
New Vosun seeks alliance with Putri 500 and may buy DDS warship

New Vosun, feeling rather out on a limb and with little resources, is holding talks with Putri 500 about forming a mutual defence alliance. As part of the alliance New Vosun may "fund and co-operate" a ship in the Putri 500 fleet for it's sovereignty and patrol work.

This may mean the New Vosunites may fund an extra Pentekonter-E and then crew this ship as part of a general pool with Putri who will probably provide maintenance and training. Putri 500 have 10 Pentekonter-Es on order with deliveries due to start in 2111. This is not the first time ships have been funded and operated like this. 2 Pentekonters operated by the Aritans are dual funded by themselves and Artic. The ships operate in a general pool to serve the needs of both planets.