
The return of Team Redjec

Captain Redjec DSO PhD MBE
here, its been some time since my last address to you, my many fans, but i have been busy. As you know Team Redjec has been tasked with forming a new internal security and anti-espionage unit in the DDS by Windscorpion. That new department, which i lead of course, is DDS Internal Affairs. I call it IA as it sounds cooler, more West Wing or CSI. I have been recruiting some useful new staff to IA. One person, if you can call it that, i will not be recruiting is Quarz as i hate him.

I see Quarz got into some trouble again involving the ABBOs, it would be such a shame if he was captured by the ABBOs and became their plaything for decades of agonising anal probing. Such a shame! I hate Quarz you see.

But i don't care about Quarz, whom i hate, anymore as i have bigger fish to fry though i'd love to fry Quarz's head. IA has a lot of important tasks including sorting out the rampant corruption at the heart of the DDS! Young officers apparently use sex to get promoted and i am going to come down hard on these young men. Its probably why Quarz, whom i hate, got where he was despite a zero amount of ability. Thats why he must have a sore bum!

This is how Quarz will soon end up as i hate him!

So yes i am cracking down on those who seek promotion by having older officers coming down on their cracks! You see what i did there? It was funny. It is respectful to laugh. Of course Quarz would not laugh at such a funny joke as he would be too busy in the latrines. I hate him!

A young man helps a couple of IA officers with their enquiries

Of course i am watching Quarz, i can't wait for him to slip and make a mistake as then i will bust his ...er... ass so to speak. No wait that makes me sound gay. I shall come down hard on him... nooo done it again. Damn Quarz, he ruins everything! I hate him!