Recently both the DDS and HCS have announced measures to improve their special forces, and my sources tell me a pan-DTA elite unit based around the SS-D is also being planned over there too. A key trend in the galaxy is the growing importance of special forces but why is that?
Well they have always been vital of course but as the galaxy becomes increasingly militarised then their role has increased. Basically wars between major powers are now too big to fight. Unless you throw in a wild card like the ABBOs (machine logic), Bolitic (insanity) or a mega-power like the Utrek then large galactic wars tend to be avoided. The DDS, for example, will not launch a war against the Clones, Dinos or even a medium or second-division power like Telvin 802 unless it is absolutely unavoidable. The costs are simply too great. The only time the DDS will go to war now is to defend itself and that is true of the other great powers unless it is against a minor power who can be crushed easily.
So does that everyone is now best mates? No of course not, the great powers will always be rivals for resources and new allies but apart from the odd skirmish these encounters will not come to blows. Instead special forces will play a role, reconnaissance, sabotage and other acts. Special forces will slip in between the cracks in a great powers' defences in order to carry out their mission.
Special forces will also have a developing role in integrating with other weapon systems, it is suspected for example that the HCS Red Lizard could have a role in helping direct CSM onto target (presumably non-nuclear warheads). The DDS already have done some of this with their Prowler units and stand-off weapons.
As space weapons and armadas become ever more formidable mass space combat is becoming less of an option, instead a more irregular form of warfare could play an ever greater role.