
Defacto : September Sunrise

Lieutenant Commander Ames Defacto is the Second Officer of SS Charm Quark, Quasar 15A bomber.

Greetings everyone. As you may know our ship SS Charm Quark (or CQ as we call her) is part of the September Sunrise exercise. Our ship is one of three Quasar bombers which took part in a simulated attack earlier. Although the three ships physically acted like they were on an attack run the released weapons and subsequent nuclear explosions were luckily only computer simulations. We performed our roles perfectly though and i'm proud of my team. I'm confident that if we were called upon to use our weapons for real we would be as successful.

Two Remedian ships acted as the "enemy" during our attack run. Its interesting to go up against these old Kalahati Tuuls as they are unlike anything else in the fleet these days. They arn't bad ships, they have a graceful yet slightly menacing air. Three years ago i was lucky enough to spent 2 months on an exchange programme on a Remedian ship. Those ships might be old and fairly obsolete in many ways but the Remedians work them hard and professionally. They certainly pull their weight!

Our exercise was delayed because we were on standby in case a DDS EW attack on the Bolitic ran into trouble. This involved us holding station near the border for around a week. Not the most interesting of times to be honest but i'm glad the attack went through ok and we were not needed.

One thing we did manage to do while we were waiting was apply the new large pennant numbers to the hull. Under the new scheme CQ is now S107 in the fleet and as per directives from GHQ the pennant numbers have been applied very visibly to the exterior of the hull!