
Accident destroys Provider transport

Provider 71A transport A111 Mryia has been destroyed in what appears to be a tragic accident when it was departing from Delta 9 to bring the 2 Windy Massive infantry brigades which had been fighting on the planet back to Proxima 7. The ship was totally destroyed when it engaged full engine power, there were no survivors.

A DDS Security investigation quickly discovered telemetry from the ship which indicated a critical failure in the reactor cooling system which caused a catastrophic chain-reaction. Poor maintenance has been blamed for this and the ship's engineer who had been posted sick was not present on the ship. When DDS Security tried to arrest Engineer Bronson he was unfortunately shot while trying to escape.

This is a hammer blow to Windy Massive as the 7th & 8th Light Brigades have been totally lost. AP hailed their courage in fighting on Delta 9 and said their loss would be felt by all.
  • DTA Minister GBH has suggested the DTA should develop its own interstellar missile system like the HCS' CSM and the DDS' planned LRM.
  • The DDS have changed their policy for re-using ship names. Ships which reuse an old name will no longer append a "2nd" (or sometimes "3rd") after the name. Existing names of this type have been changed except in the case of Remedian ships. For example the destroyer SS Solaris III is now just SS Solaris.
  • For nearly 10 years now the Isometric Production frigate has been in production in various versions but the end is now in sight. Once the final 6 Freedom 41B frigates are built then production will finally end with the final 3 SOT 43Ds cancelled. The replacement design, Corkscrew, will have its specification finalised in the Summer with the first example due to begin testing by early 2113. On current plans the final 2 Freedoms are to be built in mid-late 2112. Production of the Isometric-E may continue for DDS allies and customers.