperate suicide attacks managed to stem the DDS advance. Recent analysis has indicated the rain was key as it held up ammunition supplies and the DDS simply ran out of bullets before the HCS ran out of Clones...

So what if the rains had held off, the DDS would have ground their way into Ailier City. The Clones wouldn't have been defeated yet but the end would have been in sight. Oojok fled East but his convoy was caught by DDS warplanes and he died when his vehicle was hit by cannon fire.

The HCS collapsed and the DDS regained control of the planet. This might seem that everything is hunky dory right? Maybe not... without the Clones in rebellion the main raison d'etre for the DDS no longer exists. The UNP cut funding to the bone and within a couple of years the DDS no longer exists, Windscorpion and other key personnel moving on elsewhere.

The Tarbotian attack at the end of the 2090s catches the UNP unawares, without the honing gained by combat against the HCS the UNP space fleet is butchered in short order. Tarbotian ground troops occupy Hexian City as the Tarbotians sweep into the Local Group.

On Cloneworld however the advance is stopped by a powerful group of Human and Clone insurgents led by a former DDS soldier called Windscorpion. The Cloneworld Defence Force led by Windy begins the fightback against the Tarbotians, culminating in an epic battle near Proxima Centauri where Windy leads CDF, Dino, Remedian and Starbotian forces in a grand alliance against the Tarbotian fleet. Dr Slow is killed and the Tarbotian fleet crushed.

The new leader of the UNP, Windscorpion, pledges to rebuild the UNP and form a new strong military. He chooses to resurrect an old name for it... the DDS.


DDS looking into improving combat performance of heavy combat ships

The DDS are looking into improving the performance of its 3 classes of Heavy Combat Ships (which are given the ironic acronym of HCS in the DDS fleet list) - this means the Panther 35A, Indy 35B and Solaris 37C classes, the Remedian Perimpaz and legacy Velocities although officially HCS are considered "transitional types".

Dr Forbidden has announced a joint-programme between DDS Research and DDS Engineering to examine ways to improve agility, protection and tactical capabilities. It is thought the DDS will be looking to retrofit vectored thrust at some stage and one of the final Indies may trial a test version.

The 3 types will also be fitted with a next generation combat suite known as 6509-A to replace the 5036 derived systems used on these classes (and the Isometric and Rome fleets). Not much is known about the new suite at the moment but it is thought it will use massive parallelism and artificial intelligence in order to collate, filter and interpret vast amounts of instantaneous tactical data from the ships' own sensors and from other sources.

Dr Forbidden said that it might take some time to see the fruits of any changes, one possible date is by 2114 when the Panther fleet is scheduled to receive a major update to bridge the time until its ILU rebuild at the end of the decade.


UV172 : What Windy Did Next

  • Don't Tell The Wide - Justini closes in on the DDS fleet (Dark Wave P5)
  • Aggressive Nutmeg - Will Justini's plan succeed and kill AP? (Dark Wave P6)
  • Its (Not) Good To Be The King - Rathun's miserable life takes a turn for the... (PRB P1)
  • Hunting For A Nonce - Rathun has the chance for revenge (PRB P2)
  • The Aggressor - Rathun's PRB strikes! (PRB P3)
  • Polar Pine - Windy is on the case (PRB P4)
  • Streetfight Rules - Windy moves in (PRB P5)


Operation Ground Shock 2111

The DDS have begun assembling ships and troops for the 2111 running of their annual main amphibious exercise Ground Shock. 2111 will be on a biggest scale than last year's which was of course held in the shadow of the war and will apply lessons learned during the conflict. The entire 1st division of the New DDS Army will be landed in the main set-piece of the exercise though there will also be other smaller landings involving special forces and other troops.

Proxima 5 is the host for most of the landings, the DDS will be operating alongside Proximan Army troops, the main theme of this year's Ground Shock being co-operation with UNP forces. There will also be landings on Terra and Mars. The ships involved (not many escorts have been allocated as the exercise takes place in core UNP/DDS areas) :

L131 Tethys Ocean (flag)
L111 Pangaea
L114 Baltica
L115 Columbia
L151 Oceania
L152 Asia
L154 Arctic
M107 Oligocene
M115 Permian
M126 Fury
A106 Flying Boxcar
A112 Trader
A150 Gasoline
A301E Marconi


Explosion in Proximan city linked to PRB?

