
Gale-III Development Build 20

Gale-III development is now proceeding apace with test launches every month likely now at least until the end of the year. Build 20 is notable as it is a CSM test and is the first test launch to send a test payload into orbit. Build 20 launched from the Micom test site and is said to have proceeded normally putting a transmitter into low orbit over Cloneworld. This transmitter was later destroyed by a ship in orbit.

As of yet there has been little word on the second stage of CSM which will be the interstellar vehicle which takes the warhead to the target planet. Testing has begun of this second stage, called the Nuclear Space Vehicle (NSV), which is said to be a cut-down and customised Nybble space drone. NSV Build 0 has begun ground tests though actual space tests will not begin until sometime next year. As NSV is based on Nybble then this will provide a lot of testing data before testing even begins.

Gale-III Build 21 and 22 are likely to be ICBM tests. An underwater launch is also planned for this year from a secured submerged launch tube.