
Dino View : Interesting events in the Bolitic Confederacy

Legate Dralson, ex-Dino Army and Security Council

With the Dinos rather war weary and the DDS obviously preoccupied with their own conflict the Bolitic War Of Succession has been below the radar, so to speak. Fighting has raged on Castarian between the main houses all trying to install their Baron as the replacement for Borca.

Now we Dinos are used to these wars which tend to follow the downfall of most Bolitic Emperors but this time the war is somewhat different. Not all of the top table of Imperial Houses are taking part, some like the House of Melson are thought to be biding their time but the House of Erinthorn have simply no interest in the fight.

One reason for this is that they are part of a trend for Imperial Houses to move away from Castarian. They are spending their time instead rebuilding their armies and returning to their crops and women (not necessarily in that order). A group of Houses indeed seem content to drift away from the Imperial centre. Now i'm not saying yet that they will split away from the Confederacy like some commentators think but it cannot be wholly ruled out. It will likely depend on who replaces Borca.

The war itself is also different with many Bolitic against the conflict. They rightly point out that the Bolitic need to rebuild its fleet but the fighting has robbed the production lines of most workers. The Castarian harvest is also likely to be unpicked unless a truce is made to allow for a harvest (not an unknown situation). The lovers of war have done this in the past, bitter combatants have gone back to work the land side by side and then returned to battle.

Are the Bolitic changing, moving away from their purely war focussed mentality? Could we one day even see an Emperor replaced with a vote or even allowed to die in his sleep? It does sound unlikely but sometimes this indeed is what can happen...