A building is reported to have exploded in the Proxima 7 city of Hastings, some 200km from Hexian City. The Proximan police have not said what caused the explosion but unconfirmed reports state a DDS Security team was seen in the area after the explosion appearing to take 2 injured DDS soldiers back to GHQ, one report even states one of the soldiers was Windscorpion.

The DDS and Proximan Army are still hunting for the Proximan Renewal Brigade though a PA source said the trail had gone cold.
  • The DDS have decided to order a 6th Oceania 63A assault ship, 1 is already on order. The new ships will be L155 Europa and L156 North America though both will be part of the FY2112/3 ship building plan.



Streetfight Rules
Windy moves in (PRB P5)

Proximan Renewal Brigade issue demands

Defence Minister Glorek has apparently been kidnapped by a group calling themselves the Proximan Renewal Brigade. They hi-jacked Proximan TV earlier today to show they had Glorek and also to issue demands. They want Proxima 7 to leave the UNP and DDS and to stand alone as an independant nation. If these demands are not made the terrorists promise to kill Glorek and also "unleash a firestorm of rage across the planet".

No Proximan, UNP or DDS official has yet made a reply. Proximan and DDS troops are still searching for the terrorist base.
  • Sea Urchin has ordered a review of data security across the DDS following recent successful cyber attacks by the Bolitic and terrorist groups.


HCS Fleet News (08/11/11)

  • 2 Sharks have joined the fleet, 1 a SKH minesweeper and the other a standard SK.
  • The final Nybble NL drone has joined the fleet, the next Nybble will be the first upgraded NLB.
  • A Freighter TYA has joined the fleet.


Panther 2112EC (Enhanced Capability) Upgrade

The DDS have announced the Panther 2112EC (Enhanced Capability) Upgrade which will apply to the DDS' fleet of Panther 35A heavy combat ships from next month with the upgrade being completed by next Spring. The upgrade will "enhance the Panther's fighting capabilities across many areas" and "improve the type's operational flexibility" according to a DDS Engineering source. The upgrade includes :
  • New engine management computer to improve engine efficiency
  • FIDO-VR with 26 holographic projectors fitted in key areas of the ship
  • Preliminary Open Architecture 3.0 support
  • Interface fitted for TPM-VLS, though the extra weapons will not be fitted yet pending trials
  • Anti-matter Spray Cannons fitted
  • Improved communications suite
  • IWC upgrade including offensive capability
  • Various other minor updates

Ronald wins Consul election

As expected Ronald has won the Consul election by taking 98.7% of the votes cast, Ronald expressed gratitude to the Dino people and promised to lead the Dino Republic back to glory after the disaster of the Bolitic war. "We will become stronger, more united, more dynamic, more prosperous! Woof!" he told supporters.

Although Ronald will not take over from Jimmy until January 1st 2112 he has already begun detailing his policy list which he will put before the Senate, it includes a 5% increase of the defence budget and the establishing of a fund for the improvement of other DTA militaries with a 5 billion zark donation with Sirikwan also expected to contribute.



Polar Pine
Windy is on the case (PRB P4)

DDS announce third generation F-10

The DDS have announced the F-10NG, the third generation of its mainstay combat plane. The NG will follow on from the current SEP from around 2118 though the DDSAF will not get the SEP-B model as originally thought, this has been cancelled to release development funds. It is expected that the NG will replace the remaining first generation F-10ASE which will be coming to the end of their service lives around then.

The DDS said the NG would have new engines, new avionics and redesigned aerodynamics, it would also have a much improved ground attack capability. When asked the DDS said the NG was not an answer to the Clones' F-45C. "The HCSAF are way ahead with their exotic technologies like mission adaptive wings and active G-force cancellation and the like on their next generation fighter." Sea Urchin told reporters, "But thats fine because the F-10NG is not intended to dogfight F-45Cs over Cloneworld. The NG is intended to support DDS operations, hence the greater emphasis on ground support though it will have enhanced A2A capabilities."
  • DDS Commander AP has transferred his flag back to P101F Cicero which has now been fitted with worm drive and improved C3 equipment. He will leave for a trip to Liberation tomorrow and also visit Porquat 640.


DDS help in search for minister

DDS troops and security personnel have joined the Proximan Army in the search for their kidnapped Defence Minister. DDS aircraft are also conducting sweeps of the countryside around Hexian City plus a DDS warship (thought to be a Rome 46A) has entered low orbit to conduct deep level scans.

As yet though there is no sign of the minister, what is thought to be the helicopter used has been found burnt out near a farm outside Hexian City though there are also signs another helicopter was used so it could be the minister was taken hundreds of miles away from the capital. The DDS are now sifting through aircraft radar telemetry to see if they can track the helicopter (much of Proxima 7 not having radar coverage).
  • The Voth have sprung a surprise by asking the Raegris if they can buy 3 new build RC-2C Yel'Tema cruisers and have asked for a quote and delivery schedule. These ships (the original design behind the HCS Cosmos) would be the same specification as the pending new build ships for the Raegris only without sensitive DDS technology. The Raegris have yet to reply officially to the request.


Other Fleet News (02/11/11)

  • The Dinos have completed 2 Dinomark PTs and 2 Dinomark XTs this month, 1 old XT has returned to the civilian reserve.
  • The Bolitic is reported to have completed 2 Meltinans, 1 the last K and the other the first confirmed L.
  • New Arit have accepted 2 more Kalahati Tuuls into service.
  • Sirikwan have withdrawn a Reliwan.

Proximan Defence Minister kidnapped by terrorists

John Glorek, the Proximan Defence Minister has been kidnapped by a group of terrorists in Hexian City near to DDS GHQ. Bombs were also left in the ministry building which detonated after the terrorists departed in a helicopter, extensive damage was caused to the building and 7 deaths are reported.

In a sign that the as-yet unnamed terrorist group have formiddable resources a cyber attack was launched on the DDSAF communications centre just prior to the attack meaning that the DDS could not launch any aircraft until the terrorists' helicopter had gone out of radar range. DDS troops are helping the Proximan Army secure the building and patrol the capital.

The terrorists have not yet made any demands.


Wayne King-Meiouf : The viability of the DTA

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

Yesterday i returned to Proxima 7 after my intriguing business trip to Dino-Land. On the voyage back i reflected on my experiences there and put some thought into the DTA as a whole and how viable the young project is.

And young is the word, we shouldn't forget that the DTA only came into being officially on November 16th 2110 (the Dinos do not seem to be going to anything to mark this 1st anniversary). Very quickly following on from Yeng, Sirikwan, Voth and New Arit left the DDS orbit and joined the DTA. Over the last year however the hard work has begun in integrating these very different nations with the Dinos.

So is the DTA working? It is hard to tell for sure at this early stage as the Dinos dominate everything in the DTA from military strength to economic might. The Dinos are trying hard to make the DTA an association of equals though the Dinos will likely always remain firmly "first amongst equals". One interesting problem the DTA do have though is in integrating different alien races into an alliance.

Sirikwan and Yeng are fairly easy to integrate in many ways as they are Dinos essentially (although cut off from the ancestral homeland for millenia and thus developing very different cultural identities), the Aritans and Voth are more problematical (Artic seem to have taken to the DTA like a duck to water but then again Humans and Dinos do generally get on well).

Much of the DTA's teething troubles have been with the Aritans whom recently the Dinos have accused of not pushing their weight. Much of this might be down to alien differences with the Dinos generally being a relaxed but industrious race but the Aritans are rather paranoid and lazy in comparison. The Dinos and the Aritans are having to adjust to the reality of working together, something the Dinos have seldom done with aliens before.

If the Dinos can learn to do this then the DTA has a viable future, otherwise it will just become the Dinos and their satellites. This may be also viable but it won't be the DTA. It will require a sizeable cultural shift by the Dinos to this (and the other races too) to make the DTA a success, can they do it? We'll find out in the years to come.

Solaris ship to test TPM-VLS

H172 Progress has just completed its upgrade to Solaris 37C standard (and thus means the Type 37A no longer exists) and will return to service in a few weeks following proving trials. As well as the other updates Progress has been fitted with a new vertical launch system for TPMs. The system includes 32 cells loaded with TPM-2s and can fire at a rate of 6 a second.

The cells can be replaced by a new fully loaded set within minutes, as it is clipped externally to a ship, speeding up reloading during combat situations greatly. The VLS will be trialed with Progress for the next year and may then become a standard fit for all of the DDS's bombers and Heavy Combat Ships.
  • DDS Health Services' mainframe was knocked out for several hours following a cyberattack the DDS have reported. It is not known who launched the attack but analysts said it looked like the work of the Bolitic. DDS Engineering were attacked last week though that attack was not as successful.